Spouses of Primarchs - AineNadiasoul (2024)

Chapter Text

First findings


It was getting dark. Jeremy and Carl said their goodbyes to Jacob and Sheila and moved towards the common room in hope to catch Anna and at least say hi. They were in deep discussion about the newest, last minute changes to the game meta. They were entering the front desk space when they saw three huge silhouettes discussing something in sharp voices. One of them had short-blond hair and yellow pants with brown suspenders and a matching shirt with white gauntlet print on a pocket. Another one had tightly knitted dreads with metal beads and striped yellow-black shirt, brown belt and black pants. The third person was standing out the most as he had a long, black top knot, a scar on his face and was wearing a white racing jacket with red thunders and black denim pants. They somehow managed to look dignified and elegant in their get up, despite its eccentricity.

- I’m telling you, Dorn. We should assume a position here and wait. Our brothers surely will pass here one way or another.

- How do you expect us to form camp here, brother? This space is completely open with minimal defensibility. Or do you plan to hide behind the desk in case of an ambush?

The man wearing a striped shirt looked as if he was about to explode. His attention was disturbed when the one with the scar noticed Jeremy and Carl approaching.

- Ah. Well met.- he greeted them.- Perhaps you can help here.

Jeremy and Carl looked at each other in confusion.

- Sure, I guess. What is the matter?- asked Carl.

- We have been separated from our brothers, you see. And we are looking for a place to stay for the night.

- You don’t have any room booked?- questioned Jeremy.

- Not as far as we know- the man answered briefly.- It has been organized by our Father.

- And… He’s nowhere to be found, too I guess?

- Indeed. He is not.- he said slowly.

- Well… We know people who maybe could help with at least one of those things, and that is a place to stay. In fact we were on our way to say hi. Would you like to come with us?- offered Carl.

- My thanks. Please lead the way.- the stranger said in a husky voice and gestured his hand in their direction.

Carl and Jeremy once again looked at each other and shrugged. The same thought crossed their minds: cosplayers… They are invested in their role for sure.

They headed out to the common room and noticed that the light had already been turned off with no one in sight.

- Damn. Guess she already hit the hay for today - said Carl, turning the light on.- I’m sorry but you’ll have to wait till tomorrow, I guess. There are some bean bags that you could use. They are quite comfortable. No one will mind if you stay here. This is a common room, normally used for Warhammer.

Strangers entered the room and the two who were previously bickering started to walk around as if assessing the space. None of them uttered a word. The third one decided to continue the conversation.

- What is this “Warhammer” you speak of?- he inquired.

- Oh… You guys are into realistic role-play then.- Summed up Carl with a wink, proud of himself.- Gotcha. Well… Warhammer is a miniature war game. You can find game rules and codices for each faction on the book shelves here.

Jeremy, the man and Carl moved towards the reading space and they showed him the latest rule book, quickly going through the most essential things to start the game. This got the attention of the other two.

- And you have to get more points than your opponent in five turns in order to win.- finished Jeremy.

- Fascinating- said the man in yellow. - Among those factions you have mentioned before. You said that there is an Imperium of Man.

- Yes.- he responded shortly.

- Are Astartes part of it?

- In fact, they are. There are various chapters from the first founding ones like Blood Angels or Space Wolves but there are also lesser known ones like Lamenters or Exorcists.

- How about Iron Warriors?- the man with dreadlocks jumped in.

- Yeah. They are playable, too.- said Carl and the man seemed pleased to hear about it.

- I am guessing that the Imperial Fists are also available, then?- concluded the yellow clad man. Both men’s eyes seemed to glow with interest and they seemed to be much more lively and invested in the conversation than before.

- Yeah, they are. Would you like to try playing? We can get you a premade army to try out if you want.

The two agreed to hold a battle between themselves and Carl called the front desk to lease the chosen armies. They helped with the set up and terrains and left the two to play. The man with the ponytail seemed comfortable on the floor, meditating so they briefly said their goodbyes and went to their rooms to get some rest before tomorrow.

Morning came fast after a dreamless night. First he probably ever had in his life or at least the first he has ever remembered. He looked at the chronometer at the wall and checked the time. He was pleased to notice he still had some time before meeting with Anna. Sangunius decided to keep close with the woman. The surrounding reality was foreign to him and he needed a guide. She seemed pretty influential, too. He tried to shift his attention from the fact that he wanted to hear more of her playing, memories of the melody still present in his ears.

He took a quick shower, for the first time not caring about his wings. Another oddly disturbing moment. He shrugged it off and decided to move on. It is what it is. For now.

He took the key card and walked out of his room. He stopped in front of Anna’s room and knocked at the door.

- Just a minute!- came a reply and a few seconds later Anna walked out to greet him. She was wearing a red turtleneck shirt with black pants. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail under a black cap with a winged blood drop of his Legion on it. He found it curious and bold at the same time. No one outside the Legion itself would dare to wear the emblem so casually. And yet she did exactly that.- Good morning! Slept well?

- Good morning. Yes, thank you. And you?- he held his gaze on the cap for longer than he intended.

- Same. Thank you for asking. - answered Anna and catching the question hanging in the air, explained - I’m a Blood Angels player. For the miniatures you saw yesterday in the common room?

Sanguinius nodded his head. He accepted this explanation and even if it was a bit odd, decided against commenting on the fact. The curiosity still lingered though.

- Why did you decide on Blood Angels? Yesterday it seemed to me there are many other Legions and factions to choose from?

- I will explain as we go, ok? I’m getting kinda hungry. - Sangunius nodded to that. He also began feeling the sensation he didn’t feel since he was a child. They started walking in the direction of the cantina.

- So… Why Blood Angels?- she repeated his question and got his attention.- I would like to tell you that it was because I like red or something simple like that but it’s a rather silly story. You see… When I decided to start playing 40k I wanted to read more lore to understand the feel of the different armies. Then by chance I got my hands on a book dedicated to the Blood Angels chapter master, Dante. I got so invested that I basically devoured it. Couldn’t help but root for the young boy to first become an Astartes, then Captain and eventually the Chapter master, even if I perfectly knew that he was going to succeed. You see, his story was intertwined with a story connected to the defense of Baal against the Tyranid hive fleet. I liked the character so much I wanted to know the Chapter more. So I started collecting books about other Blood Angels, like the Chief Librarian Mephiston or Master of the Dyscypline Astorath. And getting my hands on those books was so easy. Like anytime as much as I thought about getting something new there was a Blood Angels related book coming out. I also managed to find some rare books without much of a problem. And as I got a deeper understanding of the feeling the chapter gave I wanted to better better know the Primarch, Sanguinius. My stroke of luck continued because two weeks later was the premiere of a book called “Sanguinius. The Great Angel”. It was a bit of disappointment though. But still I decided I liked them and soon was painting my minis red, gold and black. By the way I had similar luck with the minis as Blood Angels were getting an update.

- You didn’t like the book about the Primarch? he asked, genuinely shocked.

- It wasn't much about the Primarch but more of a story about a meeting between a remembrancer and the Primarch. I hoped to read more about Sanguinius. Like learning about his childhood, getting to know about his first flight, was it a dare between him and his childhood peers or did he decide to check if his wings could carry him, et cetera… You know… What he was like as a person. - Anna answered earnestly, gesticulating as if making an important point.

Sanguinius barely controlled his amusem*nt. He didn’t expect such an answer.

- You wanted to know Sanguinius as a person?

Anna seemed a little taken aback but quickly recovered and started talking excitedly.

- Yeah… Well, isn’t it interesting? Like what was food like on Baal? Local traditions? How did he feel about flying? Or how did he perceive normal humans ? Did the visions of the future happen during the day or did he see them in his sleep? Could he stop them from coming? There were so many questions I had and things I wanted to know. - she took a longer breath before speaking again- But the good thing was I actually got to know two things about him that made me respect him.

- Oh? Really- the smile on his face only broadened. He genuinely started to like the girl who, despite not knowing him or who he was, expressed such earnest curiosity towards him. Not Primarch Sanguinius. - What would that be?

- His loyalty to the truth no matter how harsh it is and the fact that his special ability was to actually make people a better version of themselves. Apart from the psychic talent to see the future.

He paused in his track, shocked. Anna, also stopped and seeing as her words shook him added quickly:

- Did I say something wrong?

- No…- he replied- No, you did not… Was that written in the book you mentioned?

- Not directly, no. It was more read between the lines. Why?- Anna tilted her head slightly.

Sanguinius nodded his head, taking in her reply. He believed that only Father knew about it, as his brothers focused more on his wings and the visions.

- Is it common knowledge?

- I don’t know…?- the young woman raised an eyebrow at him. She looked concerned.- I don’t think it is some secret but I am uncertain how many people noticed while reading the book. I can lend it to you if you want…

- I see…Forgive me. I was just surprised.- he mustered a polite smile.- Thank you.

Fascination about this realm and the woman in him was growing. How come that this kind of knowledge was so openly available? How much more does she know? Was it because of this Father wanted them to come here? No, he decided. The more he thought about it the more it became clear he may not be in the place the Emperor wanted to take them originally.

She seemed to accept this answer with a nod and started to walk again. He followed suit and a few moments later something that sounded like an argument. And Anna was leading him towards it, involuntarily. The closer they got the clearer the voices became and Sanguinius recognized them without a problem. They belonged to his brothers. The two that never could see eye to eye…

- The hell is going on there? - he could hear her whisper but decided to keep silent.

They arrived at the cantina and through the open doors he could clearly see two silhouettes, tall as himself. One was rough, clad in blue material over a yellow shirt, silver hair gathered in a messy, low ponytail and the other one had long, thick red hair, long black cape ornate with golden scarabs hanging loosely over white turtleneck blouse and matching pants. His right eye was forever closed. Leman and Magnus. Were it not for the fuss they were making around themselves he would be truly overjoyed about the reunion.

- ... and now that you could actually be useful you are telling me that you are useless after all?!- shouted Russ, his hands on Magnus's blouse.

- As I have said before, brother, the Warp is silent here. I have never experienced anything like this before. I might be blind now but it is a matter of time when…- started explaining Magnus, seemingly calm. Sanguinius knew that the Red Giant’s patience was running out. And blood will be spilled should no one intervene.

- Do not give me excuses, wytch head. - roared Russ. If not everyone was paying attention to the two, they did now.

- I will call security.- Anna said and took out a small cogitator-like device from her pocket. Sanguinius stopped her.

- Let me take care of that.

- Are you sure?- she asked- They look like they are about to fight…

- Yes. Do not worry, those are my brothers. I know them.- he hurriedly explained.- Please stay away until I tell you otherwise.

He was pleased to see that she decided not to question him, despite her uncertainty. She slowly nodded her head but kept the small cogitator in her hand.

- Stay safe. - she muttered shifting from one leg to another.

Sanguinius took off without reply. Within a few paces he was right next to the two.

Anna kept her distance, as she promised. Her heart was pounding at the scene unraveling before her, smartphone in her hand just in case the two decided to go for it. She looked at it for a second and saw a message from Jacob on her phone. It was a warning about the scene happening at the cantina. If she was not so occupied with her discussion with Sanguinius she would have been warned about it all…

She watched the three tall figures before her. Sanguinius’s arrival seemed to have calmed them down and they were now talking about something in lowered voices, so the cantina returned to its’ normal flow.

Then, she noticed the arrival of the security team, closing in on the trio. Someone else must have notified them after all…

She decided to intervene. After all… Nothing happened. She walked up right next to them just when the security was making their usual greetings:

- Good morning, gentlemen. Is there a problem?

- Ah! Good morning!- responded Anna before any of the three could speak, catching the guard’s attention. She took a glance at the tall men. Haughty man, Leman, wanted to say something but Sanguinius stopped him with a hand gesture and nodded in her direction. - What brings you here?

Security guards looked at each other and then at her again.

- We have received a call that there is a fight about to break out and were asked to investigate.- said one of them, whose name, if the nametag was to be believed, was George.

- It was a heated discussion. A misunderstanding, nothing more.- Anna smiled and nonchalantly pointed at the men at her side- See? No one is fighting. No problem whatsoever.

- Well, if you say so, Anna.- this one, she knew personally. His name was Sam and he was one of the regular security members that could be spotted on the premises during the events. He helped her to orient herself when she was just starting her Warhammer adventure.- We still needed to check it out. Are you sure all is well?

- I am sure, Sam. No worries. I know you have to report if something is wrong but I can assure you, nothing bad is about to happen nor happened for the matter. - she explained, and that seemed to be enough. At least for him.

- Ok. I’ll take your word for it.

- But..- started George but was cut short by Sam.

- It’s fine, George. I know her. I will explain later. - he paused and looked at Anna again- Just make sure there are no more “heated discussions”. Someone may have a wrong idea about it. Good luck on the competition.

- Thanks, Sam. Sorry about the commotion. It won’t happen again.

The security team took their leave and Anna let out a breath she had no idea she was holding. That was close. They were lucky Sam was there or things might have not been so smooth. She turned to Sanguinius and two other men. Damn, they were all tall like basketball players.

- Sorry, I know you asked me to wait. - she apologized to Sanguinius.- But if security was getting involved I thought it would be better to jump in.

- Not at all. Thank you for your help… again.- he flashed her a kind smile and before he could say anything Leman jumped in with a wolfish grin of his own.

- Now now… Who do we have here? Why don’t you introduce us to your little friend, brother- he said, eyeing Anna from head to toe, raising an eyebrow questioningly at her cap.

- Of course, brother. Leman, Magnus… Meet Anna. She is my guide here. And a pianist. Her music is truly divine.- Sanguinius complimented her and continued- Anna, please meet my brothers, Leman Russ and Magnus the Red.

More Primarchs… They even look similar to their descriptions…- wondered Anna to herself. She was starting to believe she got pulled into some sort of an event, maybe even one of those mentioned by Jacob before, the surprises prepared by GW. She bowed lightly to the men before her.

- Pleased to meet you…

- Pleased to meet you, too, Lady Anna.- Leman took her hand, kissed it and half bowed, holding his face uncomfortably close to hers. - A high praise coming from my brother indeed.

Sanguinius, as if noticing her discomfort, put a hand on his brother’s shoulder.

- Leave her be, Leman. Show some respect. - his voice was gentle yet firm.

- All right, all right… - he said, backing down- I was just trying to be friendly. No need to get defensive, brother.

Sanguinius nodded his head in acknowledgment but Magnus just rolled his eyes with a scowl. Anna was grateful to regain her personal space. She decided to move slightly behind Sanguinius, just in case his brother decided to “be friendly” again.

- If you are finished, maybe we could grab something to eat? - she suggested, checking the clock on her phone.

- Apologies. Yes, of course.- smiled Sanguinius.

Anna would like to say the meal went on quietly but Leman seemed to have a different opinion. He asked her a lot of questions, be it about food, herself or the event she wanted to attend. Sanguinius and Magnus mostly sat there quietly, occasionally adding a question of their own. She felt saved when Jacob and two of his friends: a mechanicus player named Jeremy and an ork player named Carl showed up. They have taken most of the attention off Anna and she managed to finally finish her meal in peace. She still felt a watchful eye of Magnus on her and that made her feel a bit self conscious.

- What is interesting about this “Skulls” event? Are they going to display trophies of foes they have slain?- inquired Russ.

- No, no… It’s just the name. Nothing more- answered Jacob.- The event is a show about the video games industry. And information about the premiere dates of some of them at least.

- How is a game more exciting than the thrill of the actual hunt?

- Well… It gives normal people a safe way to have an experience they are not otherwise inclined to have- carefully explained Anna, wondering why she even has to do it in the first place.- Besides they can be quite educational, too. But that depends on the game… and its type.

- And they teach how to think in a logical way about problems ahead.- added Jeremy- Think about possible options and outcomes. Some people like to explore, too.

- You should try it. You’ll like it for sure. They are fun!- Carl jumped in excitedly.

- Heard that, brothers?!- Russ raised his voice to a near-shout again, convinced by the argument.- FUN. By Fenris, we need to try them out!

Sanguinius sat calmly while Magnus looked irritated by the sudden explosion from his brother’s side. He, for one, was not looking convinced about the whole idea.

- Is that the event you wanted to attend, Anna?- asked Sanguinius.

- Yes, in fact. There are some game titles I am interested in and wanted to check out before I decide if I want to invest in them or not.- she answered, earnestly.

Sanguinius nodded, acknowledging it.

- I have no objections, then.

- Are you letting the girl and the wolf dictate our next steps?- protested Magnus.

- Anna voiced her interest in it before and it is thanks to her that we have found each other. Should she have proposed a different time we might have missed the opportunity. There is a chance we might find more of our brothers there. Also I don’t believe there is anything wrong with learning what leisure activities are here.- said plainly Sanguinius, his voice perfectly level and calm.

- Hmm…- the Red Giant seemed to think about the arguments for a second and then nodded- That is a good point you are making. Let us attend this “Skulls” event.

- Ha! Maybe you are not such a bore after all, brother!- exclaimed Russ.

Magnus only pinched his nose, looking as if he was regretting his words already while having a massive headache incoming. Anna felt as if she might relate and bit her lower lip.

The event was run by Rahul and Henry. Behind them was a massive screen, currently displaying GW merchandise logos mixed with some gaming studio ones. Both actors entered the stage in a thunderous applause. The group arrived a bit late and the lights were already off, light focusing on the stage.

They have started with introductions and a few trailers, but no big titles yet. She was grateful to the rest for keeping Russ occupied, while she herself was looking around, a bit invested in finding more of the “lost brothers”. There is a possibility that if they gather them all, the secret event, as she believed it all was, will end and the actors will return to being themselves.

- What are those two? Iterators? Remembrancers?- asked Russ, without as much as lowering his voice, gathering the attention of the close bystanders.

- Actors. Famous ones, too.- answered Jacob in a lowered voice. - Known for their passion for wargaming. Especially Warhammer 40k.

The conversation was cut short as some of the major announcements started for the Rogue Trader and Warhammer 2: Vermintide.

Anna, used the situation to get Sanguinius’s attention:

- Sorry to interrupt… Are all of your brothers as tall as you?- she confirmed, eyes glued on three figures that were clearly standing out from the crowd.

- Indeed. That is how our Father has created us.- he confirmed,watching her closely.

- Then I think I see someone who just may be your brothers.- she said and pointed to a group not so far from them, a bit closer to the entrance on the other side of the room.

Sanguinius, as well as Magnus who was listening in to their conversation followed her hand.

- By Prospero! Vulcan, Roboute and Corvus! Well spotted, girl.- praised Magnus.

- Anna, please. I have a name, you know.- she corrected but was duly ignored and with an exasperated sigh nudged her friends to follow them towards the direction of the tall trio in the back.

They were lucky as they missed out some of the mobile games announcements and were just about to get to greet them, when the crowd cheered as the video of a well known Ultramarine got displayed. Anna’s eyes glued to the screen and got wider after she noticed a very peculiar scene where Lieutenant Titus’s rare side had been clearly visible. She took a glance at Jacob, Carl and Jeremy. They too have noticed. As much as she was excited about the title she already knew that people were going to have a field trip commenting on it. Despite it being a very well designed looking game.

- Oh boy…- she muttered as she saw Carl and Jeremy’s huge grins plastered on their faces.

- Did something happen?- asked Sanguinius.- Your friends seem happy.

- No… Yes? It’s just… Game designers chose a very brave thing to show…- she said, thinking on how to explain that the Ultramarine Lieutenant’s design included some rather fine buttocks on him but was spared from having to voice it by her friends.

- She’s talking about Titus’s gluteus maximus. Damn that ass was thicc!- commented Carl, holding back laughter.

- That is why command must be taken from the front. The back side is for morale increase.- giggled Jacob.

- Guys!- hissed Anna, trying to calm them down in vain.

- What? Not liking the Ultramarine’s Ultra-ass, Anna?- nudged Jake with a toothy smile.- Come on. We know you do.

She just shook her head in defeat and gave up a little laugh.

- Well.. who doesn’t I guess. Just didn’t expect it to be shown so obviously on an Astartes. - she admitted with a smile and braved a change of subject.- The gameplay looks promising though. I think I am going to try it out.

- Remember: no preorders- Jeremy reminded, fixing his glasses in an anime villain way.- But I have to admit it does look good. Let’s wait for reviews.

Anna looked at the tall men behind her. Russ was already hanging his one arm on one of the newly found brothers, the one with blond hair who she suspected to be called Roboute. Leman obviously heard the small talk about the video game Ultramarine and was obviously having a blast teasing him about it. The dark skinned, tallest of them all, possibly Vulcan, was trying to intervene and tone him down while Magnus, Sanguinius and Corvus Corax (?) were watching it all in silence.

- Space Marine, the previous game was about 3rd Captain Titus- she started explaining to the trio who could be listening, refocusing their attention.- He and two other Ultramarines were sent in to secure the titan works and the titans on a Forge world besieged by Orks, but in the meantime they were forced by a member of Imperial Inquisition to help him secure an artifact and that leads him to facing off with a deamon. Long story short, Captain Titus gets demoted and made to go on a redemption crusade, just because he fought and single handedly won against the warp creature. The video we saw right now is a trailer continuation, dated like fifty or hundred years later, as he returns as Lieutenant and helps his brothers fight against a Tyranid attack on a Hive-world.

- How is his story relevant to this “game”?- asked Magnus

- You play as him- Jeremy jumped in, clearly more comfortable now that the subject was about games. - He is the main hero and you witness the game world from a camera that is showing what is happening from the third person view. The easiest way to explain it would be to imagine being a servo skull flying above his head while being responsible for his movements.

- Controlling an Astartes? What kind of warp sorcery is this?- jumped in Russ, fuming. His voice was husky and dangerously close to a growl as a human voice could get. It sent shivers down Anna’s spine.

- It’s just a simulation. And fiction. It is not real.-she explained hurriedly and noticed that they were starting to attract too much attention from others, who gave them death glares as they wanted to enjoy the show.- Let’s get going. We will explain a bit more elsewhere, where it would be easier to talk.

This helped only a bit as Russ’s face still had a stormy expression. They all moved out of the great hall into the corridor and to one of the smaller conference rooms. Anna, Jacob, Jeremy and Carl were leading the Primarch-looking men, while explaining the idea of video games once more. This time with focus on different genres, types of perspective and graphics.

- And so, while the Space Marine 2 has rather realistic models, Lieutenant Titus included, there are games with more artistic, imaginative aesthetics. - finished Jeremy when the last person entered the room.

- So all of that was human created models and the story behind that Ultramarine is all fake? Ha! Wouldn’t have guessed- exclaimed Russ.

- I was going to tell you, brother, that we don’t have a third Captain or Lieutenant Titus in the Legion. - said someone who Anna believed to be Roboute Guilliman.

- Mah! Who cares anyway. Are there any games that are about Space Wolves?

There was a short lived silence filling the room, that was broken by Anna.

- Well… There was a mobile card game about Space Wolves. And not exactly about Space Wolves but the Rogue Trader has a pack. One of them is a playable character, he is an absolute beast in close combat. And they have their own arc in the game. Sadly, it is only in the third out of five acts that they show up. So pretty late in the story.

This seemed to please Russ as a huge grin showed up on his face.

- And apart from already existing chapters the devs also sometimes come up with chapters of their own, like the Blood Ravens. They seem to be a standalone chapter, with their Primarch unclear.- added Jeremy.- Any more questions?

- No.- Said Roboute Guilliman’s look alike- Our thanks for the extensive explanation.

Some of his brothers nodded their heads as a sign of gratitude.

- Sure. We are glad to help, mister…?- jumped in Jacob.

- Guilliman. Roboute Guilliman. This is Vulkan He’stan- he said pointing his open palm at the dark skinned giant wearing green t-shirt, with scale print, and jeans- and brother Corvus Corax.

The third man had pitch black hair that went almost violet, deep black eyes and black clothes with crow feathers attached to the arms of a dark denim jacket.

- Pleased to meet you. My name is Anna. This is Jeremy, Carl and Jacob. Your brother, Sanguinius, told us that you were separated. We’re glad that we managed to find you so quickly. Do you mind letting us know how many more of you are there yet to be found? Maybe you could also give us some description on how they look? That could help us find them faster.

Then she heard a loud smack coming from behind her and she saw Carl standing dramatically with a hand on his face.

- Holy sh*t, we totally forgot about them.- he looked at Jeremy with wide eyes.

- Forgot about who?- inquired Anna.

- We might have met three of the brothers.- added Jeremy.

- We totally forgot we left them in the common room the day before.- stated Carl.- One with a high ponytail and a scar, one blond with a yellow get up and one with dreadlocks. All tall like you.

- That would probably be Jaghatai, Rogal and Perturabo. - concluded Roboute. - If what you say is true, that is.

- What?! Seriously? What didn’t you say before? We could’ve caught them after breakfast!- Anna raised her voice, shocked by the revelation.

- They might still be there…- Carl’s voice sounded hopeful yet uncertain.

- Let’s check it out then.- suggested Anna. No one protested.

Spouses of Primarchs - AineNadiasoul (2024)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.