The Press Democrat from Santa Rosa, California (2024)

215 EMPLOYMENT OFFERS 215 EMPLOYMENT OFFERS PRESS DEMOCRAT, SATURDAY, ftPWIl 88, 1 990 215 EMPLOYMENT OFFERS 215 EMPLOYMENT OFFERS WORD THAT DAILY PUZZLER Edited by CLAY R. COHAN A Rearrange letters of the vfour scrambled words below to form four simple words A I I I A I I6 I I There are 206 bones in the body. I found out the hard way that skating accidents have never broken the two bones in the- Complete the chuckle quoted by filling in the missing words you develop from step No. 3 below. LEVVET I pl p-( PRINT NUMBERED I' 1 5 I IFTTfPS I I I I I I I I I JSTTT 1 1 I I I TT I I fSJ SCRAMBLE I I LETTERS I I I I I ft i I 1 I ANSWER IN SUNDAY'S Press Democrat WANT ADS Answer to FRIDAY'S SCRAM-LETS "Mom, if my wife goes in to have the baby on the day of the game, would you tape it?" My son quizzed.

"Me tape a game?" I asked. "No," he grinned, "the DELIVERY!" THE 215 EMPLOYMENT OFFERS DELIVERY PERSON Mature person needed to do light osiivary. uuar. aaiary incentive. Mult have access to am.

econ. car, and be able to work PT evaa and Sat. mornings. Call Olan Mills, Mon-Frl. 3 PM-6 PM isk tor sue.

625-9101 DELI WORKER. Part time. Must be able to work evenings weekends. 433-7151. DENTAL APPOINTMENT SECRETARY.

Opportunity tor an expenenceo acneauier wnn ex Calient communication akil seeking the satialaction and re- waros or a ousy out caring pracnce. ou-oeoi. DENTAL Are vou positive, mature, team- oriented looking tor PT career? 20 hrs.wk. We are looking lor someone to help with computer entry a tront aesK duties. Interested, call 823-5308.

DENTAL Assistant. RDA. Mon-Thura. Must be friendly, oepanoaoie ano naro working. DENTAL ASSISTANT PT dayswk.

Exp'd or RDA for growing sn practice, baiary benefits nego. 542-2881. DENTAL ASSISTANT. Our Orth odontic office is looking tor professional, enthusiastic skilled chairside assistant el ther with RDA or In the process Of attaining one. We ere willing to train in all aspecta of Orthodontic assisting.

We are happy to pay a high level salary wnn Denews commensurate upon qualification. Ca 546-4883, ask for Sheila. DENTAL FT Enthusiastic, team oriented person needed tor dynamic perl- oaomai practice. DENTAL ASST. Growing health-oriented dental oractice seek ing highly motivated addition to our ream, dj-woaj an.

a.m. DENTAL RDA experience preferred. PT uan fez-urn 1. DENTAL FRONT OFFICE FT. Great opportunity for motivat ed, team oriented people person w.

fast, efficient phone skills. Computer exper. helpful. Dental exper. a must, sza-ibuz.

DENTAL Hygienist needed for relaxed, tun, family-oriented Sonoma prac. 996-6704 wkdys. DENTAL HYGIENIST needed In Terra Linda group practice. i ues. a wea.

a-e p.m. $240day (12 days possi- Die). DENTAL HYGIENIST Full or PT for high quality, preventatvive perio-oriented practice, txcenent saiarycom-mission. Flexible work davs 4 I great staff. Call Lynn 762-0067, DENTAL HYGIENIST Progressive R.P.

office looking for expanded duties hygienist in preventative practice. Previous perio exper. desirable. Gd. salary a benefits, oays eacn week- iiexiDie.

uaii joan, soi-asba DENTAL Our busy general dental office is searching for a fun, bright, snergetic RDA who enjoys a fast pace. 4 days per week. Salary negoiiapie. pio-wztf. DENTAL.

RDA, FT, for busy, proaressive arouD practice. 4 day work wk. Flex. hrs. Team oriented person.

Exper. a must txcei. sai. benefits to quau- tiea person, sue, 02-uuev. dental RDA-PERIODONTAL OFFICE needs a capable, self-motivat ed people person on Mondays leading to 2 days in a few mos Resume to: 3S1U Princeton Pr, Santa Rosa, CA.

95405 DENTAL A. wanted for PT position in busy pedo. practice. DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Endo office, 16-20 hrs.wk. Dental exper.

pref. 526-7036. DENTAL: We are expanding! We need: Exper. dental receptionist fulltime RDA. Team-oriented office In beautiful sur round! ngs5 7 B-4700.

DENTAL X-RAY TECHNICIAN We are looking for a dental asst. a special interest in X-ray. Our office offers a positive, health-oriented environment for "success We are happy to pay exci. saiary woenems ii quali fied. 546-4BSU ask tor Sheii DesianerElectromechanical ASTRO INDUSTRIES, a divl- ston of Thermal Technology dedicated to the development and manufacture of high temperature, vacuum and controlled atmosphere Industrial furnace equipment, has an immeoiate opportunity ror an ELECTROMECHANICAL DESIGNER This position involves detailed design and drafting of all components of new furnaces.

An ASME (or equivalent) is desired, with at least 5-7 years related experience. A solid practical working knowledge of current industrial, mechanical, electrical, vacuum and pneumatichydraulic layout and drafting practices is required. The successful candidate must work rapidly and accurately on tne Doara wnn minimal supervision, exercisinq independent ini tiative and judgement, in a small company environment. If you have the qualifications we seek and would like to join an innovative team in an established, growing company that offers good benefits, please send resume or can: Personnel Thermal Technology Inc, 1911 Airport BouleXard Santa Rosa. CA 95403 (707)571-1911 (EOE) DESIGNER, sales, entry level, tile, kitchen 4 bath showroom Sal.

FTPT. Call Mike bet. B-lOam. 415-BB3-BB61. DESIGNERSDRAFTERS Architectural Industrial or Commercial Autocad or Manual Temp to Perm Contract Services Co.

415-830-5020 DESK CLERK. Exper, Immed. opening. Call Bob or Bettie. Best Western Inn.

6500 Redwood R.P. or 584-7435 DESK CLERK-MOTEL AHStar Inn, flex, hours, competi tive starting friendly working environment. Exper. but not a must. Now Interviewing.

Call for appt. azs-aum. DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR 12 time, flex. hrs. Organize, develop direct annual cam paign for non-profit facll.

for eideriy. fcxper. req o. in annual campaign, pianneo giving, grams. E0E Resume.

Friends House, 684 Benecia R. 95409 DishwasherBus Person combo, for breakfast cafe, 7:30 to 1 1 30 a.m. Reliable person for summer work Apply In person to 1500 Santa Hosa a n. DISHWASHER, 5 days. 8-4 p.m Help prep.

$5hr. start 792-2815, Gene. DISPATCHEROPERATOR. Telephone skills a must. Typing and worastar exper.

neiprui. iron amoker. AoDlications beino ac cepted for all shifts at 2985 Dutton 1, behind Corby Auto Mall off Belvue, Mon-Fri. 10-3. 544-7341.

F4 215 EMPLOYMENT OFFERS DRIVER DOMINO'S PIZZA of Rohnert Park is looking for delivery Drivers. -iunr. i-iex. nrs. Good DMV, vehicle 4 Ins.

req. Appiy in person: uomino nzza, 21 fcoumwest diva. DRIVER. Exoer'd in route deliv ery. Wine cases.

Marin East Bay areas. Clean DMV. Ben. Start $8 50hr. Resumes: POB bu, niosDrg mw.

DRIVER, FT. PT delivery 4 nursery work. Clean DMV. i to start. Apply at 1919 Dennis Ln.

s.h. txu-oaiu. DRIVER. CREAM. Make at least S800 mo.

No exo. read. Bring DMV printout 1385 Cass Rd R. 9am-noon: 578-1492 DRIVER-MISCELLANEOUS Good DMV a must. No weight limit for lifting.

Delivering tresn meat 4 poultry products. Santa Hosa Meat poultry, wi-oi-n. DRIVER needed PT; weekends. DMV printout. Contact Heidi, 415-456-U454.

DRIVERS COURIERS NEEDED 25, "clean" DMV. Familiar wgreater Bay Area. Excl. w. details.

Resp. FT PT. San Haiael oic. ureal oppty. 5tnr company car or vehicle nec.

Hrly. mileage. 415-454-2902 DRIVERS. END DUMP 584-0206. drivers JB.

HUNT WANTS YOU! Consider a career with the na tion's largest publicly held truck-load earner. Enjoy the open road while being your own boss and enjoying great pay ana oenems. We auarantee a salary of $441 per week after on-the-job training (must be available for dispatch and make deliveries in a sate ana reliable manner) and benefits that include: Medicaldentallife, stock purchase plans plus a passenger program. Get on board with J.B. Hunt-you'll be glad you did.

Call now and you may qualify for our tuition free truck driving course (requires one year employment ODiiganonj. uan: i-uu-D4j-jji. Subject to drug screen. An equal opportunity employer. DRIVERS MARY'S PIZZA SHACK.

Santa Rosa Rohnert Park loc. now hirina drivers tips 75c per delivery. Flex. hrs. Must be 18 or over, nave ao.

umv recoro a proof of Ins. Vehicle may be nec. Apply 535 Summerfield 3084 Marlow S.R. or 5430 Commerce R.P. DRIVERS Petroleum tanker drivers needed.

Must have current DMC with proper certifications. Applv at: Redwood Oil Company, 455 roianaa Avenue, b.H. DRIVERS. TOUR BUS at Sonoma Charter and Tours. Exper.

Lie. req'd. 938-4248. DRIVER WANTED for wholesale nursery in Glen Ellen. Start $9 an nour.

Booiaii exper required, tony u-35-utut. DRIVER WANTED FT, local deliveries in 2-ton truck, bring DMV print-out. call for appt: 4ia-4y-04ii DRIVERWAREHOUSE Person, good salary -f full benefits for non-smoker wqd. DMV 4 work history. Must be 21 yrs.

Apply wumv printout to sequoia Wholesale, 3245 Santa Rosa Mon-Frl. 9-11. DRY CLEANING JOB OPPORTUNITIES PRESSER-FT to $10 hr. bens. COUNTER-2 pos.

25-35 hr. wk. mart penes avail. Apply in person: BOOMER'S FABRICARE CENTER, INC. The Good Guy's Plaza 1321 Guerneville Road Santa Rosa; 544-7772 DRYWALL HANGERS needed.

838-3120. ELECTRICAL DESIGNERDRAFTER Robert H. Lee Associates, an established architectural engineering firm has immediate open ings lor me loiiowing: Electrical Designer tiectrtcai urattsperson Candidates wilt have experience in commercial power systems ana work on architectural proj ects. We offer a competitive compen sation pacKage, ana cnanenging career opportunity based on performance. Resume to Robert H.

Lee Associates, 900 Larkspur Landing circle, 125, Larkspur, CA 94939. Attn: Katie Robert H. Lee Assoc, Larkspur. Petaluma 4 Sacramento, CA 4 Phoenix, AZ ELECTRICAL SHOP PERSON Non-smoker, DMV printout. Call: 795-7207.

ELECTRICIAN. Good position for journeyman wmm. yrs. exper. in comml.

4 custom resid. uaii oet. yam-opm, bu-od3. ELECTRICIAN, Journeyman only. uomm resio inoust i.

Good DMV. Call 526-6599 ELECTRICIAN (Plant). Openings on oay eve. shift. Applicants W12V auto, exper.

will be given preference. Apply In person, 1327 Clegg retaiuma ELECTRICIAN. Romex experi ence. bs-46Jl ELECTRICIANS and HELPERS for Romex 4 Trim work. Min.

2 yrs exper. Piece work a possibility. Work is in S.R. 4 San Kateai area, aio-atw-w. ELECTRICIAN Superintendant.

Full service shop. uommi.inaust. Appiy in person, wi Martin fete. 4, wr. ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLY.

Sol dering exper. pref. Excl. benefits. Apply In person at Hybrlne- tics, 13 button riace, Rosa.

No phone calls. EOE ELECTRONIC REPAIR TECHNI CIAN. SNAP-ON TOOLS. Trou ble shooting, diagnosis and component replacement ot an-aloqdiqital automotive diag nostic equipment. AA degree in electronics.

$360week to start. Accepting applications 430-54 at la nmentei Novate- (bei Mann Keys inaustnai park, next to Hamilton Field). NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE) EOEMF ENGINEERCIVIL Calif, req. req'd. with min.

6 vrs. exp. in land dev. 4 survey to mange brancn office, bend resume 4 salary req's to: 1275 4th Ste. 658, Santa Rosa, CA 95404.

All inquiries confidential. ENGINEER, SoilGeotechnlcal. urowing geotecnnicai engineer firm located near Wind sor seeks qualified professional engineer. Excl. pay and benefits.

Projects located primarily In Sonoma, Mendocino and Lake Counties. Please send resume to: BACE Geo tecnnicai, PO Box 749, Windsor, CA 95492 ENGINEERstructural design, wmlnimum years experience in resioentiaicommerciai oe-slgn. Send resume to: MKM. 441 College S.R. 95401 ENVIRONMENTAL DIVISION DI RECTOR.

Non-profit seeks person with environmental res toration supervision leadership, planning, communication skills. BSBA degree. Resume, cover letter. 3 current letters of reference, postmarked by May 15. 1990.

Circuit Rider Produc tion, 9619 Old Redwood Hwy Wlndaor, 95492. 707-838-6641. MEDICAL TECH FT night shift poa. for Licensed Generallst Tech. Competitive salary.

Excl. beneflta. Call 433-4461, x234 for into and application. EOE. Healdsburg General Hosp.

EPIC HEALTHCARE GROUP An Employee-Owned Coropan) MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTIONIST Immed. opening for FT pos. In opthalmology practice. Must be quick and accurate. Call Chris, 823-7628.

MERCHANDISER National service company has an opening for Part Time RetaU Merchandiser in the Santa Rosa area. Flexible daytime hours. Dependable car necea8ary. If you can work independently, send resums to: PRS, 40637 Symeron Way, Murrieta, CA 92362. Attention: L.

Minnich. MERCHANDISER To service Marin, Sonoma 4 Solano Cos. for leading sunglass co. 20-30 hrs. wkly.

Hourly pay ml. Depend, car required. Send resums to Cable Car Sunglasses, P.O. Box 261, Hollister, CA, 95023, Attn. Karen.

MILLWRIGHT. Large, northern high. prod, sawmill has Immed. opening for millwright pos. Cutting 4 weld, exper.

reqd. Competitive wages 4 benefits pkg. Send resume to: Eel River Sawmills, 1053 Northwestern Fortune, CA 95540. 707-725-6911 MODELSACTORS Dupont Models, Inc. Is searching for new faces to represent for TV commercials, films 4 catalog work.

No exper. or training req d. Children, teens, adults, aH types needed. No photos necessary to come in. (415) 956-8023 Uc'd 4 Bonded Ti State TA2713 MORTGAGE PRODUCTION COORDINATOR.

We are seeking qual. Indiv. with knowledge of conventional, Fanny May product origination and sale8. Must be abfe to motivate solicitor-stall, branch magr. Originators and small wholesale volume.

Self motivated, sales personality required. Send resume to CITIZENS FEDERAL BANK Attn. Philp Mink. 1701 4th St. Santa Rosa.

CA. 95404. EOE. motel DESK CLERKS, day 4 swing and NIGHT AUDITOR, 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

Apply at Motel 6, 2760 Cleveland Avenue, S.R. MOTEL HOUSEKEEPERS FT, PT. Must work weekends. Good benefits. Apply in person, Super 8 Motor Inn, 2632 Cleveland R.

MOTEL housekeeping, exper. only. Apply in person. 323 Santa Rosa Ave. S.R.

MOTEL WILLITS, 17 units. Nice Mgr. apt. Sal. bonus; refs.exp.

req. 1-485-0818 MUSICIANS 'BLUES' sought for permanent project. 762-3887. NANNIES NEEDED (Male-Female) TOP NEW YORK FAMILIES TOP PAY Full year call us in New York for details. AU PAIRS ONLY, INC.

1-800-468-8699 NANNY PT mother needed for care of my" well behaved, happy children. 2' dayswk. max. Refs. S73-8297.

NEWSPAPER DELIVERY Person Needed in Sonoma County for Pacific Sun a Marin county wkly. Kay McNamara: 415-383-4500. NEWSPAPER DELIVERY. Early. a.m.

In R.P. 4 Cotati. NEWSPAPER DELIVERY. PT. A.M.'s for S.F.

Chronicle. Must' have insured car. 523-0114. NEWSPAPER -DELIVERY ADULT CARRIERS Applications are now being accepted for adult carriers delivering the Press Democrat in Clov-erdale. Windsor, Santa Rosa, Petaluma, Rohnert Park, Sonoma, Sebastopol, Healdsburg.

Dependable car nec. CALL NOW 575-7500 NURSE-CERTIFIED-PRACTICAL. To live in private home. Call: 795-1304 for details. NURSE, Part Time, 3-12 days per week, family practice office.

Petaluma. 763-9891. RN'S LVN'S YOU'VE GOT A Company paid medical and life insurance. Vacation plan. Tuition reimbursem*nt PROFESSIONAL NURSES BUREAU 415-474-7005 NURSERY ASST.

-WHOLESALE Approx. 24 hrswk. Flex. hrs. Send resume to Nursery, P.O.

Box 594, Graton, CA. 95444. NURSERY PERSON EXPERIENCED. Inquire at Empire Nursery, 3747 Guerneville Road, S.R. NURSERY PERSON.

FT. 2 years retail nursery experience required. Salary commensurate with experience. Apply: Harmony Farm Supply, 4050 Ross Sebastopol. NURSERY PERSON Retail.

Indooroutdoor. Exp. prefd. Good benefits. FT, PT.

Call Jerry 523-1138. NURSERY PERSON RETAIL Exper. wplant care req'd. PT, flex. hrs.

823-3934 9-11 am. NURSES AIDE For residential care home. Shift open. Call Beverly 578-0771. NURSES AIDE.

Live In. PT. 3-4 dayswk. 526-3138. NURSES AIDE 11:30 p.m.-7:30 a.m.

Every 3rd weekend off. Santa Rosa Convalescent Hospital, 446 Arrowood 528-2100 NURSES needed in your area. To $28hr. travel Call P.R.N., Inc. 916-671-4237.

NURSING ASSISTANTS FT and PT all shifts. Must be caring, energetic and reliable. No exper. nectralning provided. Apply at Montgomery Conv.

Hosp. 3751 Montgomery S.R. EOE nursing At Apple Valley CNANA's Are needed for the day shift, 7 AM-3 PM and on-call all shifts. We offer competitive wages, medical and dental benefits. Assist nurses In caring for patients at our 95 bed skilled nursing facility.

CNA certtlflcation preferred, will train. Please call Mrs. Campbell at 823-7676. manager NIGHT MANAGER-SLEEP OVER. Perinatal ausbstance abuse.

Day treatmentresid. prog, thru Drug Abuae Alternative Center. 10-8 AM. Stipendroomboard. Deadline 54.

Send resumes attn: Lorrie Wsldorf. Job desc. avail, at DAAC, 2800 Cleveland 11, S.R. 95403 MANAGERRECEPTIONIST Busy, upscale Sonoma gift store, seeks motivated office mgr.rec. Quality sales, communication, supervisorial skills, WP S.Oother computer skills a must.

PT to FT. Send resume: Good Day Sunshine, 29 E. Napa, Sonoma, 95476 or call 938-4001. MANAGER-Retail Store Career minded, organized, good leader wexp. In Invent, control, salea 4 personnel mgmt.

Resume to: Aaron's 159 Pet. Blvd. No. Pet. 94952 MANAGERS Couple for S.R.

M.H. park. Sal. nego. DOE.

Exper. prefd. Maint. Pool 4 ofc. skills.

Professional Investment Plan, 100 No. Hope Suite 1, Santa Barbara, CA 93100. 805-687-7741. MANICURIST wclientele. Busy shop.

R.P. area. 585-1919. marketing ATTN: TEACHERS. Natl, marketing expanding locally, looking for teachers who want PT 4 summertime work.

Put your skills to work, helping consumers by showing them our common sense mngmnt-philosophy. Kathy, 585-9577. MARKETING SECRETARY, req's. min. 5 years heavy aecretarial (MS Word), communication and paste up exper.

Must have ability to work w. little aupervision in fast-paced environ. Submit resumes to: Vintech, 2455 Bennett Valley Ste. 31 4B, Santa Rosa, CA 95404. MASONRYSHEET metal worker, exper.

needed for fireplace repair co. FT. 415-485-5770. MASSAGE THERAPIST-PTSub. Sal.

comm. Dr. Wilkinson's Hotsprings, 1507 Lincoln Ave. Calistoga. 942-4102 MECHANIC, Diesel, Trucks.

Service and general repair. With tools. Full benefits. Immediate employment. Jim, 638-9865.

MECHANIC-DIESEL FT employment wfamily owned construction company. Good salary wbenefits. Start immed. 884-4123 days. 884-3968 eves.

MECHANIC EQUIPMENT Local forklift dealer needs a sharp mech. to perform repairs on LPG and elec. powered torklifts. Full benefits. Call for interview, 795-5900.

MECHANIC Gallo North Coast operation, position in expanding shop. Must have exper. in deisel and gas, both large 4 sm. engines. Welding and fabrication a plus.

Benefits. Send resume, 3387 Dry Creek Healdsburg, 95448 MECHANIC. Heavy diesel trucks only. Journeyman. Full benefits.

Petaluma. Send resume to: AD NUMBER 989, Press Democrat, P.O. Box 569, Santa Rosa, CA 95402. MECHANIC HELPER. Work on trucks, small trenchers, mowers, etc.

Various Bay Area job sites. Salary based on experience. Send resume to: Watkin Bortolussi, 77 Larkspur Street, San Rafael 94901. 415-453-4691. MECHANIC, Journeyperson.

With tools and smog license. Needed for 1st rate shop in Willits. Experience with electrical, fuel injection, "smart" analyzer preferred. Wage based on ability and experience. Call 707-459-5085 or send resume to: POB 1576, Willits 95490.

MECHANIC, Sm. Engines Experience in 2 and 4 cycle engines. References required. Girimonte's Chainsaw. 526-2298.

MECHANICTRAILERS. Dump exper. prefd. Steady work, Mon-Fri. Benefits.

584-1938. MECHANIC with Bar 90 smog lie. Must be experienced. Call, ask for Mike only! 584-4341 medical ADMITTING FT temporary. Hospital admitting exper.

Scheduling exper. Heavy phones and computer knowledge a must. Contact Human Resources, 433-4461 ext. 219. EOE.

Healdsburg General Hospital EPIC HEALTHCARE CROUP An Einployrr-Owned Company MEDICAL ASSISTANT Outgoing, cheerful, friendly for Ophth. office. Computer skills and experience a plus. Send resume to: 6159 Lone Pine Road, Sebastopol, 95472. MEDICAL ASST.

FTPT. Motivated! Rohnert Park. 586-1549. MEDICAL BILLING Novato. 1 yr.

min. medical billing exper. incld. Medi-CareCal, prev. computer exper.

pref. Excl. benefits. Sal. commensurate wexper.

Call Anne, 415-883-0944. MEDICAL BUSINESS OFC. REP. Qualifications for this pos. incl.

excl. communic. skills, accurate data entry, abil. to work indep. 4 follow instructions: acct.

follow-up exper. Prior exper. in a medical bus. ofc. essential to this pos.

AD NUMBER 48, Press Democrat, P.O. Box 569, Santa Rosa, CA 95402. medical NORTH COAST REHABILITATION CENTER Expansion of acute rehab services necessitates added positions in an accredited rehab facility. Challenging, rewarding environment wrecovering neu-rologicallyphysically impaired patients. Inter-disciplinary treatment team approach.

Highly competitive sal. 4 flex, benefits: 15-19 nights, 7-8 p.m. shift 12 OC per diem, night bonus program. RN 4 LVN, PT 4 FT, EVES. OC RN, LVN, CNA, all shifts OC AdmissionsCase Mgmt.

Please call or send resume to Human Resources, North Coast Rehab 983 Sonoma Santa Rosa, CA, 95405. 542-2771 EOE MEDICAL FRONT OFFICE. FT. Seeking pleasant, energetic, highly organized indiv. to work wfriendly, sm.

but busy medical staff. Receptionist 4 some secretarial 8kills a must. Medical knowledge desirable but not nec. Advncmnt. possibilities.

577-7300 MEDICAL FRONT OFFICE. Mature, people-oriented wgood business skills for busy 4 friendly chiropractic physical therapy office. 823-2117, Ask Myriam. MEDICAL HELP Mature woman with medical knowledge of the elderly for weekend care of a 92 yr. old lady.

Must have recent references 4 their own transp. 833-2713 or 833-2711. medical To contract with home health agency serving Marin 4 Sonoma Counties. Calf Suzanne Degen, 415-456-7106 or 415-892-1607 MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST FT. Busy F.P.

Excl. telephone msnners, medical terminologies, diversified duties. Call 526-3360. ask (or Barbara. LEGAL SECRETARY BUSINESSCORPORATE LAW JOB SHARE: 20-25 hrawk.

Legal 4 WP 5 exper, req'd. Send resume to: Personnel. P.O. Box 3759. Santa Rosa.

CA 95402 LEGAL Secretary. Perm. PT for San Rafael office. able to manage own caseload. WP.

Sal. nego. 415-453-2500. LEGAL SECRETARY. PT.

Criminal, I bookkeeping. Send resume 4 salary requirements to: AD NUMBER 47, Press Democrat, P.O. Box 569, Santa Rosa, CA 95402. LIFEGUARDS Windsor Water Works 4 Slides are looking for cert, lifeguards for PTFT seasonal positions. If you are enthusiastic 4 hard-worker, stop In and fill out application at: 8225 Conda Ln Windsor.

loan agent ARCS Mortgage a Bank of New York is seeking another loan agent for Sonoma County. Applicants must have current R.E. lie. 4 be familiar with the various conventional 4 government products now being marketed. Please forward your resume to: ARCS Mort- tage, 2255 Challenger Way uite 100, CA 95407, Attn: Bradly Young.

EOE loan officer GMAC Mortgage Corp. One of the nations largest is seeking a branch manager 4 loen officers with a minimum of 2 yrs. exper. Outstanding growth potential 4 earning power. Salary commi.

Please send resume or letter outlining qualifications to: Attn: Alma Renko GMAC Mortgage Corp. 5700 Stoneridge Mall Rd. 100 Pleasanton, CA 94566 LOAN PROCESSOR Min. 2-3 yrs. exper.

with FHAVA 4 conv. loans. Excellent benefits. Salary comm. wexper.

Send resume to: S.A., First California Mortgage, P.O. Box 750939, Petaluma, CA 94975. EOE LOAN PROCESSOR Wanted for active Mortgage company. Min. 1 year experience in conventional processing.

Please call Mike McKeon or Jim Ryan at 707-526-2626. LOAN PROCESSOR 2 years minimum experience. References required. Excellent saiary comm. Gene, 578-1315 MACHINE OPERATOR.

CNC. Immed. openings, FT, excl. employee ben. Apply Mon.

9-4: Precision Machining, 1325 Ross St. Suite Pet. machineprocessing CALIFORNIA COOPERATIVE CREAMERY MACHINEPROCESSING OPERATOR If you like working swing andor graveyard shifts with rotating days off. We are accepting applications for FT employment running eqpt. through the cheese making jjrocess.

Starting Top scale Excellent benefit pkg. EOE. Pick up Application at 621 Western Petaluma, CA 94952. MACHINIST journeymn, gasdiesl FT. Banes.

NATCO. 468-9173. MACHINISTS. Entry level position. To be trained for CNC lathe.

Apply at ENTRACO in Healdsburg. 433-9488. MAILROOMBLUE PRINT MACHINE OPERATOR. PT, afternoons, Architects ofc. Prepare materials for mail 4 couriers.

Apply: 320 College, Ste. 220, Santa Rosa, CA. 95401 MAINTENANCEDELIVERY PERSON. Need a handy person avail, on a flex, sched. to work PT In a great store.

If you are energetic like a variety of jobs, please stop by. Must have good driv. record 4 be avail, days. The Hardware Store, 4310 Sonoma SR. No phone calls please.

MAINTENANCEDRIVER ASST. On the job training. FT oppty. Person wmechanical ability. $6 hr.

Apply in person. Empire Hospital Supply, 5661 Redwood R.P. EOE. MAINTENANCE. Electrical, carpentry, cement.

5-6 dayswk. 40 hrs. Clean DMV. $6 start. Apply at 1919 Dennis Ln.

S.R. MAINTENANCE llCUSTODIAN Hours pm. Excl. bene. pkg.

job descriptions avail, from Windsor Union Schl 7650 Bell Windsor. 838-9444. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC. 3 Phase elec. Bearing replacements, gen.

maint. 575-6303. MAINTENANCE PERSON Sandman Motel. Apply In person 3421 Cleveland S.R. MAINTENANCE Person for 160 unit apt.

complex. Must be exper. in plumbing, painting, electrical and misc. Must be willing to maintain grounds and live on site. Salary, benefits and apt.

Apply at Camino Creek 5425 Snyder Rohnert Park. No phone calls MAINTENANCE PERSON. FT temporary. General landscaping duties. Must have irrigation experience.

528-1459. MAINTENANCE Thousand Trails is looking for a seasonal RV maint. person. This position would operate honeywa-gon perform basic repairs of trailers. Bennett or Ed.

865-2024. MAINTENANCEYARD PERSON. Construction bkgrnd. helpful. delivery pickup, small tool repair.

Send responsesalary reqs. to 701 Arata Windsor 95492. MaintenanceYard Person Fast paced rental co. seeks mechanically inclined indiv. to work FT In equip, rental yd.

Duties Incl. some heavy lifting, washing and servicing equip. Must be at least 18 yrs. old, competitive salary and benefits. DMV print-out req'd.

Apply In person, Big 4 Rents, 5500 Commerce Rohnert Park, see Ken Black. EOE MANAGEMENTASSIST. Excellent opportunity for motivated, hardworking individual to learn restaurant management. Salary and benefits. 585-1269.

MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Major fininacial corp. 8eeks man or woman as management trainee. Salary to $26K to $41 per yr. plus bonus. Full benefits.

Call: 545-1718, noon-5 p.m. Ask for Phil. EOE MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Wholesale landscape material supply company. Experience in landscape Industry helpful. Must be willing to relocate in Bay Area after training.

Benefits. Apply In person: Plant Gro 1364 No. McDowell Blvd. Suuite 11, Petaluma between 6-3 p.m. M-F.

MANAGERCONST. Want to work Tor the best? Coggins Fence 4 Supply, Santa Rosa's leading chain link fence co. seeks supervisor for day to day operations of crews, shop and front office. Must have mgmt. exper.

in the const, trades. Chain link bkgrnd. helpful. Send resume to P.O. Box 343, Santa Rosa, CA 95402.

MANAGER cpl. for 17 unit complex. Duties include light maintenance 4 paperwork. Send resume to: P.O. Box 4151, Santa Rosa, CA 95402 MANAGER, growing Liquor Store, needs capable and dedicated manager.

Night Hrs. required. 575-4626. CAM I 215 EMPLOYMENT OFFERS Insulation Installers Apprentices. Bring current DMV print-out.

Apply 3-5 p.m. at 3640 Standish S.R. insurance CLAIMS PROCESSOR Data entry skills desirable, 10 key typing test req'd. Apply in Berson to Personnel, Redwood eaith Services, 3033 Cleveland Ave. S.R.

95403. 544-2010. EOE INSURANCE Com. lines CSR, 5 yrs. exper.

Sal. negot. Lg. Sonoma agency. 996-1628.

insurance CUSTOMER SERVICE REP. Local insurance brokerage firm seeks organized professional customer service representative to handle comm l. accts. 3-5 yrs. exper.

necessary. Computer exper. a plus. Resumes to: Customer Service 131 Stony Circle, 925, Santa Rosa, 95401. 576-7653.

No walk-ins, please. INTERIOR PLANTSCAPE TECH. For routes open. Experience prefd. Call Michael, 829-0196.

INVENTORY In music industry. 10 key pref. Some driving. 573-8929. JANITORIAL Earn UP TO $7.50.

FT. PT evenings. 586-3237. JANITORIAL. also In floor care.

Caraveyard. bupervisor trainee. For details, 769-1619. janitorial OFFICE MAINTENANCE Entry level position, will train. Liftingfixing exper.

pref. clean DMV. Great benefits. FT. Call Anna, 415-472-2211.

EOE JANITORIAL 8 am. Paid holidays vacation. 545-5514. KENNEL HELP for show dogs. PT.

Will train. 585-3623. KENNEL PERSON-Vet Hospital. 4 p.m.-9 p.m. split shift on Sun.

Good wanimals. organized, positive attitude. Exper. preferred. Salary negotiable.

Call 823-7312. LAB ASST. for Path. Lab in Santa Rosa. FT, benefits.

829-5883 LABORATORY position in established, growing wine laboratory. Degree in Enology, Microbiology or related field required. Experience in Enology, food. Microbiology or general analytical lab preferred. Must have ability to work well with people.

Must be versatile, flexible and organized. Respond to: P.O. Box 695, Healdsburg, CA 95448. LABORER For window manufacturer. 4 hrsday AMs.

Call 579-9534. LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION worker. All phases of residential landscaping. 2 yrs. exp.

reqd. Must have refs. Bring DMV print-out. Call 579-0890. LANDSCAPE, crew member, comm'l maint.

FT. $5-6 hr. 586-0718. LANDSCAPE FLOWER PERSON, must have experience in annual 4 perennial care 4 planting. Full or part time hrs.

flexible, must have clean DMV. Call between 9 a.m.-3 p.m. only, 795-1203 LANDSCAPE GARDENER-Crew Leader, must have clean DMV and commercial experience. Bilingual helpful. Call between 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

only. 795-1203 LANDSCAPE: Groundsman for lg. garden in Kenwood. 10-16 Salary open.

Lve. msg. at 415-585-5606 or write 167 Sussex S.F. 94131 LANDSCAPE INSTALLERMaint. Person, some exper.

nec. Good DMV a must. Salary open for right person. Call betw. 6-7 p.m.

ONLY, M-F, 838-6079. LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION TROUBLESHOOTER 2 yrs. exper. with irrigation, wiring, valves, etc. Clean DMV.

Call Redwood Landscaping, 528-3735 9-12 a.m. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE. Ass t. Crew Leader. Exper.

in quality comm'lresidential necessary. Clean DMV. 576-0525. LANDSCAPE MAINT. SUPERVISORS 4 CREW LEADERS.

2 yrs. comm'l. exper. preferred, Eood DMV. Call Redwood andscaping, 528-3735 9-Noon LANDSCAPE MAINT.


landscape co. Must have exper. w. refs. Hourly w.

benefits. Send resume w. sal. reqs. to: MAC.

Landscape, P.O. Box 3383, San Rafael, CA 94912. LAUNDRY WASH PERSON. No exper. needed.

Must be energetic 4 hard working. Good pay benefits. Apply, 1320 Petaluma Hill Santa Rosa. LEGAL ASSISTANT Litigation exper. 4 some knowl edge of real estate pref.

Degree or certificate req. Send resume to P.O. Box 11216, SRosa 95406. LEGAL SECRETARY for solo attorney practicing estate planning, probate, tax and business law. Word processing skills a must.

To apply mail resume to: Robert Maize, P.O. Box 11648, Santa Rosa, CA 95406. LEGAL SECRETARY. STRICT MIN. Exc.

WP 5.0, grammar, writing, problem solving skills: self-starter; mature: NS. Bonus plan. Call 579-4378. ESCROW Escrow secretary for Pacific Coast Title Co. We need fast learners who 'are have good typing and people skills, math aptitude and secretarial exper.

Full benefits, excl. work environ, can June, ESCROW SECRETARY Strong word processing ft computer experience nec. Experience in mobile home A bulk sales an advantage, Call Bob Hastings at ror interview. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. State funded non-profit childcare program for Infants ft toddlers at riSK or souse.

uacKgrouna in ECE, BA or BS, admin, ft fiscal mgmt. FT, Benefits: vacation, sick, health. St. sal. mo.

Resume: Children ft Family Circle, 2607 Petaluma Hill Rd, SR 95404. Closing date 507. EOE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR. Non profit, human and environ resources. Leadershipexper.

benefits. Ap- ly by 51590. Cover, resume, refs. Circuit Rider Produc tions, 9619 Old Redwood 1 Hwy. 1-6641.


An established busi ness offering excellent benefits. Call Coggins Fence 4 Supply, M0-1U41. FESTIVAL WORKERS Health 4 Harmony, June 9. 10. vmuus juus avail, oco-tov.

FILE CLERK Busy Santa Rosa CPA firm seeks oepenoaDie person to ao tiling, coovino 4 variou8 office dultes. Part-time. Send resume or apply at: Linkenheimer, Hebrew 4 Co. 3510 Unocal Place Suite 300 Santa Rosa 95403. FINANCIAL MARKETING I am looking for a special person who wants big rewards in both financial 4 management growth 4 who is willing to accept a cnauenge.

uan Rainy, ooo-voi. FIRE SPRINKLER FITTER Wages by exper. Benefits. Send resume to: R.F.P. P.O.

Box 2076 Sebastopol, CA. 95473 FITNESS INSTRUCTOR WKEND. needed for luxurious new health club. 795-0400. FLORAL DESIGNER FT PT Exper.

nec. Bloomlna Florist, 289 N. McDowell, Pet. 763-9271 FLORAL DESIGNER Counter 4 Delivery Apply in person at: 423 Healdsburg Hldbrg. FLORIST DELIVERY and In Shop trainee, ft or available.

Apply in person: Flowertique, 1409 Fulton Santa Rosa. FLORIST. Desianers. Bus. ex- panaing.

t-1 i plus nonaay neip. txp. pret. sai. comm.

wexper. seo. uza-iuro. FLORIST. full time pos.

bpeeo a artistry requireo. tx-perienced only. In Marin Co. Rafael Florist, 415-457-4711. FOOD PREP PERSON, PT.

Paid vacation 4 holidavs. Call be tween 8 pm. 546-4546. FOOD VENDORS PTFT. 545-6934.

FOSTER parents needed for deserving teens, work witn full program support ana resio. treatment team. Salary. 778-8682, 795-6954 FOSTER PARENTS needed to provide warm, nurturing 4 safe nomes lor cnnoren ot an ages. Exc).

support services, benefits, reimbursem*nt 4 training. mo. To love a child is to touch tomorrow, call TLC, weekdays, 9-5, 823-7300 for more information FOSTER PARENTS Single or married needed tor 17 yr. old abused girl. 1 year.

Trainingi 4 financial support pro- viaea. oau Katny, FOUNTAIN SERVICE MECHANIC needed. Refrigeration a plus. Call UOn, 415-45-B11S. GENERAL OFFICE FT, qood phone skills.

10 key. computer exper. helpful. 7-4 Monoay-i-naay. uan tor interview GRAPHIC ARTIST FT, for printing company, Benefits.

823-3170. GRAPHICSTypesetterPaste Up Amst. rart ume. bves. Saturday.

MAC experience neces sary, uan janene, fbz-uttii 6REETERS For busy showroom. Hours include part-time during week 4 weexenas. nr. ncx up application Sun. at 3075 Corby Santa Rosa.

No phone calls please. EOE. FORD 542-0620 GR00MERBATHER For veterinary hospital. 34 to FT. Call 584-4848.

GROUP HOME AIDE. FT week end relief position, $260 per Shift woenetit*. o3-tuus GROUP HOME AIDE. PT a.m.'s, $7 hr. 707-573-8306 GROWER: WINDSOR Greenhouse potted plants, nursery orn.

Lxper. only. Bilingual. Garth, 836-0100. HAIRCUTTERS FT, PT In new salon In R.P Pd.

vac. 4 holidays Med. benefits. 795-2755, 584-5993 Eves. 792-1233 Ask for Charlotte HAIRCUTTERS FT Dositions ooen startina at $5.

with base increase to ib uunr. on July 1. Lucrative production incentive for motivated individuals. CALIFORNIA CUTS Sandy, Rohnert Park 564-8615 Sue in Sebastopol 823-6277 Ray in Coddingtown 523-2887 Assistant Manager position also open in Sebastopol. Great opportunity for cosmetologist with managerial potential, we will train.

Start at with Increase to on July 1. Call Sue at 823-6277 Haircutters PRECISION HAIRSTYLING has positions open now for FT stylists. Starting pay is $5. 50hr. production Incentive, with pay increase to on July 1.

Paid holidays and vacations. HPR avail. Jill in Coddingtown 542-0265 Mike in Rohnert Park 585-1560 Maritza. Yulupa Ave. 575-9925 HAIR DRESSER, experienced.

ryi.poss. t-i, oat. Mon. a Must, call for Interv. 639-6462.

HAIRSTYLING, BUSY SHOP, 60. 823-7500. HAIRSTYLIST Are you looking for a Petaluma salon that is creative, fun 4 busy? product comm. Excl. tips 4 benefits.

Call Sharon, 4ib-aj-us4, iv. msg. HAIRSTYLIST. Busy full service eaion. bauc, growtn, nriy.

wage production raises. Clientele not nec. 544-1258. HAIRSTYLIST Cuts. Perms.

Color. No Sundays or eves. PT or FT. Hourly comm. 539-4311 or 538-8600.

HAIRSTYLIST, exper. Progress. hign-energy saion. uuar. sai.

Jon Gariepy 4 Co. 778-6838. HAIRSTYLIST 4 MANICURIST. Fun shool Hrlv. areat ties.

Hot Cuts, 762-9655. btwn. Grieve-Plain-Emend-Frilly-DELIVERY 215 EMPLOYMENT OFFERS HAIRSTYLIST PT or FT for family shop. Salary plus comm. Apply at Super SCISSOrS.

433-3351. HAIRSTYLISTS Busy full service salons. Medical, dental, pd. vac. 4 prod, bonus.

Santa Rosa, call Judy, 526-4174, Rohnert Pk, call Linda, 584-0308 HAIRSTYLISTS, FTPT. Call Car meua, shsj-souo or 5B4-1BM4 HAIRSTYLISTS-RENTAL Great location! 310 S.R Stephanie: 577-0510 HAIRSTYLIST. 2 stations for rent. Gd. prkng.

528-3546. HAIRSTYLISTS. Vacancies exist for FT or PT, exper. hairstylists. Non-smoking environment Profit sharing, pension plan participation, uan 013-U33 I ues.

-bat. or eves 578-0335. HAIRSTYLISTS. 5. Well est.

sa Ion. Comm. or rental. 575-5762 HAIRSTYLIST. Were busyl commission The Cutting tgge p3-33Uf, D44-proo.

HAIRSTYLIST Would you tike to work for the largest hair care franchise syst. in the world? We provide benefits, aavance training a pay scale commensurate wproductivlty. Call Lisa today, at Fantastic Sams, 762-6789. HANDYPERSON for small prop erty management nrm. Must know plumbing, heating 4 electrical.

Prefer background in home remodeling. Send letter of interest with refs to: P.O. BOX 2002 Santa Rosa. 95405. HARDWARE SALESPERSON.

FT, includes wknds. Benefits. Garrett Hardware, 1340 Healdsburg Healdsburg. healthclub ATHLETIC CLUB EMPLOYEES The Parkpoint Cluba of Santa Rosa and Sonoma are hiring energetic, service minded: hitness and weignt Koom instructors Front desk reception staff Cafe Employees Child Care Employees Full time 4 part time positions available. Memberships Included.

Apply at: THE PARKPOINT CLUBS 1200 No. Dutton, SR 95401 or 19111 Sonoma Hwy. 95476 HEALTH FOODS. Experienced person ONLY to work in natural foods market. 25-30 hra.

Rick or Nancy: 829-9801. HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERA TORS for scrapers and dozers needed. Apply at Frel Bros. Ranch, 3387 Dry Creek Healdsburg. 431-7011 HOME CARE, 1 week only, live in.

May 1-Z3. Heis. req a. Exper. nec.

762-1997. hotel DAYS INN HOTEL Is currently seeking an Inside sales coordinator to join their aggressive sales team. Excl. secty. skills a must.

Hourly. Hotel exper. pref. Pis. apply in person, no phn.

calls. 175 Railroad SR. hotel DOOR PERSONSECURITY. Apply in person 10 AM-4 PM, El Rancho Tropicana, 2200 Santa Rosa Ave. Santa Rosa Hotel EXECUTIVE HOUSEKEEPER Apply dally 10-4: El Rancho Tropicana, 2200 Santa Rosa Ave.

S.R. hotel inqo Resort Hotel NTA ROSA Accepting applications for RELIEF NIGHT AUDITOR We offer Competitive wages Great Benefits Opportunities for growth join tne estapusnea team Apply In person, Mon-Frl. 1-5. No phone calls please. 2777 Fourth St.

HOTEL HOUSEKEEPERS, Im- meo. opening, miso niring Tor Wait staff, buspersons and bartender. Apply 3-5 p.m., Cazanoma Lodge, Cazadero or call 632-5255. HOTEL HOUSEKEEPERS, BARTENDER, RESERVATIONIST, MAINT. PERSON, WINE COOK.

FT or PT. Call Timber Cove Inn 707-847-3231. Hotel MAINTENANCE Seeking individual wknowl-edge of plumbing, elec. carpentry, etc. as helper in our maint.

dept. Must have own basic tools. Apply daily 10-4: El Rancho tropicana, 2200 Santa Rosa Ave. R. HOTEL Quality wine country hotel accepting applications for: BELLPERSONS Apply In person, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Vintners Inn, 4350 Barnes Santa Rosa.

JOIN the people who look for information about products and services every day through The Press Democrats Classified Section. It's a great place to buy and sell! Call classified, 546-7355, to place YOUR ad today. 215 EMPLOYMENT OFFERS HOTEL-RETIREMENT OAKMONT GARDENS We have the following positions avanaDie: Servers, AMPM Housekeeper Re-entry 4 students encouraged to apply. 538-1914. 301 White oak unve, santa nosa.

tut HOTEL THE RED LION, Rohnert Park Is accepting applications for the Touowing positions Pantry Cooks Prep Cooks Banquet Cooks Banquet House Person Guest Service Agent Night Janitor Red Lion offers highly competi tive wages exc. benefits. Apply in person at the Personnel Office, The Red Lion Hotel, 3-6 PM, Mon-Thurs. No phone calls HOUSECLEANER For So. Son.

Tod cleaning srvc, $6 25 to start. Work soTo. On resid. srvc. routes.

Fast advance for qual. minded prof. 578-9257 HOUSECLEANIERS needed. FT, PT. Transp.

nec. Must be bondable. 585-6116 aft. 6 p.m. HOUSECLEANING Earn UP TO $7.00.

FT, PT. Car necessary. 586-3237. HOUSEHOLD HELPER for family In Glen Ellen, M-F, Must drive. 996-1369.

HOUSEHOLD HELPER: Energetic 4 Happy. For Glen Ellen family of 3. Private apt. 4 utils. incl.

Must drivel NS. Would consider older couple. 6 $150 gross per Mwr, 11-1, rU-033-UU3. HOUSEKEEPERaide.

Non-smkr. $500 roomboard. 584-0999, HOUSEKEEPERChildcare, live out, mature, exper. wchiidren, 30 hrs.wk. approx.

36 over-niqhtsvr. Must have transpor tationinsurance. Salary benefits. Reply wrefs. to P.O.

Box 2538, Rohnert Park, CA 94928 HOUSEKEEPER-COOK-AIDE Live-in or PT. Experience preferred. Stony Point Lodge. Christie Hao, 542-2295. HOUSEKEEPER for active Sr.

Citizen. Room, board 4 salary. Reply to: AD NUMBER 96. Press Democrat, P.O. Box 569, Santa Rosa, CA 95402.

HOUSEKEEPER, FT Mon-Fri. for retirement community, bxel benefits. Apply at 5555 Mont gomery Dr. Santa Rosa. HOUSEKEEPER.

hr. Resid. housecieaninq. No niqhts wknds. or Holidays.

Weekly pay. Equip, provided. Car nec. mileage pq. 004-uzuu.

Appiy, 7530 Commerce Cotati HOUSEKEEPER. Monte Rio. $6hr. 1 day week. 887-1515 HOUSEKEEPER PM 4 graveyard shift avail.

Gd benefits, free meals. Apply In person: 3zau unanate ho, s.h HOUSEKEEPER PT, 16 hrswk. Contact Human Resources, Healdsburg General HOSpitai, 433-4401, XiilS. tUfc EPIC HEALTHCARE GROUP An Employee-Owned Company HOUSEKEEPERS: The Bodega Bav Lodaa is acceDtino aDDli- cations for positions in their nousexeeping uept. txper.

welcome, tspanoi welcome. We offer competitive salary, holiday and weekend incentive pay. Apply in person, 8 AM-4 PM, 103 Coast Hwy. 1, Bodega pay, wo pnone cans HOUSEKEEPING: FT. PT.

Apply in person. 10 AM-3 PM, El Rancho Tropicana, 2200 Santa Hosa Ave. santa Hosa HOUSE MANAGER. Perinatal ausbstance abuse. Day treat-mentresid.

prog, thru Drug Abuse Alternative Center. Mon-Thura. 2-10 PM. Fri. 4-12 PM.

$1350 benefits. Deadline 52. Send resumes attn: Lorrie Waldorf. Job desc. avail, at DAAC, 2800 Cleveland Ave.

11, S.R. 95403 HOUSE SITTERHOUSEKEEPER Free room In pvt. Glen Ellen home In exch. for year 'round house sitting and mostly wknd. housekeeping, and shopping during summer and fall.

Owners occupy home 70 days per yr. Car nec. No smokers or children. Reply to HPAM, P.O. Box b.r.

94115 HVAC installer wanted. Must have ex per. Medical plan, sick days, pd. vacation. 415-457-5541.

IMAGE CONSULTANTS Start an exciting career in fashion 4 cosmetics. Potential earnings 4 incentive unlimited. Comm. Training provided. Call Renee.

9 a.m.-9 p.m., 575-8007 INSPECTOR, Q.C. Entry level position with knowledge of Q.C. tools, ability to read drawings. Apply at ENTRACO. 433-9488.

INSTRUCTOR. Assist adulta w. dev. learn critical skills to Increase participation in vocational, recreationleisure commun. activity.

Exper. req. Excl. benefits. Resume to Penny Snyder, BlSonoma Valley, 561 Broadway Sonoma 95476.

996-5988. EOE INSTRUCTORWORK SUPERVI- ouh to work witn developmental disabled adults. FT. MF. BA or equivalent.

Call 795-3411. INSULATION INSTALLERS Exper. pref. Good DMV. Please apply at 3043 Wiljan S.R.

Dispatch Monitor Part time. Will train. 528-3401. DOQ 4 CAT BATHER, hard worker, likes pets. Fast 4 depend.

49er Pet, 1016 E. cotati Ave, Appiy ivt DRIVER, (bus-charter) expert-1 need Wall 24 hr..

The Press Democrat from Santa Rosa, California (2024)


How did Santa Rosa CA get its name? ›

Santa Rosa, Spanish for “Saint Rose,” was founded in 1833 and named after Saint Rosa of Lima.

Where is the press democrat located? ›

The Press Democrat
The February 28, 2012, front page of The Press Democrat
TypeDaily newspaper
EditorJohn D'Anna, Interim Executive Editor
Founded1897 (as the Sonoma Democrat)
Headquarters416 B Street Santa Rosa, California 95401 United States
7 more rows

What is the circulation of the press Democrat? ›

The Press Democrat
TypeDaily newspaper
Circulation22,000 Daily 29,000 Sunday
Sister newspapersSonoma Index-Tribune, Argus-Courier
6 more rows

What is the richest neighborhood in Santa Rosa, CA? ›

With a median home price of $839,871 and a median rent of $2,084, Middle Rincon is the most expensive neighborhood on our list. Based on the growth in home prices in Middle Rincon over the last 3 years, it ranks No. 1 among all the neighborhoods in Santa Rosa.

What is the oldest house in Santa Rosa CA? ›

- Significance: The Carrillo Adobe is the oldest building in the Santa Rosa Valley. It was occupied for several years by Senora Carrillo, mother-in-law of General Mariano Vallejo the famous Mexican Commandante of the northern boundary of the Mexican Territory.

What percentage of the press is Democrat? ›

Compared with 2013, the percentage of full-time U.S. journalists who claim to be Democrats has increased 8 percentage points in 2022 to about 36 percent, a figure higher than the overall population percentage of 27 percent, according to a 2022 ABC News/Washington Post national poll.

What is the democratic theory of the press? ›

Media democracy entails that media should be used to promote democracy and that media itself should be democratic. For example, it views media ownership concentration as undemocratic and as being unable to promote democracy, and thus, as facet of media that must be examined critically.

Is the press part of the government? ›

Democratic states. A free and independent press has been theorized to be a key mechanism of a functioning, healthy democracy. In the absence of censorship, journalism exists as a watchdog of private and government action, providing information to maintain an informed citizenry of voters.

Where did Santa Rosa County get its name? ›

It gains its name from Santa Rosa Island, which was named for Saint Rosa de Viterbo, a Catholic saint. Milton is the county seat. For earlier maps of this area, visit the Escambia County map gallery. A map of Santa Rosa County as of 1898 showing railroads, rivers, bays, towns, and the county seat, Milton....

What is the old name of Santa Rosa? ›

During that time, Santa Rosa was part of Biñan and was called Barrio Bukol. Later in 1688, Biñan together with Barrio Bukol separated from Cabuyao. Barrio Bukol, in turn, was politically emancipated in January 18, 1792 as the municipality of Santa Rosa.

How did Santa Rosa Beach get its name? ›

In the 17th Century, following Saint Rose's death and Sainthood, the Spanish name a major bay in what is now the Walton County, Florida area “Santa Rosa Bay” and publish the name on maps of Florida. The name was changed by the British around 1778 to Choctawhatchee Bay.

What is the story of Santa Rosa? ›

Our Story. Santa Rosa is named after the Catholic Saint Rose of Lima, Peru. Saint Rose was known for both her life of asceticism and her care for the needy in the city of Lima. Saint Rose is the patron saint of Peru and all of South America as well as of embroiderers, gardeners and florists.

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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.