1' 16.4 Me Western Employment New Center England For UNION-NEWS, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1989 57 Help Wanted AUTOMOTIVE. offer excellent Reconditioner, salary and benetit*. Contact Kevin at 933 East Columbus Spfld. 781-2921 AUTOMOTIVE ROUTE SALES Keystone Automotive Industries, nations largest supplier of aftermarket body parts and supplies seeks self motivated individual to serve outlying Springfield area. Unlimited potential.
Auto parts or sales experience helpful but not reqUired. Advancement potential, excellent benefits. Call between 3pm for appointment. (413) 731-7864 AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE ADVISOR With good customer relations needed for busy new car dealership. Good benefits.
Apply in person to Service Manager. RICHARDS MAZDA 635 Riverdale Rd W. Spfld -A automotive SHIPPING RECEIVING Full time position with benefits. Experience preferred, but we will traineright person. Apply in person.
8am noon at Harold Kent Ford, 60 Fuller Chicopee, MA. Ask for Betty. AUTO RECONDITIONER 3vrs perience. Apply in person Chris Auto Sales, 76 Boston Spild. AUTO RECONDITIONER Experienced only.
Call 736-9452 AUTO RECONDITIONER Full time, minimum 3yrs must have valid MA drivers license. Apply in person only, The Car Store, 1035 Boston Spfld, MA. AUTO SALES Looking for experienced salesperson who is a self motivated individul who work's hard at wnat they do. We have an excellent offer progressive Medical ins. pay plan and also Demo.
Call for Confidential Interview RICHARDS MAZDA 732-21671 AUTO growing people company. wanted Medical for benetit* available, good pay plac. Call Dave Rudd at HADLEY SUBARU 586-6054 AUTO SALES PROFESSIONALS We need immediately, 2 aggres-; sive customer oriented individu-: als go on the floor today SELL, SELL, SELL. Nissan'si product line is exciting now get-i ting more exciting. We offer fac-1 tory programs ad campaigns to! Increase floor traffic a straight forward pay program including salary, bonus demo plan.
If you have impeccable work habits excellent references, please call today to schedule a confidential Intervlew. Contact: Dave Robison, Gen. Mgr. BAY STATE NISSAN 454 Boston Road, Springfield 782-7141. AUTO SALES TOP DEALER Daly Chevrolet has earned sales leadership in our market area and now has immediate openings for Sales persons looking to be a sales leader.
We offer one of the most aggressive pay plans in the area. Plus Demos. Experience preferred. Contact Frank Spinella, Daly Chevrolet 562-1000. AUTO TECH expanding auto repair facility is taking applications for experienced auto technician.
Background in computer diagostics, brakes and 4 wheel alignment needed. Wages commensurate with ability. O'Connors Benefits Tire available. Auto Center, Apply 282t Boston Rd. Wilbraham.
596-8101 "AVON SALES Part-time full-time 1-800-233-AVON BABYSITTER Needed Doverbrock Condo area of Chic for 2 boys Bef aft school. Must be flex. 593-6937 aft 5pm or lv msg BABYSITTER- wanted In my home, evenings. Call 592-5594 BAKER, some pastry experience. Will train.
Good hours. Goodi pay. Inquire Gus Paul's, 1209 Sumner Ave, Spfld. BANQUET SERVERS Weekend assignments, days evenings, Call TEMPSOLUTIONS 785-1330 BANQUET SETUP days weekends, full part-time positions. Flexible schedule.
Good startsany: Apply in person at the ing pay, no experience necesQuality Inn, 296 Burnett Chicopee. BARBER Master barber with 5 year's exprience wanted as instructor. Call Mary Ann at Brom's Academy, 536-6479, for an appt. BAR -PERSON Exp'd. Part tull time nights.
Apply in person, 6- 9pm evenings, Mon. Anthony's Place, 174 Chestnut Spild. M- responsible people need apply. Good hours, good ing conditions. Apply In person only, after 4pm Henry, VIM, 1257 Boston Springfield.
BARTENDERS WAITRESSES Full part time experienced only Apply in person Titfany's, 459 Dickinson St. Spild BED MAKERS needed for health care facility. No experience nec. 8-1 weekdays, wknds. Wkdy5 Wknds Excellent benefits.
Apply: Riverdale Gardens Nursing Home, 42 Prospect W. Spfld. 733-3151. BOOKEEPER Exp. laxes, easy computer work.
Excel. pay benefits. Call 737-1408 Bruce. TIME: roll, A.P, taxes. Flexible hours.
Call 733-9492. BOOKKEEPER. Experienced, full charge thru trial balance. Excellent benefits. Call for terview.
Liberty Liquors 737-1434 BOOKKEEPER Experienced in computer work, answering phones, some typing clerical worN: Apply Hyder Softey 979 Southampton Westfleld or call 568-4414 BOOKKEEPER for small local CPA firm. 20 Exp. thru retated tax matters. Computer and skills Salary commensurate Call Paul Menzel 781-4515 BOOKKEEPER full charge through tor computerized bookkeeping system. Full time.
Exc. flex benefits plan. Please call Joanne Goulet, Ring NursIng Rest hom*os 734-1100. BOOKKEEPER. Good oppty, full thru Ofc responsibility for indep.
retail store. Resume. Ad Reply 3632 Union- News CAB DRIVERS all shifts available. Apply 519 Worthington St. CIty Cab.
734-8294 CABLE TV CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR Experienced In aerial and underground construction and splicing. Must have references. Salary surate with experience. Excellent benefits package. Serlous inquiries only, Picase call U.S.
Cable, (413) 536-0935. CARPENTER with finish experience, immediate opening, idly growing company. Good benefits and competative ry. Excellent chance for vangernent to supervisory tion. Extensive travel involved.
Call 413-589-9504, M-F, 8-5 for more information. CARPET INSTALLER full time wanted. Must have valid drivers transportation 1 786-8085 Help Wanted 320 CARRIERS Adult youths wanted to deliver the UnionNews Sunday Republican in the PELHAM and BELCHERTOWN area. Excellent profit on routes now open plus participate in contests offering cash' prizes. Great earnings potential for those who are highly motivated.
Call to apply (collect) 788-1100 or 1-800-458-5877 CARRIERS: Adult and youths wanted for delivery of the Union can in the city of: AGAWAM Great earnings potential on routes requiring only a minimum amount of your time. If your a dent, retired or a homemaker who needs to supplement your income, call Mr. Duni at: 789-0767 or 788-1100 to apply. CARRIERS Ages 9 to 90 wanted to deliver the Union News Republican in the following neighbor. hoods in Springfield.
FOREST PARK NORTH END INDIAN ORCHARD Come join the growing ranks of newspaper carriers, plus earn cash prizes for your efforts. Pick up the phone today call: 788-1100 to Apply CARRIERS EARLY RISERS! Make G-R-Emoney in the: AMHERST HADLEY Area by delivering the SUNDAY REPUBLICAN. Looking for responsible individuals to fill newly created routes. Call Dennis 548-9688 or 1-800-458-5877 in person B'Shara's Restaurant, 1268 Riverdale West 732-4740 CASHIERS Busy Self Service Gas Station has opening available tor individual with good basic math and verbal communication skills. Previous cash handling experience helpful.
Full training offered with good starting rate, regular merit increases, vacations and credit union. Ideal shift 1 pm-7pm weekdays and weekends. Apply to: TEXACO SELF SERVE, 140 Armory St. Ma EDE CASHIERS, High starting pay fast raises. Various hrs locs to suit your schedules.
Pride CASHIERS full part-time for several new self serve gas stations. We have many shifts a- vailable in the Springfield area. Above average wage to start with frequent salary reviews. Call 789-3103. -Serve Gas Station 11 p.m.
7 a.m. Saturday Sunday $5.75 training rate. $6.25 after training. Apply 833 East Columbus Ave. To Apply CASHIER -DOWNTOWN Spild store looking full-time employee.
Must be depdenable. Call Ralph's Pharm-A-City, 732-2481 ask for Gail or Ed. CASHIER, full or part time. Apply STOCK CLERKS Immediate openings for steady year round employment. Both day and evening PT hours avallable.
Excellent starting salary and fringe benefits including paid vacations, bonuses, and employee discounts. Apply in person: Kappy's Liquors, 711 Boston Rd, Springfield, 782-2220 CHEF Nights, at local restaurant. Experience necessary. Call 737-0548 for appt. An equal opportunity employer, CHEMICAL LAB TECH'S YOUNG COMPANY 115 Progress Ave Spild 785-1604 CHIEF INSPECTOR and or ty Control Manager with job shop experience.
Apply in person: Armstrong Tool 122 Doty Cir, W. Spfld, MA EDE Childcare In our home, advanced 2 yr. old, Own transp. EnergetIc. Intellectual need apply.
Nonsmoker. Call 732-0921, leave msg CHILD CARE WORKER Part time In Group Home for 6 emoflonally disturbed children ages 10-13. Tuesdays, Fridays, and alternate Saturdays, 3 to 10pm. Apply to Bob Borgatti, Bright. side, 2112 Riverdale St, West Springfield, Ma.
01089. CLAMP TRUCK DRIVER- Experlenced Clamp Truck Driver needed for paper mtg co. 2 years plus exp. Must be willing to work 60-65 hr. work week.
Be able to pass physical have good work record. Medical, life, pension plan. Only those who are dependable need apply. Stop by: 54 Winter Shipping Receiving Holyoke, MA an fill out application. CLASS I DRIVER AND HELPERS Must have minimum 2 yrs.
experl. ence with van lines. Apply at: Vanguard Moving Storing, New Ludlow Chicopee. Cleaning Person or Matron Local college seeks self-motivated person for dorm and oftice bidy cleaning. Competitive wages, good benetit*, Call 567-0621, ext.
212. E0E. CLERICAL Accepting applications. Milton Bradley. Help Wanted 320 CLERICAL full time, Mon-Fri.
Company- paid benefits package. Apply at Sulco Warehouse, Gale 3, State Ludlow, MA, 8am-3pm. 583-3931. Clerical, Light Industrial TALENT TREE PERSONNEL SERVICES 425 Union W. Sptld, 781-0112 CLERICAL OPPORTUNITIES American International ment Co.
is seeking full time cal employees for our W. Spring-, field, Ma. office. AIAC Offers an excellent salary and benefits program, an exciting professional environment, and great potential for career development. Positions currently available: RECEPTIONIST: Duties include answering all incoming lines and CLERK TYPIST: Position involves typing, matching mail and filing.
PROCESSOR: Requires excellent typing skills. Send resume in strict confidence to: Lisa Mazza, AIAC, 246 Park Street, P. O. Box 1109, West Springfield, Ma. 01090.
Clerical Temporary Assignments Top wages, current openings Blue Arrow Temporaries 734-1224 CLERK for hardware store, part time. Thurs. Fri. until 9pm, all day Sat, American Lumber Hardware, 503 College Highway, Southwick, MA, 569-3355 CLERK full or part time in pharmacy. Must be dependable and have good references.
Days, nights weekends. maker's hours available. Ad Reply 13607 UnionCLERK OF WORKS South Hadley Housing Authority seeks owner's representative $1.6 million housing development. Project duration approximately 10 months. Begin November 6, 1989.
Resumes letters of reference to: Caolo and Bieniek 380 Union Street, West Springfield, MA 01089 by October 23, 1989. CLERKS all levels, short, long term perm. positions. 781-4120 PERSONNEL POOL CNC LATHE OPERATOR RUN A VARIETY OF PARTS FOR GROWING AREA AT ONCE MANUFAC- WITH TURER. START EXCELLENT WAGES, BENEFITS WORKING CONDITIONS.
CONVAL, INC. SOMERS, 203-763-3551 EOE C.N.C. MILLING MACHINIST Capable of making own set-ups on aircraft quality parts. 4 years min. experience required.
Matsuura experience a plus. Now hiring for day and night shift. differential for nights. SPC ANALYST Experience in maintaining SPC Program for aerospace business. experirequired.
APPLY IN TOOL PERSON ONLY: Turnpike dustrial Westfield, MA. co*ckTAIL SERVER Full or part time evenings. Must have some bartending exp. Meals uniforms provided. Competitive wages.
Apply in person, executive office, Harley Hotel, Brightmeadow Blvd Enfield CT EDE CONCRETE WORKER must be able to form finish concrete. Experience only apply. 733-3256 CONST. PROJ. MGR Comm' exp.
CT loc. To DOE. Russo Associates, CONSTRUCTION WORKERS Experience in pre- engineered metal buildings. Steel, siding and trim experience necessary. Good pay and benefits.
Year round work. 536-0021 EDE CONSTRUCTION LABORER Solid local Co. Steady work, good pay. 737-6992 COOKS- Apply in person, Pizzeria Uno, next to Stage West, Spfld. ORDER-30 hours.
nights. Call Angela 783-1549 COOKS KITCHEN HELP Full Part Time, Earn Between 10 start. Excellent beneifts, super people. Person ABDOW'S BIG BOY RESTAURANTS 948 Riverdale St, W. Spfld.
1616 Memorial Chicopee 1284 Boston Road, Spfld. COOKS WANTED Part time hours. Apply in person, Cafe Manhattan, 301 Bridge Spfld. COUNSELOR Positions available YWCA Runaway Adolescent Program. Responsibilities include direct care, supervision of residence and answering hottine calls.
BS in residential experience with adolescents preferred. Send resume to Lisa Torre, 17 Harriet St. Springfield, Ma. 01107. COUNSELORS Part time overnight and rellet positions available at the YWCA Runaway Adolescent Program, Responsibilities Include direct care, superlvision of residents and answering hotline calls.
BS and residential experience with adolescents preferred. Send resume to Lisa Torre, 17 Harriet MA 01107. CREDIT BRANCH MANAGER Join a winning team and leader in the second mortgage industry. Due to rapid expansion opening exists for a management position. A year or 2 finance company experience would make you the Ideal candidate.
Attractive salary benefits program. Send resume to; The Money Store, 2133 Boston Wilbraham, MA 01095 or phone 413-599-1222. CREDIT CORRESPONDENTS SEARS ROEBUCK CO. Immediate Openings for full-time experienced collection correspondents. Starting rate Excellent benefits.
We Invite you to become a member of our quality workforce at the Springfleld Eastfield Credit Central. SEARS Mall. Apply anytime. Any questions call (413)-543-6359, E0E CRIB ATTENDANT Fast growing manufacturing company requires a crib affendant to handie shipping receiving parts, storage, kitting. Blueprint reading a requirement.
Previ. ous experience is required. Apply to Engineering Sales Associates, 3640 Main Spfld. 01107. 413-739-4761 CUSTOMER SERVICE REP full time tor heavy phone contact and general office work.
It you have a mature, helpful, telephone manner call Conn. Valley Biological, Southampton 527-4030 CUSTOMER SERVICE This full time position requires a cheerful personality able to handle heavy phone contact tor cal co. Greeting customers, some clerical dufies, computer exp. helpful. Will train.
Full benefit package. Call Debbie for Interview. 781-7240. DATA ENTRY CLERK Part time 8-12 hours on weekends. Duties will include data entry, processIng reports on System 38, operating Decollator, Durster and tape drive and distributing reports.
Excellent entry level opportunity for computer programming student as position could lead to full time protessional opening in growing MIS department. Interested candi dates may send resume or apply in person to Personnel Depariment, Carando, P.O. Box 491-20 Carando Drive, Spring field 01102-0491. E0E. No phone calls please, Help Wanted 320 CRANE OPERATOR experience crane.
Good company benefits. Must be reliable. Call William F. Sullivan 539-9664 DATA PROCESSING HANDS ON! Does that describe the person you are? Let's talk about your future! IBM, COBOL, to 25K AS400 to 38K 'C', PC OSZ to 35K IDMS, ADSO, Cobol to 46K IDMS to 36K Cobol, JCL, CICS to 40K Dec, IBM to 35K More opportunities avail. It's worth a call.
it can make a difference! Contact AJ Secondo al GILBERTLANE BayBank Tower 1500 Main St. Springfield, MA 01115-5546 Phone: 733-2133 FAX: 733-2241 DATA PROCESSOR Part time tund raising asst. for a major arts organization. Exp. pref.
Send resume and 2 letters of reference to D.P. Search, P.O. Box 3898, Springfield, MA 01101. DELIVERY PERSON -Full or P.T. for busy flower shop.
Immediate opening. Apply in person to Longmeadow Flowers, 57 Allen St. Springfield. DENTAL ASSISTANT position available for experienced chairside dental assistant. Excetlent salary benefits.
Please call Barbara at 584-6275 DENTAL HYGIENIST 3-4 days per week. Permanent position established prevention orientated office. List education and experience. Ad Reply 3661 Union- -News DESIGN ENG BSME (2) PKG. PRINT Processes to 40-45K.
D. MARTIN 413-781-3262 RITTAPERSONNEL DESIGNER ARCHITECTURAL We have immediate need for. 4 people with 7 yrs. exp. preparing architectural deisgns and project documents for various types of building projects.
Must have been at an independent or assistant level having responsibility for preparation of all project documents for specific. architectural projects for at least 1 yr. Call Lynn Beliveau 536-5100 or Send resumes to United Engineers Crossroads Industrial Park, Holyoke Ma. 01040, DESIGNERS TROLS. CAD experience a must with web handling machinery a plus.
Travel or per diem, Possible longterm assignment. D.R. Plourde Assoc. PO Box 385 Longmeadow, MA 01028 413-525-3909 DESIGNERS MACHINE TOOL MECHANICAL ELECTRO- MECH ELECTRICAL Long term contract assignments. For immediate consideration call 203-529-5710.
Exper. necessary. Send resume to Ad Reply 3668 Union-News 21 New Britain Avenue Rocky HIll, CT 06067 DESK CLERK, full or part time. DIE REPAIR EMPLOYEE For repair of dies and fIxtures for die cast punch press depts. Must have ability to grind dies pins, set-up and operate various machinery such as bridgeports, lathes, and grinders.
Machine shop experience required. Second shift, 8.57 to 510.77. Excellent working conditions and benefits. R.E. Phelon Co, 70 Maple St, East Longmeadow DIETARY AIDE, part time.
Small retirement home. Good working conditions. 732-5569 DIETARY COOKS AIDES Full part-time, exc. wages benefit package. Cali 786-8000, ext.
276. DIRECTOR, daycare center. Small downtown center has immediate opening for qualified individual to direct the facility of 40 children and a staff of 10. Candidate must have proven experience in staff supervision, budget preparation, plus I year experience as Childcare Director. An Associates Degree is required, along with a strong knowledge of OFC regulations.
Excellent benefits program, fully paid retirement, and life insurances. If you are interested in becoming a member of our management team, send resume by, October 11 to Jane Robbins, YMCA, 275 Chestnut Springfield, MA 01104. E.0.E. DISHWASHER needed evenings and weekends, Paid breaks, free meals. Calf Chez Josef, 786-0313.
DISHWASHERS Days, full time, Benetit*. Please apply in person: Longmeadow Country Club, 400 Shaker Longmeadow, MA. 01106. DISPATCHER 3rd. shift (11 part time weekends.
547-6512 DRAFTERS MECHANICAL United Engineers has several immediate IN Mouse permanent positions tor persons with some experience in mechanical drafting. Call Lynn or Dave 536-5100 or Send resumes to United Engineers Crossroads Industrial Park, Holyoke Ma. 01040. DRAFTING INSTRUCTOR private technical school needs mechanIcal draft instructor. Minimum 5yrs experience in field.
Call 203-688-8351 Quality office furniture manyfacturer seeks well organized Individual with 2 to 5 years drafting auto CAD experience. CNC programming also desired. Competitive salary. Good wage benefit program, Send resume or apply in person Acoustical Partitions 144 Race Holyoke, MA 01040 DRIVER Class I. for local moving co.
and delivery service. Experience preferred. Will train you In our profession it necessary. Earn per year. Excellent benefits.
Call 736-1825. DRIVER, Class Il needed. Poss. 6 day work wk. 1st shift, local pickups deliveries.
$8 per hr. Benefits. 733-5677, 9am 1o 4pm DRIVER INSTRUCTOR Tired of the road? Put your pertise to use, training entry level tractor trailer drivers. Minimum requirements 2 years experience with high school diploma or equivaunt. Uniforms and medical surance available.
E.0.E. 1-800-243-3544. DRIVERS Must have current class I lIcense with no pending suspension. Meet DOT requirements. Prefer I year driving experience a past history of safe driving.
ROADWAY EXPRESS 100 Progresse Spfld. Apply 10am to 3pm 733-3182 AA: EDE, Qualified minority female applicants. couraged to apply DRIVERS Class I. Full time positions avall, for class 11 drivers. Early morning hours, Mon.
thru Fri. some Sot. DOT cards required. Inquire within Allstar Dairy, 456 Newton South Hadley, MA. No phone calls please.
DRIVERS Class I must have 1 full year experience with 26 f1. straight truck. Office furniture experience a plus. Plenty of overtime. Expect to earn $500 10 $700 per week with a complete benefit package including company paid medical, Call 734-7372 you are experienced, dependable want to work.
DRIVERS, class I. A growing Spild. terminal needs a quail: fled tractor trailer driver full time, 5 day week, Home nights weekends. Local run with letized freight. Excellent wage, tull benefits including company pald medical.
Call 1-734-7373 tor mace info. on this permanent career opportunity. Help Wanted 320 DRIVERS Class 2yr driving experience. Applications being as accepted, MondayFriday, 9-5. 562-2255 WORKERS A leader in the transportation industry is seeking city drivers (class 1) and dock workers.
Casual work that may lead to full time. Apply in person at Roadway Express, 19 Depot Hill Enfield. qualified minority female applicants are encouraged to apply. DRIVERS Drivers with Class I or license needed. Must have lyr clean driving record.
Able fo complete forms and have good attitude. Good wages benefits including pension. Persons with the above qualifications need only apply. 203-654-1886. E0E.
DRIVERS needed part time weekends. Apply at Qualex, 616 Dwight Springfield. E0E DRIVERS WANTED Part time work. Exc. benefits competitive wages.
Positions avail. immed. transporting special needs adults in our vans. Call Hulmes Transportation today 734-9722 DRIVERS WANTED Earn $60-100 per day driving taxi cab. Neat appearance friendly personality a plus.
Stop in at 245 Verge Spfld. TRACTOR TRAILER National Transportation Co. is recruiting a Springfield based tor trailer driver for a new route. Work is Mon-Fri and includes one overnight stay per week. You must have a clean driving record, 3 years Tractor experience, be drug free and able to properly manage your sleep time.
Dispatch is between 1 and 4AM. Starting pay will be plus benefits after 90 days. If interested, call 1-800-727-6637 and ask for Driver! Recruiting. Don't wait this posiwill be filled quickly. PERSON Class I license required.
Home nightly. Full company paid benefits. Call tor appointment WPS 1-800-727-0709. EDIT CLERK Immediate full time opening for individual proficient on 10 key calculator. High math apptitude is required.
Job duties will include some data entry, filing, and telephone work. Full company benefits offered. Apply: 8am-11am, 1pm-4pm PERSONNEL DEPT. F.L. Roberts Inc.
3300 Main St. Ma EOE ELECTRICIAN- -Licensed Year round position. Full benefits. Annual salary $37,500. Plus overtime.
Call 203-289-0711 or 203-749-2423 for appointment. ELECTRICIAN, licensed experlenced. Paid medical, vacation, holidays, competitive wages. Call Lapierre Electric 589-0021 ELECTRICIAN must be. licensed and have a minimum of lyr industrial experience.
1st 2nd shift positions are available. Competitive hourly rate comprehensive benefits package. Interested candidates may send resume or apply Tuesday-Friday, 9-3, Carando, 20 Carando MA 01104. E0E. No phone calls please.
ELECTRICIANS licensed and experienced. Competitive wages 734-0516 ELECTRICIANS licensed electrician. Good pay benefits. Call 525-4054 ELECTRONIC FIELD Technician experienced in copier or typewriter repair. Good starting salary, benefits, good atmosphere.
Apply within Executech, 30 Robbins MA Employment Opportunities Adams Industries is expanding and now accepting applications for positions offering excellent advancement opportunities and benefits. EXPEDITOR (2) Min. 2 yrs exper. in vendor contacts, in-plant tollow-up. PURCHASING CLERK Heavy telephone contact with suppliers to support active ing dept.
INSPECTORS (4) Experience should include use of inspection gauges Including thread and blueprint WAREHOUSE Accurate person to small parts, assist in other stockI room duties. Apply in person 8am-5pm ADAMS INDUSTRIES SOUTH RTE 75 SUFFIELD, CT ENG. FIELD SERVICE to 50K Hydraulic, Pneumatic, Elec. Bkgrnd. Marlette 781-0240 No Fee ENGINEER fee pd 40K Plastics proj.
tech. bckgrnd molds prototype work. Call Pat at 413-739-4900. ENGINEERING CLERK growing company seeks dependable organized individual. Duties include blueprinting filing.
Mon-Fri, Call for appt. Mold Systems, Ludlow, MA 589-0534 ESTHETICIAN to manage 1600 s.t. facial cosmetic studio. Includes profit sharing. 583-2264 ask for Mario EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Seeking a well organized, dependable person to provide secretarial support.
Responsibilities include: typing, word processing the ability to communicate deal effectively with alt levels of company customer personnel. Experienced only. 50 wpm typing required. Competitive salary excellent benefit package avallable. Please call 627-5927 WINDSOR MARKETING GROUP 2 Industrial Rd.
Windsor Locks, CT FACTORY POSITIONS Car necessary. All shifts. $5.75 up. Call TEMP SOLUTIONS 785-1330 FILING CLERK 20 hours per week. Please contact Gayle Turnberg, Mediplex of East Longmeadow, 135 Benton Drive, East Longmeadow, MA, 01028, (413) 525-3336.
FINANCIAL PLANNING with natl organization CFP or 3-5 years exp. Call Jeffrey Gibbs 781-7770 FIRST COOK. Full time position on the day sh*tt. Apply to St. Lukes Rest Home, 85 Spring MA 01105, 736-5494 FLORAL DESIGNER excellent pay benefits, experience preferred.
Call for appi. Carey's Flowers 300 New. ton So Hadley, MA 01075. 536-0444 FLORAL Retail Manager Excellent opportunity tor experienced designer with knowledge of running a full service floral shop. Insurance benefits, paid vacations and holidays, profit sharing for the right highly motivated reer minded individual.
Call Sandy at 562-3682 for appt. FLORIST Designer, FT, PT, full serv. shop, exper, req. Wenk's Florist 783-6183 FOOD SERVICE Corporate dining facil. Entield, CT.
Mon- -Fri work week. Benetit*, meals, uniforms. Positions avail: Cashler, Sandwich Counter Person, E0E. Call for appt. 203-253-1251 FOOD SERVICE.
Marriott Corp has immediate openings for cashiers cooks in Windsor Locks cafeteria. Full part time hours avallable. Retirees welcome. Excellent benetit* starting salary. E0E.
Contact Chris 203-654-4571 FOOD SERVICE part-time, Monday-Friday, 10-2, good benefits, excellent working conditions. Call 788-8411 ext 4225 ask for Mark call between FOOD SERVICE SUPERVISOR Premium pay benefits, full time for dynamic leader in the health care Industry. Must be experienced, abllity to super. vise positively motivate the Dietary Dept. Call Mr.
Woomer, 786-8000, ext. 264. FRONT OFFICE for trucking company, Typist, data entry, and general office duties. Call 736-9168 ask for Nancy for appointment FULL CHARGE BOOKKEEPER computer exp. Small office.
Send resume to Ad Reply 3636 Union- -News FURNITURE Driver wanted. AbilIty to Ilft office turnishings. mediate position Excellent benefits, Apply In person, Broadway Office Sysdems, 90 Tapley Spild. Furniture Truck Driver, 3 yrs. furn.
store exp. Good pay, steady. Hampden Furniture, 732-2945. GENERAL FACTORY WORKER with machine experience for sheet metal shop. Apply Hampden Engl.
neering, 99 Shaker East Longmeadow, 7:30 to 5. PLANT ENGINEERING MANAGER A prominent capital equipment manufacturer has an immediate opening for a qualified Plant Engineering Manager with an indepth background in facility engineering, hazardous material programs and safety. The ideal candidate will have 12-15 years experience with a full range of plant engineering activities coupled with an appropriate four year college degree. Familiarity with construction and modernization pro5 jects a definite plus. Located in a desirable non-urban New England community, we offer a comprehensive salary and fringe benefit program including a relocation package.
Please send resume including salary history and requirements in strict confidence to: 1 Ad Reply 3663 Union-News EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Help Wanted 320 GENERAL LABORER Looking for dependable person who has good work history is willing to work hour work week. Must be able to pass physical. Job is as a floater between machines. Must have some machine experience. Medical, life, pension plan.
Stop by the Shipping Receiving Dept. at 54 Winter Holyoke, MA fill out application. GENERAL LABORERS Local foundry has openings for Laborers. To qualify you must be 18 years old and have a steady work history and able to do heavy manual labor. Apply in person between 9am-3pm Monday- Thursday.
Personnel is closed on Friday. H.B, Smith 57 Main Westfield, MA. GENERAL MANAGER INDUSTRIAL PACKAGING Distributor seeks an aggressive, self starting professional to assume responsiblity for managing office, inside sales and coordinating related sales activities of field salespeople. Packaging background desirable. Salary commensurate with qualifications.
Benefits include group hospitalization and life insurance. Send resume in confidence to Ad Reply 3669 Union-News GO GO DANCERS for clubs in Conn. bach. parties. 203-334-9285.
GRAPHIC ARTS Firm seeks resp. individuals for various printing metal finishing operations. day work week. Paid holidays benefits. Apply at corated Products Co.
1 Arch Rd. Westfield, near Turnpike Exit 3. GROUP LEADER Hands on. Min. 3 yrs supervisory exper.
in tactory environment. Call TEMP SOLUTIONS 785-1330 GUITAR TEACHER- Part time, full time, experienced. Call Falcetti Music 543-1002 bet. 9 3. HAIRDRESSER INSTRUCTOR needed.
Will train. Excellent benefits. Write to Ad Reply 3677 UnionHAIRDRESSER, manicurist booth for rent. Exc. working cond.
Chicopee area. 534-4992 HAIRDRESSER'S ASST earn while you learn. 583-3000 or 547-8854. Ask for Joseph. HAIRDRESSERS Instructors position, will train.
Days evenings, 'tull part time. Lebaron Hairdressing, call Mrs. Flynn at 733-5017 days; eves. 525-7675 HAIRDRESSERS homemakers hours part or full time salary commission 739-5417 HAIR STYLISTS Manicurists w-following time. 787-0743 HAIR STYLIST with following for progressive salon, yet relaxed atmosphere.
Full or part time. 788-7010 Rosanne HEALTH INSPECTORS Government $700 $1500 weekly 508-987-1444 or 508-799-9765 ext. 423 HEAT TREATING Entry level 2nd shift, train on 1st, $5.71 to start, up to $7.33 wlthin 1 yr. Call TEMP SOLUTIONS 785-1330 HOSTESSES now hiring at Bickfords Pancake House. 1297 Riverdale St West Spfr-1.
733-6055 days, Mon. to Fri. Apply J.W. Wimpy's, 365 Walnut Ext, Agawam HOTEL Bus service. Excel, benefits.
Apply Sheraton West, 1080 Riverdale St. West Spfld. HOTEL: housekeeper full part time. Excel. benefits.
Apply: Sheraton West, 1080 RIverdale West Spfld. HOTEL NIGHT AUDITOR Applicants should have hotel front desk or accounting experience. Hours 11pm-7am. Full and part time, excellent benefits and competitive salary. Apply at: HOLIDAY INN 711 Dwight Street Springfield, MA E.0.E.
HOUSEKEEPER Monson family seeks housekeeper -sitter for Mon-Fri, 2-4PM. Send letter to Housekeeper, PO Box 533, Monson, MA 01057 HOUSEKEEPERS Houseporters, toll time days, must be flex for wkends. Meals uniforms provided. Competitive wages good benefits. Apply In person, executive office, Harley Hotel, 1 Brightmeadow Blvd Enfield CT EDE INFANT TODDLER TEACHER and teacher aides wanted immediately.
FULL MAPNY PAID BENEFITS. APPLY IN PERSON WALTER DRAKE, INC. 85 SERGEANT ST. HOLYOKE INSPECTOR for machine shop. Must have experience in MIL Standards and layout dures, Call Pond Brook MachinIng 562-7411 INSPECTOR.
Machine shop seeks individual to perform various In-process Inspection procedures. Experience required. Apply at Machine, 190 State Granby, MA 1-467-9556 Entry level positions avallable. No perience necessary we will train. Immediate openings on 3rd shift.
Responsibilities Include: Inspecting envelopes packing into cartons boxes. Excellent wage benetit package including automatic increases, paid holidays vacations, etc. Apply in person only: WESTVACO ENVELOPE DIVISION 180 Moody Road Enfield, CT 06082 An Affirmative Equal Opportunity Employer Insurance Agency in Ludlow has full time position open for CSR. Exper. in rating auto homeowners ful.
Exc. ben. plus dental Salary to commensurate w'exper, Contact Karen 589-9555 Auto Claims Handler to process no-fault pip claims In Springfleld personal Injury law firm. Some experience essential. Some word processing and bookkeeping necessary.
Competitive salary benefits Call Michael at 736-4537. INSURANCE CSR Great oppty. to use your pers'l lines exp. Exc, benefits nice location Call Chris at 781-0235 SNELLING AND SNELLING JANITORIAL, full-time night foreman Must have experlence, with own vehicle, Salary or hourly wage negotiable, depending on experience. Call after 4pm, 737-7034.
K.W. THOMPSON TOOL INC. ARMS has openings for MOLDMAKER 5 years experience in moldmaking in the investment casting industry required. COMPANY PAID BENEFITS Up to 4 weeks vacation 9 Holidays Dental insurance Medical insurance Disability insurance Life insurance Jury duty pay Bereavement pay Profit sharing plan Military reserve pay Free coffee milk Uniforms provided at breaks cleaned. Free lunch program Please call Fran Lefavour for more information: K.W.
THOMPSON TOOL ARMS FARMINGTON ROAD, ROCHESTER, NH 03867 (603) 335-3104 E.0.E. Help Wanted 320 JANITORIAL full part time positions avail. Good starting pay. Call 733-6900. Handler for building supply company.
Ambitious oriented only need apply'in person at 37 Telegraph Ave, Chicopee. 532-9020 LABORERS, 2nd shift. mechanical background experience required. Apply at Holyoke Machine 522 Main Holyoke. An EDE LABORERS- New Englands Largest Landscaping Contractor, looking for additional Laborers to round out our work force.
Call Tom at 583-8392. Laborers Various temp. perm. pos. Work immed.
All shifts. RELIABLE 786-9942 LABORER WANTED Duct Vent Cleaning of America. Part full time hours available. Full time 8-5: Part time hours 8-12. Contact Curt at 739-3341.
LABORER with asphalt experience. 788-0876, 8am to Center Asst. Desirable indiv. in landscape plant science is needed to assist manager. Apply at or send resume to: Pepperbrook Nursery and Garden Center, 935 Piper W.
739-4531 LANDSCAPE LABOR Full time. Call 739-4531 or apply at: 935 Piper West Spild. LAUNDROMAT ATTENDANT. Wkends eves. Exp.
req. 543-5538 LAUNDRY, part time. Excellent wages, more on weekends. Apply al Riverdale Gardens Nursing Home, 42 Prospect West Spfld. 733-3151 LEGAL SECRETARY.
Experience pref. Flexible hours, excellent oppty. All replies confidential. Contact M.J. Burstein 734-6421 LEGAL SECTY Dictaphone skills, IBM Wang WP.
Exp req. Competitive salary benefits. 734-6734 LEGAL SECTY full time will train some office exp. pref. Call 568-3553 LIVE- IN Companion tor Longmeadow female.
Free rm 3. board salary. Ref req 596-9898. LOT ATTENDANT aggresive new car dealership Is looking for a reliable person to work full time maintaining our new and used car inventory. Must be capable of performing minor repairs, have a clean, valid Mass.
drivers license and willing to work. Apply in person to Mr. French at Father Sons 434 Memorial West Spfld. MA. LUBE PERSON M-F, uniforms, insurance: Orr 781-1677.
See Steve Stevenson, Ser. Mgr. LUMBER YARD needs Laborers for panel truss shop. Full time openings, 40 hour work week, and benefits for full time employees. Apply O'Connor Lumber Co.
of Westfield Inc, 507 Southampton Westfield. MACHINE OPERATORS We are now interviewing for machine operators with experience on injection molding or die casting machines. Apply at HBA CAST PRODUCTS, 262 Liberty St. Springfield, Ma. E0E.
MACHINE OPERATIONS Entry level, 2nd shift, train on 1st. S6 88 to start, up to $8.52 within 1 yr. Call Temp Solutions 785-1330 MACHINIST, all-around, lathe hand. Job shop. Good work conditions, benefits.
583-2793. MACHINIST mold makers, tool die makers, mold Experienced people earn top wages and shift differential for Immediate 2nd shift openings. Excellent benefit package. Inquire between BAM5PM at MOLD SYSTEMS State Gate 3. Ludlow MACHINIST.
Must have experience with CNC. Millers, bridgeports grinders. Apply Baytate Machine 76 Industrial Northampton. MACHINISTS I.D./O.D. LAPPERS Experienced Night Shift CNCLATHES SURFACE GRINDER Day Shift CRUSH GRINDER 1 Day Shift Apply: Westfield Gage Inc.
South Broad Westfield, MA An EOE MACHINISTS Immediate Opening Milling Machine Operator To set up operate Full benefit package Apply in person BURD MFG. CO 105 Industrial Drive MAIL ROOM EMPLOYEE full time position to learn machinery and malling operations. Heavy lifting involved. Call 589-0981. Please apply at NEW MEDICO REHABILITATION SKILLED NURSING CENTER AT BROOK WOOD 260 Easthampton Rd.
Holyoke, MA 01040 (413) 538-9733 E0E, M. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC, days, forkikitt background a plus. will train on our extrusion equipment. FOREMAN trainees (2), one 2nd shift, one 3rd shift. Ical ability knowledge of plastic extrusion helpful.
Wage commensurate with background, excellent benefit package. Send work history to Personnel Dept. Box 389, Ludlow. MA 01056 MAINTENANCE ASSISTANT Full time Tues, thru Sat. being sought for our Long Term Care Facility.
Individual will assist in the maintenance dept. doing minor repairs all around al maintenance duties for a 3 floor modern brick building. Preferred candidate witt have previous maintenance experience in healthcare tacility. MAINTENANCE CUSTODIAL FUll time position in Sptid. apartment complex.
Experience in the following helpful: carpentry, plumbing, electrical, as well as custodial duties and call emergency coverage. Call 732-7953 between 4pm. MAINTENANCE for newer apt, complex. Exper. In ail around general minor repairs (carpenfry, plumbing, painting, etc).
Full time. Spild. Ad Reply 3616 Union- News MAINTENANCE MECHANIC Experienced mechanic who has the ability to repair maintain a variety of production equipment. Experience with braiding chines, hydraulics, pneumatics welding a plus. Excellent benefits competitive wages.
Apply In person to SPFLD. WIRE, 243 MA the WHOLE DONUT ASST. MANAGER Will train. All shifts available. Apply in person.
216 Armory MA 920 Enfield St. Enfield, CT EOE Help Wanted 320 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC 2nd shift, Minimum lyr Industrial experience in troubleshooting and repair of production chinery and equipment. Experience in stick welaing, piping, plumbing, soldering, brazing, basic electrical and numatic systems knowledge. Ability to interpret blueprints. Competitive hourly rate com prehensive benefits package.
Interested candidates may send resume or apply Tuesday-Friday, 9-3, Carando. 20 Carando Spfld, MA 01104. E0E No phone calls please. MAINTENANCE MECHANIC: Sytronics injection Molding Co. is looking for a Maintenance Mechanic who isn't put off by working nights.
The successful candidate must have above average mechanical ability with emphasis on hydraulic and electrical equipment systems. The ability to trouble- shoot problems from schematics drawings will be 8 big plus. We offer excellent starting salary, -plus shift differential and a benefits package that's hard to beat. Please send a resume to: Syntronics, 43 Downing Parkway, Pittsfield, MA. 01201.
Attn: Personnel Dept. (413) 448-8238. MAINTENANCE 6am to noon at areas finest health club, free membership included. 781-0181 MAINTENANCE Mechanics, 2nd shift. We are looking for chanics to repair maintain a variety of foundry other manufacturing equipment.
Entry level rate is $9.20 per hour. Apply in person or send resume to: H.B. Smith 57 Main Westfield, MA 01085 MAINTENANCE MECHANICAL full time at the Village Commons, Call 532-3600 Full time immediate opening. Benefits. Must have tools transportation.
MAINTENANCE PERSON Jack of all trades for large apt. complex. S. Hadley area. 532-9410.
MAINTENANCE PERSON for general upkeep and repair of buildings and grounds at local college. Full time, temporary posttion. Please call 594-2761, ext, 248 tor an interview. MAINTENANCE Part Time 20-30hrs per week. Apply in person 9-12.
Will train. Montcalm His, 185 New Ludlow Rd, Chicopee. MAINTENANCE PERSON wanted tor David Bell R.E.. 733-1610. MAINTENANCE REPAIR Supervisor.
170 bed rest home has an opening for working supervisor with experience in HVAC, plumbing, electrical basic carpentry. Salary commensurate with experience, excellent benetit* inciuding health, profit sharing, and 401K pian. Send resume to: ADMINISTRATOR WINDSOR HALL RESTHOME 519 Palisado Windsor, CT 06095 MAINTENANCETransportation Coordiantor Office management computer skills essenfial. Prior work in maintenance or transportation office highly desirable. 12 month position.
Salary range is $17,500 $20,000, depending on training experience. Apply Supt. orfice, Amherst Public Schools, 170 Chestnut Amherst, MA 01002. (413) 549-369C. An AAE MANAGEMENT Growth oriented company seeking responsible, motivated individual to join our winning team.
insurance benetit*, friendly atmosphere. Salary to $25K. 413-527-7474. Manager CAFE MANAGER Busy, casual atmosphere, upscale needs take charge person good interpersonal skills the entrepreneural spirit sary to create a successful ality tor the business. Flex.
hrs. a must. Please send resume apply in person M-F 9 am-3 pm, HOTEL NORTHAMPTON, 36 King Northampton, MA 01060 MANAGER Solid local chain, Excel conds, full benefits, sion plan. 737-6992. MASONRY Residential Home provement Contractor looking for respons.
person who can build chimneys, form pour concrete steps sidewalks. build porches. Year -round. full time work. Must have license car.
Health ins. pension. (413)-730-4855. MECHANIC FULL- TIME fied. Must have own tools.
efits. Apply Interstate Texaco, 456 Center Ludluw 589-9978 MECHANIC, tractor trailer lube, tire minor repairs. Must have own tools be able to work 2nd shift. Benefits Include hcalth lite Insurance, paid holidays t0- tirement. Apply now New England Truck Stop, R1.
20, Sturbridge, MA MEDICAL SECRETARY Tape transcription, exc. typing. TEMP SOLUTION 785-1330 MISCELLANEOUS Machine Operator position. Apply in son. Curtis Universal Joint 4 Birnie Sptid.
MACHINE OPERATORS Trainees for coating machines and Starting wages $8.00 per hour. Rapid advancement to top rate of $10 per hour. 11 paid holidays, health insurance, uniforms, vacation and bonus plan. Apply at: TECHNICARBON INC. 89 Guion Street Springfield, MA (413) 781-7696 MEDICAL ASSISTANT We are a modern ophthalmology practice in the Springfield area that provides excellent patient care.
If you are a Certified Medical Assistant and are willing to train in ophthalmology please send your resume and salary requirements to: AD REPLY UNION- SUNDAY REPUBLICAN Help Wanted 320 MODELS 2 years to adult. No experience necessary. Selecting new faces for promotion to local and major advertisers. Presentations at 5 OR 7 p.m. sharp on Wednesday, Oct.
18th at Northampton Hilton, 1-91. Exit 18. Minors must be accompanied by legal guardian, Highlite Modeling Agency, NYC Scranton, PA. MODEL TALENT participants wanted, all ages, children adults. Male female, plus.
sizes for the 8th Annual New England Celebrity Festival to be held in Springfield. For infor. mation call 617-964-2468. MOTORCYCLE MECHANIC FN Full time position avail. 3-5 yrs exper.
req. Apply in person: BAER'S CYCLE SALES 11 Harvey St Spild 413-782-9535 MR RESIDENCE STAFF 11 pm-7 am awake. Good salary pm 7 am at 562-7273. benefits. Call Lori Ellis betw.
11 NIGHT AUDITOR position avail. immed. at local restaurant 11pm-7am 5 days a week. Will train. Send resume to: Ad Reply 3642 Union-News NIGHT Auditor, full or part time.
Exper. necessary. Send resume to Ad Reply 3667 Union-News NIGHT AUDITOR part-time, 11pm to 7am, weekends. Will train. Cail Lee at 532-9494 NIGHT billing position, full time.
Good benefits, competitive pay. Good typing skills needed. Yellow Freight, 568-2464 ask for Neil OFFICE CLERK for busy office, full-time, includes heavy phone work, typing data entry. Call Monday- Friday, 9-4, 739-1316 OFFICE CLERK Full Time Accounts payable, accounts receivable or data entry experience helpful. Previous general office experience and good typing necesasry.
Company paid benefits. Salary negotiable. 737-2641. OFFICE CLERK Moderate typing, filing general office work. Salary benefits 40 hr work week OT avail.
Call btwn Apcoa Inc. 203-627-3555 OFFICE HELP. Full time. Must be organized. detail oriented responsibie for diverse office duties.
Computer experience ful, but not necessary. Send resume or call for interview, PPC Builders, P.O. Box 150, Ware, MA 01082. 1-967-7415 OFFICE PERSON small friendly office looking tor tull lime dependable energetic person with on eye tor. detail must have knowledge of AP computers.
typing good telephone skills. Good benefits salary DOE. Resumes sent to Ad Reply 3638 News OFFICE PERSON, typing, filing, payroil, light bookkeeping, receptionist, 10am to 2pm, Mon. thru Fri. Apply during these hours, Adit Security, 271 Carew St.
(Memorial Bldg.) Spfld. OFFICE POS. Small quiet office needs person some bookkeeping exp. knowledge of taxes all around office procepures. Send resume to: FO Box 1054, W.
Spfld MA 01090 OIL BURNER Service Person. Must have Mass. license. Experience preferred. Pension, Blue Blue Shield, hicle, top For confidential Interview call Central Oil, Chicopee 592-0235 OIL BURNER SERVICE TECH.
Mass. Burner license. Exp. preferred, will train right person. Many benefits.
Apply: Fuel Oil, 733-5088 OIL TRUCK Class IT Mass. License. Exp. preferred. will train right person.
Many benefits. Apply: Baystate Fuel Oil, 733-5088 Optometric FT, exper. good phone skills, ins. billing. Contact Lens wearer helpful.
Ludlow area, 782-4556 OUTREACH COUNSELOR MOUNT GREYLOCK REGION- AL SCHOOL DISTRICT has an opening for an outreach selor effective Immediately. Duties include services to students, families, school and com munity to resolve problems In and out of school. Minimum salary $19,600. benefit package avail. Application deadline day Oct.
27, 1989, Contact Or. Beth Singer, Director Special Education, Mount Greylock Re. gional School District, 1781 Cold Spring MA 01267, 413-458-9582. Equal tunity Employer. Service.
gual, bicultural Vista volunter for women In transition Contact local organizations In Hampden Counfy, present gram Information In Latino community. work with Latino clients. Strong communication skills, sensitivity to low income women, cross cultural Issues quired. Full time, I year, bene. fits stipend, will not eftect government benetiis.
Resume fo Displaced Homemaker Program, 1618 Main MA 01103 by Oct. 23, 1989 Help Wanted 320 OPTOMETRIST Excellent opportunity for optometrist in West Springfeld. Employment and ownership opportunity. Low start-up costs, and guaranteed HMO contract. Call Ann, New England Eye Care, vi PACKERS IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Small company needs help filling orders.
Light and easy work involved with schools. Dependability a must. Set your own hours. Call Tina at 731-5984. 8am-noon.
4 PACKERS NEEDED Good benefits. Apply at: Package Printing 33 Myron Street, West MA (off of Riverdale St.) PAINTERS HELPER some own trans. 785-5533 TIME 2nd 3rd shifts. Crew people maintenance. Good benefits, vacations, uniforms.
Call Roy Rogers, 589-1348 Off Chapin On Sportsmen Rd. PART TIME 20-25 hours per week, general office work, calculator, billing, phone, checking payments. Bright, pleasant facility, year-round work, competitive salary and benefits. Call tor appt. Jane or Jay 733-3178 PART--TIME AIRCRAFT LOADING UNLOADING At Bradley International Airport.
Hours 5am to 8am. or to 4 am. Wages up to: to start. Call Carol at 203-627-7714 PART TIME average 58-510 an hour for home cleaning. Car necessary.
525-2299 PART TIME Clerk needed days or evenings. Should be reliable and conscientious. For interview call Bob at 734-7107, Package Store. PART TIME CLERK and Delivery Person, evenings weekends. BLISS PHARMACY 567-3350 PART TIME Closer over 18.
Up to $8 per hour. Apply Pizza Makers, Spfid. PART TIME Experienced floor butter, evenings, E. Spfld. 533-8599 PART TIME FULL TIME m.
wanted Apply in person mornings cnly 8.10am, See Kurt, 80 Progress Ave. West Spfid. 739-3341 PART TIME FULL TIME eve-, nings Christmas help needed at Eastfield Mall Center 788-8048 between 9 12 noon. PART TIME Grill person, experience preferred, $5.50 hr. Mon.Fri., occasional weekends.
Apply in person: Flight Deck Restaurant, Barns ipal Airport, Westfield. PART TIME Health Food Store, Mon. Fri. 1-6 with flexible Sat. hours.
Call Lorraine 783-9424 PART -TIME help needed at tood processing plant. 2-6 PM. Please apply in person. Angy's, Tortellini, 89 Baldwin W. Spfld.
PART TIME Homemakers hours, Mon. thru Fri. Apply in person, Cathedral High School Food Service 260 Surrey 8am- 12 noon. 782-5108 PART TIME LIFEGUARD Must be certified. Spfld Boys Club, Contact: Frank.
732-7201 Part- Time Office Cleaners Janitors, ovenings. Chicopee near Westover. 533-8599. PART TIME Person wanted who is familiar operations office work, AGWAY PETROLEUM, Contact: Mr. Kane PART TIME Recording Secretary tor local committee.
Will be sponsiblie for recording and presenting minutes of meelings to committee. Shorthand helpful but not necessary. Reply to MSBC, 127 State Palmer, MA 01069. PART TIME Retires welcome, with some machine shop experience of any kind. Job will consist truck driving and some shipping receiving.
Apply at Wayne Indistries Inc. 786-0252 PART TIME SALES HELP. Peter Harris Clothes, nights and weekends. Contact Terry, 543-1063, PART TIME Sales people wanted for Deck The Walls; a picture ana custom framing store located in the Holyoke Mall. Flexible daytime hours avail.
Wilt train Interviews granted by appt. only, Call 536-1998, ask for Bill. PART TIME STOCK CLERK wanted eves sat. work. apply century liquor mart, 175 memorial ave, west, spild.
PART. TIME TELEMARKETING Salary Commission AFF Ted or Betty 739-1161 PART- TIME WAITRESS wanted. days. Apply in person Storrowton Tavern, 1305 Memorials 1.