Physical Health Archives (2024)

Table of Contents
What is a Tincture? How is a Tincture Made? Origin of Tinctures Common Uses of Tinctures The Benefits of Using Tinctures What the Scientists Say Agnus Castus Chamomile Elecampane Hops Milk Thistle Reishi Tribulous Terrestris Valerian Root Our Range of Tinctures Things to Watch Out for Alcohol Content Dosage Control Medical Advice Our Promise Tongkat Ali For Women About the Tree Can Women Take Tongkat Ali? Health Benefits of Tongkat Ali For Women Boosting Libido Boosting Energy Levels Lowering Stress Levels Supporting Physical Fitness Promoting Hormonal Balance Supporting Bone Health Fat Loss Healthy Blood Sugar Levels Easing menopausal symptoms Are There any Risks? Relevant Supplements Tongkat Ali 200:1 Tongkat Ali 3% Eurycomanone Conclusion Our Promise What are Digestive Enzymes? Enzyme Types and Functions Amylase Maltase Lactase Lipase Sucrase Proteases Enzyme Balance and Regulation Foods Rich in Digestive Enzymes Conclusion Our Promise How To Improve Gut Health. Understanding Gut Health When Things Go Wrong Antacid Medication What Causes a Faulty Gut? Helping Yourself to a Healthier Gut Water Dietary Fibre Stress Reduction Physical Activity Quality Sleep Creating a Gut Friendly Diet Prebiotics: Food for Gut Flora Probiotics: The Good Bacteria Natural Gut Treatments: Gentle Care for Your Gut Gut Health Supplements Probiotic Gold Organic Baobab Powder Inulin Powder Effective Gut Health Tips Conclusion Our Promise Benefits of Collagen for Men About Collagen Is Collagen Good for Men? Collagen for Skin Health Reduction of Lines and Wrinkles Joint Health Collagen for Hair Loss Muscle Recovery and Athletic Performance Bone Strength and Nail Health Does Collagen Help with Weight Loss? Inflammation Reduction and Cardiovascular Health Brain Health, Immune Support, and Energy Levels Collagen for Stress Collagen Supplements Marine Collagen Bovine Collagen Top 10 Key Takeaways Our Promise Collagen for Joints Understanding Collagen and Joint Health Collagen and Aging The Significance of Collagen for Joints Maintaining Joint Mobility with Collagen Joint Pain and Inflammation Collagen from Food Broth Gelatine Egg whites Citrus Tomatoes Broccoli Avocados Nuts Mushrooms Collagen for Joints - Supplements Top 10 Key Takeaways Our Promise What is Bovine Collagen? The Discovery of Collagen What is Bovine Collagen? Bovine Collagen Benefits Strengthening Joints and Promoting Mobility Enhancing Skin Health Improving Digestion and Gut Health Boosting Hair and Nail Health Supporting Athletic Performance and Muscle Recovery Vegan Collagen Supplements Taking Bovine Collagen as a Supplement Powder Liquid Collagen Capsules Topical Application Collagen Injections 10 Key Takeaways: Our Promise Marine Collagen Benefits Understanding Collagen Marine Collagen Benefits Marine Collagen for Skin Collagen for Hair Collagen for Joints Dental and Bone Health Strong and Supple Tendons Healthy Nails Digestive System Immune System and Post-Exercise Recovery Marine Collagen Supplements Ten Key takeaways Our Promise Maca Benefits for Women What is Maca? How Does Maca Improve Health? Maca Benefits for Women Maca for Hormones Regulating the Menstrual Cycle Easing menstrual discomfort Maca Root for Fertility Energy Boost and Mood Enhancement Boosting Libido Bone Health Immune System Support Skin Health and Anti-Ageing Stress Relief and Mood Stabilisation Antioxidant Protection Maca for Menopause Taking Maca as a Supplement Side Effects and Cautions Key Takeaways Further Reading Our Promise What is Ashwagandha? Does Ashwagandha Help You Sleep? Ashwagandha and Sleep Disorders Combining Ashwagandha with Other Natural Supplements for Sleep Ashwagandha and Melatonin Ashwagandha and Magnesium Ashwagandha and Valerian Root Ashwagandha and L-theanine Ashwagandha and Chamomile Ashwagandha with Lavender and Frankincense Oil Make Ashwagandha Part of Your Bedtime Routine How to Use Ashwagandha for Sleep Cautions When Taking Ashwagandha Ashwagandha Interactions with Medications Ashwagandha and Thyroid High Blood Pressure Type-2 Diabetes Ten Key Takeaways Our Promise

What is a Tincture?

Have you ever witnessed someone apply a few drops of a mysterious liquid to the back of their tongue from a small bottle, or pop a few drops into their drink in a cafe? The probability is that you were watching the administration of a tincture. If you happen to be a fan of natural health, you may be curious to learn more about what tinctures are and what they can do. Read on!

How is a Tincture Made?

In the language of chemistry, a tincture is a solution which uses alcohol and water as a solvent. Herbs with medical properties, including leaves, roots, bark, berries, and resins such as propolis and myrrh, are soaked in the solution to allow the alcohol to extract active nutrients, concentrating them as a liquid. Here’s what makes tinctures fascinating:

  • Due to their high concentration, you only need very small amounts to reap the benefits.
  • Thanks to the preserving power of alcohol, tinctures have a long shelf life.
  • The liquid form allows for quicker absorption into your system compared to pills or capsules.

The alcohol used to extract the active ingredients from herbs is termed ethanol and is the same kind of high-proof alcohol that forms the basis for drinks such as gin and vodka.

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Origin of Tinctures

It is thought that the first use of alcohol for extracting and preserving natural medicines dates to ancient Egypt. The practice was believed to have been adopted by the physicians and alchemists of Persia and Arabia, but the wider use of tinctures is most probably down to the apothecaries of the late medieval period. The first recorded description of the process and use of tinctures was written by Albertus Magnus, a 13th Century German theologian and scientist.

Common Uses of Tinctures

Tinctures are popular in herbal medicine due to their potency and ease of use. Many people who choose to follow a natural health regime find tinctures helpful to boost their immune system, relieve pain, or improve sleep. They are effective for a wide range of specific issues including:

  • Helping with sleep and insomnia
  • Hormonal problems
  • Improving libido
  • Boosting immunity
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Easing muscular pain and spasms
  • Mood boosting
  • Anti-depressants
  • Diuretic
  • Anti-spasmodic
  • Boosting circulation
  • Gastrointestinal support
  • Anti-microbial
  • Anti-diabetic

Benefits are often noticed within a day of using a tincture, but more pronounced effects are usually experienced within one to two weeks of taking them.

Tinctures may be used topically, so applied directly onto the skin or mixed with creams to help problems such as eczema, fungal infections, varicose veins, spider veins, and bruises. They can also be used for oral conditions such as mouth ulcers and infections.

In natural health practices they are often used in aromatherapy and other holistic therapies.

The Benefits of Using Tinctures

Tinctures are easy to take. Just a few drops of the solution in water, juice, smoothie, tea, or tisane can do the trick. They deliver a very potent dose of the extract compared to other herbal preparations.

Because tinctures are liquid they are absorbed very quickly by the body, making them an effective and speedy way to add vitamins and minerals as dietary supplements.

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What the Scientists Say

Some of the most well-known herbs used for tinctures have been the subject of scientific studies. The following herbs are amongst those whose effectiveness has been researched and validated by clinical trials and studies:

Agnus Castus

A clinical review dated May 2003 highlights the herb’s properties which help hormonal imbalance, PMS and regulation of the menstrual cycle.


The dried flowers contain compounds which account for chamomile’s reputation for being a calming herb. It is also known to reduce inflammation, ease muscle spasms, reduce insomnia and ease gastrointestinal disorders. A scientific report published in 2010 states that the main compounds extracted from chamomile flowers may be unstable unless preserved in an alcohol-based tincture.


Known to have expectorant properties and research has found it to be beneficial for use in cases of respiratory infection.


In a report published by the National Library of Medicine 2022, hops were acknowledged for their anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. They were also found to have sedative, diuretic, digestive and progestogenic properties.

Milk Thistle

Known as a powerful antioxidant. Scientists have found that this is due to its detoxifying action and is the reason it is beneficial for liver problems.


Famed for its power to enhance libido, support urinary tract health, and reduce swelling. Recent reports provide scientific support for the health benefits of these mushrooms, prized for centuries by both Chinese and Ayurvedic practices.

Tribulous Terrestris

During the past twenty years extensive research has been carried out to validate the biological activity and pharmacology of Tribulous terrestris. Today it is widely used as a health supplement for a variety of health issues as well as a testosterone boosting agent.

Valerian Root

Used to help promote sleep, reduce anxiety, PMS, and headaches. Results of a research study was published in January 2024. The study concluded that overall sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep efficiency, and total sleep time were significantly improved. Due to its sleep-inducing effect, valerian should not be taken along-side alcohol or sedative medication.

Our Range of Tinctures

We supply a range of tinctures in blue glass dropper bottles to keep them protected from the light and to preserve their shelf life. Read more about our tinctures.

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Things to Watch Out for

Alcohol Content

Alcohol is generally considered to be the best solvent for making tinctures due to its ability to extract a wide range of properties from herbs of all kinds. However, for anyone wishing or needing to avoid alcohol, the typical base of most tinctures could be a concern. Alternative liquids may be used as solvents, such as vinegar, honey, and glycerine. The liquids produced using these solvents are not usually termed as tinctures but are known as glycerites, vinegars and oxymels (where honey and vinegar are blended).

Dosage Control

As tinctures are highly concentrated, care should be taken to follow the recommended dose as it can be easy to take too much.

Medical Advice

If you are looking to enhance your wellness routine by harnessing the benefits of nature in the form of tinctures, it is important, as with any supplement, that if you have underlying health conditions or are pregnant, you should consult with your doctor or healthcare worker before starting any new treatment.

Our Promise

When it comes to keeping you informed on health and nutrition, we’re here for you and aim to help where we can. If you would like to discuss any aspect of using natural supplements, or would find advice helpful, please feel free to contact us on 01297 553932.

Tongkat Ali For Women

Eurycoma longifolia, otherwise known as tongkat ali, is a member of the Simaroubaceae family. It’s a tall, slender, flowering tree, native to the countries of Southeast Asia, where its powerful extracts have been used for centuries in traditional folk medicine. Scientists have thoroughly researched the biological properties of E. longifolia and have discovered that its health-giving powers are due to its membership of a select group of rare plants which have rejuvenating effects and are known as ‘adaptogens’.

About the Tree

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Because of its ability to boost energy, heighten libido, balance hormones, improve cognitive function, and alleviate the problem of erectile dysfunction, tongkat ali bears the nickname of ‘Malaysian ginseng’ and because of its well-known benefits, the roots of this amazing tree were in danger of being over-harvested in its native lands.

To protect the species for future ecological and health benefits, the Malaysian government have invested heavily in licensing, and preserving the forestry and re-planting of E. longifolia with the support of the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia.

One more relevant fact about this tree which may raise a smile. Its Malaysian name, tongkat ali, when translated into English means ‘Ali’s Walking Stick’.

Can Women Take Tongkat Ali?

Yes! Despite its association with men’s health where it has long been one of the go-to herbal root extracts for increasing fertility and sexual performance, research has now verified that tongkat ali also provides serious health-giving benefits for women.

Almost thirty years of scientific research have been carried out on the properties of E. longifolia, and the traditionally heralded benefits have been found to be due to specific hormone-inducing effects on the endocrine system. From the results of studies and clinical trials, it has been linked to supporting key hormones in women as well as boosting overall vitality and health.

The endocrine system is the body’s mission control, comprising over thirty hormones which programme various bodily functions. When supplementing with E. longifolia, its properties are used by the pituitary glands and hypothalamus which are both located in the brain. The pituitary glands signal to the adrenals, resulting in the adrenal glands producing the required hormones for the body to work as it should. This function is known as the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis.

Tongkat ali is known for its antipyretic, antimalarial, antibacterial, and antidiabetic properties. These extremely beneficial and diverse effects are down to the presence of several bioactive compounds such as alkaloids, quassinoids, peptides, and eurycomalactone, found in the tree’s roots. The main active ingredient in the root of tongkat ali is called eurycomanone and it is the purest form of this compound we use in our supplement.

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Many parts of the tree are used for health-giving reasons, but the extract from the tap roots is mainly used for supplement purposes. In Malaysia and Indonesia, the traditional method of extracting the potent active properties from the roots of the tongkat ali shrub was to boil them in water and the resulting liquor was then consumed by men wishing to treat impotence or to increase virility. This herbal concoction was also consumed by women as a tonic to ease postpartum depression and fatigue.

Health Benefits of Tongkat Ali For Women

Most parts of the plant have proved to be useful for various areas of health. A liquor brewed from the leaves of E. longifolia is used as an antipruritic to alleviate irritation and itchy skin. The fruits of the tree are used for curing dysentery. Extracts from the tap roots are used to ease various conditions such as high blood pressure, malaria, jaundice, sexual dysfunction, and as a powerful tonic following childbirth. However, its widespread fame as an aphrodisiac is possibly one of its most popular uses.

Here are the most well-researched areas of women’s health where extracts from the Eurycoma longifolia tree are known to have a beneficial impact:

Boosting Libido

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One of tongkat ali’s primary functions in health benefit terms is as a booster of sexual performance. This works for both sexes and its libido boosting powers have been well known for centuries amongst the populations of the countries of Southeast Asia.

It has been found that adding tongkat ali as a dietary supplement causes women to experience heightened sensitivity of their erogenous zones. This is helpful during the phases of perimenopause and menopause when sexual desire is often reduced and is one of the reasons why tongkat ali is known as an aphrodisiac. However, there are scientific reasons for this phenomenon.

Testosterone is known to be a male sex hormone and oestrogen a female one, but both hormones are produced by both men and women. The male body produces testosterone in the testicl*s and adrenal glands whereas in the female body it is produced by the ovaries, adrenal glands, fat cells, and skin cells. A woman’s body makes about half as much testosterone as a man’s body produces, but the hormone is an essential part of a woman’s sexual health. This is due to testosterone being a major contributor to her sex drive or libido, her energy levels, and fertility, as well as supporting other health benefits.

Due to the ageing process a woman will gradually lose testosterone, and although her need for healthy amounts are not as great as those required by men, the female body will certainly benefit from optimising testosterone levels to maximise libido and help with sexual health generally.

Boosting Energy Levels

If you frequently feel tired during the day, tongkat ali may give you an energy boost. It is linked with improved athletic performance and increased muscle mass and this is due to compounds known as quassinoids. These compounds support more efficient energy use, resulting in increased endurance. They also help to reduce fatigue.

Lowering Stress Levels

E. longifolia is known for properties that increase the body’s ability to adapt to stress and anxiety. This is due to its effect on the hormone cortisol which is responsible for regulating stress. When there is a prolonged rise of cortisol levels in the body the physical effects are mentally and physically debilitating. Research has established that supplementing with tongkat ali can promote better mood and overall wellbeing by helping to reduce excess cortisol.

Studies have found that the anti-anxiety effect is consistent with the anxiolytic effect of the benzodiazepine drug diazepam (Valium), but without the side effects.

Supporting Physical Fitness

At times when you need to increase your fitness, tongkat ali might be your ally. Supplementation trials have found that it can help enhance muscle strength and endurance. This is a great help if you are a sports enthusiast or if you simply wish to be more fit and active in your everyday life.

Promoting Hormonal Balance

Hormones can be out of kilter for various reasons and this is one of the herbal supplements that may be able to help. As an adaptogen, tongkat ali has been found to have a positive effect on regulating hormone levels which can be invaluable at any stage of life.

The most usual causes of hormonal imbalance, apart from pregnancy, are menopause or certain forms of contraception. Other causes may be stress, exposure to toxins, sudden rapid weight loss, too much physical exertion, being very overweight or underweight, and certain pharmaceutical medications.

There are a few other hormonal imbalances which may occur due to medical conditions such as diabetes, adrenal insufficiency, polycystic ovary syndrome, hypogonadism, hyperthyroidism, and suffering with eating disorders. These are all conditions which will need to be medically diagnosed and managed.

Supporting Bone Health

Women are more susceptible to osteoporosis than men and during the ageing process, maintaining bone health becomes more and more important. Tongkat ali is rich in compounds that have been found to support bone density and strength.

The findings that E. longifolia could stimulate the production of bone-forming cells (osteoblasts) as well as activating the demise of cells which cause bone break-down (osteoclasts) were due to its prime role in increasing testosterone levels in both men and women.

The plant is also known to have properties which improve the strength and healing of muscles. As women age, they experience slower tissue healing so this is an important benefit.

Fat Loss

Research has established that certain bioactive herbal supplements can stimulate thermogenesis by triggering the activity of brown adipose tissue. This is a type of fat which, when activated, generates heat.

E. longifolia, due to its ability to reduce cortisol, cholesterol, triglycerides, and hyperglycaemia, has been found to be one of these natural supplements, meaning that it has properties which can help reduce stored body fat and thereby reduce BMI.

Additionally, hormones may have an impact on metabolism and hormonal imbalance such as decreased testosterone, particularly following menopause, often results in unwanted weight gain. Tongkat ali can help boost depleted testosterone levels.

Prolonged stress is another cause of weight gain and due to its ability to minimise cortisol levels, tongkat ali may prevent stress-related weight gain.

Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Research studies are currently taking place to discover tongkat ali’s contribution to healthy blood glucose levels in the fight against type 2 diabetes. Along with a diet low in refined carbohydrates, frequent exercise and good quality sleep, this herbal supplement may help but research is ongoing.

Easing menopausal symptoms

Due to its anti-ageing properties, many of the symptoms of menopause may be eased by the properties of tongkat ali. Some of the issues which cause the most discomfort and distress such as decreased energy, low mood, lack of libido and hormonal imbalances leading to hot flushes, have been found to be improved by supplementing with this herbal extract.

Are There any Risks?

While tongkat ali is a natural extract, that doesn’t mean it’s free from possible side effects. There are certain circ*mstances when you might wish to speak with your doctor or healthcare team before deciding to supplement with it:

  • Possible Hormonal Changes – As it can influence hormone levels, it’s important to use it carefully if you have hormone-sensitive conditions or are on hormone treatments and medications.
  • Interaction With Medications – It’s a good idea to check with your doctor before starting any new supplement if you are already taking medications.
  • Blood glucose - If you are taking medication to lower blood sugar, you may wish to check with your doctor before taking E. longifolia as it may increase the effects of your medication.
  • Ongoing Medical Treatments - It is wise to check with your doctor before taking E. longifolia if you are being treated for heart disease, cancer, and kidney disease. Also, if you have a weakened immune system.
  • Mild Side Effects – Some people may experience mild side effects such as insomnia, nausea or raised body temperature. Listen to your body and adjust usage as needed.

Relevant Supplements

Tongkat Ali 200:1

Pure Indonesian 200:1 root extract available in 400mg or 600mg. Our most popular Tongkat Ali supplement and a very high quality extract. Read more about Tongkat Ali 200:1.

Tongkat Ali 3% Eurycomanone

Again, Indonesian and sourced from the root of the plant but a standardised extract guaranteed to contain at least 3% Eurycomanone, the active ingredient in Tongkat Ali. A stronger extract suited to those who are looking for a more intense effect. Read more about Tongkat Ali 3%.

To learn more about what the different extracts are read our blog on the subject.


Tongkat ali is a powerful natural supplement which can help to fulfil many of the issues brought about by declining testosterone levels in women. This is especially relevant if you are approaching menopause, during menopause and in the years that follow. Having a strong and healthy libido as well as the energy to pursue an active lifestyle should be something that every woman can look forward to and enjoy.

Our Promise

When it comes to keeping you informed on health and nutrition, we’re here for you and aim to help where we can. If you would like to discuss any aspect of using natural supplements, or would find advice helpful, please feel free to contact us on 01297 553932.

Digestive enzymes play a crucial role in maintaining overall digestive health by assisting in the breakdown of food particles into smaller molecules that can be easily absorbed by your body. Without these enzymes, the digestion process would be inefficient, leading to nutrient deficiencies and digestive problems.

What are Digestive Enzymes?

Digestive enzymes are proteins released by the salivary glands and cells which line the stomach, pancreas, and small intestine to catalyse the digestion process. They work by speeding up the chemical reactions that break down food into essential nutrients. They do this by splitting the large molecules that make up proteins, carbs, and fats into smaller molecules. This means that nutrients from these various food groups can be absorbed into your blood and carried to where they are needed in your body.

Certain conditions such as lactose intolerance or exocrine pancreatic insufficiency can result in digestive enzyme deficiencies. When this occurs, it can be managed by introducing appropriate foods or digestive enzyme supplements.

There are various triggers for the release of digestive enzymes and the main ones are when we think about food and look forward to eating, when we smell and taste food, and during the digestive process itself. Many foods need the appropriate enzymes to break down the nutrients they contain but there are certain health issues, particularly those affecting the pancreas, which can cause deficiencies in these enzymes. This problem can often be solved by eliminating the offending foods from your diet and by adding foods that contain the necessary digestive enzymes.

Enzyme Types and Functions

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Enzymes work by binding to specific molecules and breaking them down into smaller compounds that can be absorbed. Your body uses enzymes not only for digestion but also for various metabolic processes, such as energy production and cell repair.

Understanding how enzymes work and how your body uses them is essential for appreciating their role in your general health.
There are several types of digestive enzymes, each with a specific function for breaking down different types of nutrients:


Amylase digests carbohydrates and breaks down starches into sugars. It is secreted by the salivary glands and the pancreas. Levels of amylase in the blood can be used as an indication when diagnosing various pancreas or other diseases involving the digestive tract.

When high levels of amylase are found in the blood it can indicate blockages of the ducts of the pancreas, pancreatic cancer or acute pancreatitis which is when there is inflammation of the pancreas.

Low levels of amylase may indicate chronic pancreatitis which is more long-term inflammation of the pancreas. Low levels may also indicate liver disease.


Maltase is released by the small intestine and breaks down malt sugar into glucose (simple sugar) which is then either used by the body for energy or stored in the liver in the form of glycogen for later use.


Lactase is an enzyme which breaks down lactose, the sugar from dairy products and changes it into glucose. It is made by cells that line the intestinal tract and any lactose that is not absorbed becomes fermented by gut bacteria causing stomach pain and wind.


Lipase breaks down fats into fatty acids and glycerol (simple sugar alcohol). It is produced in tiny quantities by your mouth and stomach and in larger quantities by your pancreas.


Sucrase is produced by the small intestine where it converts sucrose (the sugar you eat which is contained in desserts, confectionary and drinks etc) into fructose and glucose. These are sugar types which the body is better able to absorb (within limits).


Also known as peptidases. These are a group of digestive enzymes secreted mainly by the pancreas, which break down proteins into amino acids. They also play a part in many other body functions such as cell division, immune function, and blood clotting.

These enzymes all work in synergy to ensure that nutrients are efficiently broken down and absorbed by your body. Efficient enzyme activity is essential for the proper breakdown of nutrients in the digestive system, preventing undigested food particles from causing digestive problems.

Enzyme Balance and Regulation

Maintaining a balance of enzymes in the body is crucial for optimal digestion and overall health. Regulatory mechanisms control enzyme activity and distribution, ensuring that the right enzymes are produced in the right amounts at the right time. Imbalances in enzyme production or regulation can disrupt the digestion process, leading to nutrient malabsorption and digestive disorders.

There are certain health conditions that interfere with the production of sufficient digestive enzymes to properly digest foods. Some of these are genetically inherited conditions or they may be the result of a mutation which can develop without a proven cause.

Certain disorders or medications can lead to a condition known as pancreatic enzyme insufficiency:

  • Chronic pancreatitis
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Gastrointestinal surgeries
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Any condition that affects your pancreas

Digestive enzymes play a significant role in gut health by ensuring that nutrients are absorbed efficiently. Enzyme support can help prevent digestive issues such as indigestion, bloating, and nutrient deficiencies. By promoting optimal digestion, enzymes contribute to overall well-being and vitality.

Often there is confusion between probiotics and digestive enzymes. Both affect digestion but in different ways. Probiotics are live organisms that make up the good bacteria in your gut and they have a supporting role to the work of digestive enzymes. Probiotics cannot break down or digest foods, whereas enzymes do just that. Read more about Probiotics.

Foods Rich in Digestive Enzymes

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There are certain foods which are naturally high in digestive enzymes and including them in your regular diet will encourage your digestive system to utilise certain nutrients.

Tropical fruits and fermented vegetables are particularly good, and it is best to eat them raw as heat lessens the enzyme quality:

  • Avocado (lipases) – helps metabolise fat.
  • Banana (amylases, proteases) – breaks down carbs from starches into simple sugars.
  • Ginger (protease) – helps break down proteins and helps ease nausea.
  • Kefir (lipase, proteases) - lactase in kefir digests fermented milk and may help with lactose intolerance.
  • Kimchi (lipases) – fermented foods produce enzymes during fermentation, resulting in production of probiotics.
  • Kiwi (proteases) - as well as having digestive enzymes, kiwi is high in fibre.
  • Mango (amylases) – breaks down carbs from starches into simple sugars.
  • Miso (lactases, proteases, amylases) – fermented soy paste breaks down lactose in dairy, fat, proteins, and carbs.
  • Papaya (proteases) – contains the enzyme papain which has long been heralded as an excellent gut health booster. Eating raw papaya helps digest proteins and helps with allergies.
  • Pineapple (proteases) – bromelain in pineapple has anti-inflammatory qualities and helps digest proteins.
  • Raw honey (amylases, proteases) – breaks down starches, sugars, and protein.
  • Sauerkraut (lipases, proteases) – fermented foods produce good bacteria for gut health.

Enzyme supplements can provide support if you have enzyme deficiencies or digestive disorders. These supplements contain concentrated forms of specific enzymes to aid in the digestion of various nutrients. When choosing an enzyme supplement, it is essential to consider factors such as the type of enzymes included, dosage, and quality to ensure effectiveness. A natural dietary supplement containing bromelain from fresh pineapple and papain from the papaya fruit provides an excellent enzyme boost to support your digestive health.

Digestive enzyme supplements are available without prescription to support healthy digestion but for pancreatic conditions it is recommended that supplements are prescribed by a doctor.


Enzymes are essential for optimal digestive health as well as general health. Understanding the role of enzymes in the digestion process, as well as their types, functions, and benefits, can help you make informed choices about what kind of enzyme support you need.

As well as playing a critical role in digestive health, their impact extends way beyond the gut to influence overall well-being. Other areas of health impacted by enzyme function include the immune system, energy production, and inflammation regulation, so in supporting enzyme health, you will enhance your general health and boost your energy levels.

Our Promise

When it comes to keeping you informed on health and nutrition, we’re here for you and aim to help where we can. If you would like to discuss any aspect of using natural supplements, or would find advice helpful, please feel free to contact us on 01297 553932.

How To Improve Gut Health.

The gut is often referred to as the "second brain" and plays a crucial role in overall well-being. Gut health impacts not only our digestion but also influences our immune system, mental health, and more. Understanding the significance of gut health is essential for maintaining a healthy and balanced life.

Understanding Gut Health

Gut health refers to the balance of microorganisms that reside in the digestive tract. The gut microbiome, made up of trillions of bacteria, fungi, and other microbes, plays a vital role in supporting proper digestion, nutrient absorption, and immune function. A diverse and thriving gut flora is key to optimal digestive health.

The stomach, intestines and colon make up your gastrointestinal system. This is where, with the help of the microorganisms, the breaking down of food into absorbable nutrients takes place.

There are many strains of bacteria in your gut, and some may be potentially harmful to your health, but many more are highly beneficial and necessary for you to stay well. Medical research has discovered that having a wide variety of gut bacteria is an indicator of the state of health of your microbiome. It has also been found that the health of your gut plays a main role in both physical and mental health. When out of kilter, gut issues affect your immune system and can trigger autoimmune diseases as well as endocrine disorders such as type 2 diabetes. Poor gut health has also been identified as being a possible pre-curser to cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Research studies have concluded that that gut microbiome can affect every organ in the body, and this makes having a well-functioning gut of paramount importance to overall health.

When Things Go Wrong

There are many conditions which crop up when the digestive system begins to malfunction. Amongst the most common are indigestion, heartburn, reflux, peptic and duodenal ulcers.

Inflammatory bowel conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome and diverticular disease are also very common results of a faulty gut and cause much discomfort.

Antacid Medication

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Various brands of self-prescribed indigestion, heartburn, and reflux medications are available over the counter at supermarkets as well as pharmacies. They take the form of chewable tablets and liquid preparations and mainly consist of calcium bicarbonate, magnesium, and aluminium salts which work by partially neutralising gastric hydrochloric acid and inhibiting an enzyme known as pepsin. Whilst these preparations give welcome relief from symptoms, they can produce certain adverse effects when overused or taken on a long-term and regular basis.

Although antacids provide temporary relief, they fail to deal with the root cause of digestive symptoms. There is an intricate connection between the gastrointestinal system and overall well-being. An over-acidic environment within the stomach can disrupt the balance of the digestive system, leading to such issues as acid reflux, peptic ulcers, and digestive discomfort. By relying solely on symptom management with antacids, the underlying acidic imbalance and inflammatory responses in the digestive tract remain unaddressed, potentially leading to a worsening of the problem.

GPs often prescribe medication known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) such as Omeprazole or Lansoprazole. These drugs cause a reduction in the quantity of acid produced by the stomach. They are effective in alleviating symptoms but there are concerns about patients becoming too reliant on them. Prolonged use of PPIs may disrupt the natural balance of gastric acid in the stomach, potentially leading to a deficiency in nutrient absorption. It is important to only use PPIs for a short period of time, and strictly under medical supervision. Where possible consider alternative approaches for managing digestive symptoms.

Knowing how to improve gut health by incorporating natural remedies, lifestyle changes, and dietary modifications can make a real difference. By including digestive enzymes in the diet and fostering a healthy gut microbiome, you can support proper digestion and alleviate digestive discomfort. Natural remedies not only target symptoms but work towards addressing the underlying factors contributing to digestive distress. This method of managing gut health goes way beyond the temporary relief provided by antacids.

What Causes a Faulty Gut?

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Digestive problems can be caused by a variety of things:

  • Stress - This is first on the list for a very good reason. When you are experiencing stress, it can have an almost instant effect on your digestive system. If you suffer from long-term stress, it’s highly likely that you will also be plagued by a variety of digestive-related symptoms.
  • Sleep - Lack of sleep is another common cause of digestive discomfort.
  • Exercise - Too little physical activity can lead to a sluggish digestive system.
  • Smoking - You won’t be surprised to hear that smoking is very bad news for your gut.
  • Alcohol - Excessive consumption of alcohol is highly likely to cause problems and, in some cases, can result in the very painful condition called gastritis.
  • Processed Foods and Additives - Regularly eating processed foods robs your digestive system of essential fibre as well as introducing too much sugar, salt, unhealthy fats, emulsifiers, and artificial sweeteners which all have a negative impact on your gut health. Examples of processed foods are salami and most deli meats, many breakfast cereals, ready-meals, sweet desserts, and packaged snacks such as crisps.
  • Artificial Sweeteners - Beware of slimming products which are sold as healthy alternatives to sugary snacks as they often contain artificial sweeteners which may result in damage to the microbiome. When looking for a sweetener to use instead of simple sugar, try natural foods such as stevia granules (from the stevia leaf).
  • Antibiotics - Whilst being essential in certain cases, will always cause gut imbalance. It can take some time to restore the balance of bacteria in the gut following a course of antibiotics so only taking them when strictly necessary is the safest decision.
  • Gut Microbiome - Research has found that the gut microbiome is regulated by things such as environment, time of life, even whether you were breast or bottle fed as a baby.

Indications that things are not well with your digestive health are:

  • Frequent or constant episodes of flatulence.
  • Feeling bloated and uncomfortable.
  • Constipation and/or diarrhoea.
  • Heartburn and/or reflux.
  • Frequently catching infections such as colds.

Helping Yourself to a Healthier Gut

Physical Health Archives (11)

To promote gut healing, lifestyle changes such as managing stress, getting regular exercise, and prioritising sleep are essential. Additionally, reducing processed foods and sugar intake can help alleviate gut inflammation and support the healing process. By adopting these strategies, you can empower your body to restore gut health naturally.

It is totally possible to improve your gut health through making certain lifestyle and dietary changes:


Drink plenty of water. It is by far the best fluid to help with maintaining a healthy gut. Water helps your digestive system with the breaking down of food to allow your body to absorb the nutrients, as well as preventing constipation by softening stools. Keeping hydrated with plenty of water helps to boost the diversity of bacteria in your gut.

Dietary Fibre

By increasing your dietary fibre intake you will help your digestive system to keep a steady flow of nutrients and waste products passing through your gut instead of becoming clogged and causing pockets of inflammation in your bowel. Fibre will also help to feed the healthy bacteria in your gut.

Eating a diet high in natural fibre will reduce your risk of bowel cancer, type-2 diabetes, and heart disease.

Dietary fibre is in wholefoods such as vegetables, fruit, wholemeal grains in the form of breads or pasta, brown rice, legumes, and nuts.

Aim to eat foods that are as close to their natural state as possible to support the health of your digestive system.

Stress Reduction

If you know you are feeling stressed it is vital to address the cause and take steps to manage the effects. Therapy is available via the NHS. It is also possible to tap into various meditations and gentle yoga sessions via YouTube. Natural supplements to help regulate your levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, can ease the impact stress has on your body and mind.

Physical Activity

Keeping as active as possible is of great value to a healthy digestive system. Walking is excellent, and even the simple movements of everyday life such as bending and stretching all help. If you can factor in extra exercise such as swimming, badminton, dancing or any sporting activity, you will be helping yourself greatly.

Quality Sleep

Try to establish a sleep routine where you go to bed at the same time each night. Make your bedroom peaceful, not too warm, and not too cold, and invest in a mattress, and pillows that are most comfortable for your body type, weight, and size. Even the way you sleep should be considered when choosing a mattress and pillows, i.e. whether you like to sleep on your side, stomach, or back.

If you suffer with acid reflux and heartburn, you may find that having extra pillows to stop you up from lying flat will help.

Creating a Gut Friendly Diet

A gut friendly diet focuses on whole, unprocessed foods that are rich in fibre, vitamins, and minerals. Incorporating foods like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can promote a healthy gut environment. By prioritising nutrient dense foods, you can support a diverse gut microbiome and improve your overall digestive health.

Physical Health Archives (12)

Prebiotics: Food for Gut Flora

Prebiotics are fibrous foods which contain the type of fibre which serves as food for the good bacteria in your gut, however, they are not found in all high fibre foods. Those foods rich in prebiotics include onions, garlic, Jerusalem artichoke, and chicory root (which contain a particular kind of soluble fibre called inulin). Prebiotics are also found in bananas, chickpeas, beans, lentils, rye bread, barley, oats, and certain nuts such as pistachios, cashews, and almonds. By including prebiotic-rich foods in your diet, you can nourish and support the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, promoting a healthy digestive system.

Probiotics: The Good Bacteria

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help maintain a healthy gut microbiome. Sources of probiotics include yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi. Incorporating probiotic rich foods into your diet or taking probiotic supplements can help rebalance and support your gut flora, leading to improved digestion and overall improved gut health.

Fermented foods like yogurt, kombucha, miso, and tempeh are rich in probiotics and enzymes that support gut health. These gut friendly foods aid in digestion, reduce inflammation, and boost the immune system. Adding a variety of fermented foods to your daily meals can introduce beneficial microbes to your gut, enhancing your overall digestive function.

When foods are fermented it means that they have gone through a process where their sugars are broken down by yeast and bacteria and the bacteria found in fermented foods have been found to be beneficial to digestive health, amongst other benefits.

Embracing natural remedies can be a gentle yet effective way to support gut health. By turning to prebiotics, probiotics, including fermented foods, you can nourish your gut and promote a healthier intestinal environment. These natural solutions offer a much more holistic approach to improving gut health without the use of harsh chemicals.

Natural Gut Treatments: Gentle Care for Your Gut

Natural treatments like herbal teas, bone broth, and aloe vera can help soothe and support gut health. These gentle remedies offer nourishment and healing for the digestive tract without harsh side effects. Remember to eat mindfully, chewing food slowly may help to reduce digestive discomfort.

By choosing natural approaches to gut care, you can provide gentle yet effective support for your gut health.

Gut Health Supplements

While it's important to obtain nutrients from food, supplements can be extremely helpful in supporting gut health. Probiotic supplements can help replenish beneficial bacteria, while digestive enzymes aid in proper digestion. Choosing high quality gut health supplements can complement a healthy diet and enhance overall gut function.

Probiotic Gold

This our high quality one-capsule per day insurance policy for your gut. It means that on those days when your dietary intake falls short, possibly due to having had a virus or an illness requiring antibiotic medication, even after a spell of eating too much junk food and not enough fruit and veg, your digestive health is covered.

A good probiotic supplement needs to contain as wide a variety of good bacteria as possible as different strains have different effects. Probiotic Gold is suitable if you follow a vegan diet and contains a blend of six different bacteria. Read more about Probiotic Gold

Organic Baobab Powder

This one of our prebiotic supplements sourced from the naturally dried fruit of the Baobab tree. This tree is a native of Africa where it is known as The Tree of Life and was given this nickname as during the dry season it stores moisture in its trunk, allowing it to produce nutrient-dense fruit during a time when very little else can grow. The fruit powder is known to be a superfood, providing gentle dietary fibre and is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. It is also a good supplement if you suffer with inflammatory bowel problems. Read more about Organic Baobab Powder

Inulin Powder

Physical Health Archives (13)

Inulin is a form of soluble dietary fibre which is particularly useful if you have been found to have high levels of visceral fat (the fat surrounding the internal organs). Inulin is a prebiotic but is not digested or absorbed within the stomach, it reaches the colon intact. It helps with the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. It is found in small quantities in many fruits and vegetables but in higher amounts in the root of the chicory plant from which it is harvested for supplement production. Inulin may not be ideal if you have irritable bowel syndrome, and when adding it to your diet it is recommended to do so gradually. Read more about Inulin Powder

Effective Gut Health Tips

  • Staying active
  • Keeping hydrated
  • Managing stress
  • Chewing food thoroughly
  • Avoiding late night snacking
  • Incorporating fermented foods into your regular diet

By implementing these tips into your daily routines, you can cultivate a healthier gut and improve overall well-being.


In conclusion, nurturing your gut is essential for overall health and well- being. By incorporating natural remedies, probiotics, prebiotics, and fermented foods into your daily routine, you can support a healthy gut microbiome and digestive system.

Maintaining gut health is a long-term commitment which requires consistent effort. Lifestyle tips such as staying hydrated, and paying close attention to what you are eating, as well as taking time to enjoy your meals in a relaxed atmosphere rather than wolfing down food during moments snatched from a hectic schedule, can help sustain gut wellness. By making small, sustainable changes, you can prioritise your gut health.

Our Promise

When it comes to keeping you informed on health and nutrition, we’re here for you and aim to help where we can. If you would like to discuss any aspect of using natural supplements, or would find advice helpful, please feel free to contact us on 01297 553932

Benefits of Collagen for Men

Due to its reputation in the cosmetics sector, collagen has long been considered a supplement primarily for women, but men can reap serious advantages from incorporating collagen into their daily routine. Collagen, the most abundant protein in the body, plays a vital role in maintaining overall health and wellness. Let’s explore the various benefits of collagen for men, ranging from skin and joint health to muscle recovery, not to mention the issue of hair vitality.

About Collagen

Collagen has witnessed a great shift in status from being known best as a cosmetic ingredient, to being a major contributor to holistic health. In recent years there has been further research into collagen’s roles and benefits specifically for men. As the most prolific protein in the human body, supplementation with collagen has been found to bolster the amino acid pool necessary for various physiological functions.

Is Collagen Good for Men?

Absolutely! Research has focussed on scientific understanding of collagen’s impact on skin health, cellular regeneration within the skin, muscle recovery processes, and hair loss prevention in men. Read on to discover more about the many benefits of collagen for men.

Collagen for Skin Health

With advancing age, collagen production decreases, resulting in dry and sagging skin. Collagen improves your skin’s texture and elasticity, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. This is because the skin’s dermal layers, primarily composed of collagen, are responsible for maintaining elasticity and hydration.

Scientific research has found that collagen peptides help with the augmentation of skin elasticity and hydration, making them a vital component in skincare, helping regenerate skin cells. This is particularly necessary for those regularly exposed to certain environmental pollutants such as cigarette smoke, air pollution, and excessive alcohol consumption.

Amino acids such as glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline play a major role in supporting the structural integrity and function of the skin and other connective tissues. Collagen is rich in these amino acids, resulting in its power to significantly bolster skin and muscle health.

Reduction of Lines and Wrinkles

Collagen helps plump up the skin, reducing the visibility of wrinkles and fine lines, so leading to a more youthful appearance. It also promotes wound healing by boosting the production of new skin cells and minimising scarring. A further advantage of collagen is the support it provides to the skin's natural barrier, giving protection from external pollutants.

Joint Health

There are various reasons why joints begin to deteriorate. It may be due to repetitive use such as in certain work-related activity, sporting injuries, or due to osteoarthritis, which in many cases may be hereditary.

Collagen is crucial for maintaining healthy joints. It strengthens the connective tissues surrounding the joints, improving their stability, and preventing injuries. This makes exercise to maintain muscular strength around the joints much easier and this combination alleviates much of the pain associated with joint problems.

Collagen for Hair Loss

Physical Health Archives (14)

Collagen plays a vital role in the structure of your hair, keeping it strong and healthy. It enhances hair growth and increase hair thickness, giving you a fuller head of hair.

As collagen production declines with age, hair loss becomes more common. Supplementing with collagen can help combat hair loss and improve overall hair quality.

A six-month, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the ability of a marine collagen supplement to promote hair growth in men with thinning hair has concluded positively that a marine complex supplement can decrease hair shedding and promote hair growth in men with thinning hair.

Muscle Recovery and Athletic Performance

Collagen supports muscle strength and endurance, enabling you to push your athletic limits and improve performance. It contains amino acids that are vital for muscle repair and growth, helping you recover faster from intense workouts.

A randomised controlled trial concluded that collagen peptides alleviated muscle soreness and fatigue and affected muscle strength after exercise load in healthy middle-aged males.

The trial noted that by supplementing with collagen peptides, you can speed up muscle recovery, helping you recover more speedily after demanding exercise sessions.

Physical Health Archives (15)

Bone Strength and Nail Health

Because it is a crucial component of bone tissue, supplementing with collagen can improve bone density and strength, thus reducing the risk of fractures.

It also promotes the growth of strong and healthy nails, preventing them from becoming brittle and prone to breakage.

Does Collagen Help with Weight Loss?

Collagen contains glycine, which can help suppress appetite and promote satiety, aiding in weight management. It has been found to boost metabolism, allowing you to burn calories more efficiently so making weight management easier.

Friendly gut bacteria are essential to a healthy digestive system and by improving gut integrity and promoting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, collagen has a positive impact on your digestive function.

Scientific research has found that supplementing with marine collagen has a positive effect in preventing obesity. A laboratory study using collagen peptide from fish skin was found to induce significant changes in the intestinal microflora by reducing certain bacteria which are linked to obesity. The findings showed that fish collagen, when given to subjects on a high-fat diet, significantly reduced the ratio of obesity-promoting gut bacteria. In addition, collagen peptide also effectively reduced all obesity related signs, such as abdominal fat accumulation, high blood glucose levels, and weight gain. The conclusion of the study was that collagen peptides derived from fish skin induced significant changes in the intestinal microflora and is a potential aid to suppressing the onset of obesity.

Inflammation Reduction and Cardiovascular Health

Chronic inflammation is linked to various diseases. Collagen has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body, promoting overall health. This reduction in inflammation promotes cardiovascular health and decreases the risk of developing the many diseases associated with inflammation.

A further way it improves cardiovascular health is its ability to improve blood vessel strength and elasticity, ensuring efficient blood circulation throughout your body.

Brain Health, Immune Support, and Energy Levels

Collagen contains amino acids that are essential for brain health, also playing a supportive role in cognitive function and memory.

Immune cell production is boosted by collagen which helps strengthen the immune system and enhances immune defences.

Collagen also plays a role in energy production, helping combat fatigue and tiredness.

Collagen for Stress

Physical Health Archives (16)

Collagen contains glycine, an amino acid known for its calming effects, which can help reduce stress and anxiety levels. By reducing stress and anxiety, collagen promotes a sense of well-being and will help improve your mood.

When levels of cortisol in your bloodstream are elevated, this has various negative effects on your body. One of these is the lowering of your own natural collagen production. Stress has other adverse effects on your body including weight gain due to slowing of the metabolism, raised blood pressure and reduced energy levels.

Occasional bouts of stress are not a problem but if stress is present over a longer period, then it can begin to affect your general health. Being in a state of high stress will rob you of sound sleep and this can have an impact on your dietary choices and on how you feel about getting sufficient exercise. This situation calls for urgent action to reduce the stress by making some changes to things in your life that are triggering it. You may also find meditation, yoga or Tai Chi will help you relax and get better sleep.

It is vital that you have the correct nutrition to help deal with your stress levels and to boost your body’s production of collagen you may find it beneficial to include in your diet plenty of foods which will help your body produce collagen, such as fish skin, bone broth, eggs, and vitamin C. Alternatively, you may choose to take a collagen peptide supplement.

Collagen Supplements

We offer two collagen peptide supplements to provide you with a powerful, convenient, and pure source:

Marine Collagen

A powder containing type 1 marine collagen peptides which is the same type found in your bones and skin. This collagen has been shown in clinical studies to improve the overall appearance of skin and hair by reducing wrinkles, increasing hydration, and increasing hair strength. Produced from wild-caught ocean whitefish, our marine collagen is free from antibiotics, hormones, or preservatives. Read more about our marine collagen.

Bovine Collagen

A powder containing a unique hydrolysed cartilage matrix that contains bioactive type II collagen peptides and the glycosaminoglycans – chondroitin sulphate and hyaluronic acid, making it a top choice for joint and cartilage health. Read more about our bovine collagen.

Top 10 Key Takeaways

  • Collagen benefits for men are plentiful!
  • Collagen improves skin texture, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and promotes a youthful appearance.
  • It strengthens joints, reduces pain, and supports mobility and flexibility.
  • Collagen helps maintain healthy hair and reduces the extent of hair loss.
  • It aids in muscle recovery, accelerates athletic performance, and supports muscle growth.
  • Collagen improves bone density, supports nail health, and reduces the risk of fractures.
  • It suppresses appetite, aids in weight management, and improves gut health.
  • Collagen has anti-inflammatory properties, promotes cardiovascular health, and improves blood circulation.
  • It supports brain health, boosts the immune system, and increases energy levels.
  • Collagen helps reduce stress and anxiety levels, promoting overall wellness and mood improvement.
  • Incorporating collagen into your daily routine can enhance your overall health and well-being.

Our Promise

When it comes to keeping you informed on health and nutrition, we’re here for you and aim to help where we can. If you would like to discuss any aspect of using natural supplements, or would find advice helpful, please feel free to contact us on 01297 553932.

Collagen for Joints

Dealing with joint pain, stiffness, and limited mobility is something many of us face as we get older. Many people have joint problems which can not only limit an active life but reduce ability to get enough sleep. Living with chronic pain is not only debilitating but reduces quality of life. One key to achieving and maintaining healthy joints is collagen, a protein that is essential for the strength and flexibility of connective tissue, including joints, ligaments, and tendons. Read more about collagen for joints.

Understanding Collagen and Joint Health

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body, making up a significant portion of our connective tissues. It possesses unique structural characteristics that give skin, bones, and cartilage tissue strength and integrity. Without sufficient collagen for joints they are more prone to injury, stiffness, and pain.

Collagen and Aging

During the ageing process your body naturally produces less collagen, leading to a decrease in joint strength and flexibility. Because collagen supports joint strength and flexibility, this decline in production can result in joint discomfort and an increased risk of injuries. However, by being strict about regularly including collagen-boosting foods into your diet, or by incorporating collagen supplements into your daily routine, it is possible to slow down the effects of aging on joints and prolong mobility.

The Significance of Collagen for Joints

Physical Health Archives (17)

Collagen is crucial for maintaining joint structure, function, and overall health. It acts as a building block for cartilage which is the flexible tissue that cushions your joints and allows for smooth movement. By supporting the regeneration and repair of cartilage, collagen helps to sustain joint flexibility, mobility, and stability. In addition to this, it promotes bone health and provides important support for the entire musculoskeletal system.

Collagen plays a vital role in joint care and repair. It aids in the strengthening of ligaments, tendons, and other connective tissue, which is crucial for joint stability and proper movement. By promoting collagen production and providing the necessary building blocks, collagen supplements can help your body repair damaged joints and maintain their optimal function.

Osteoarthritis is one of the most widely diagnosed causes of chronic joint pain and disability, causing loss of mobility, reduced finger and wrist dexterity, shoulder and neck pain, and severe discomfort to many sufferers worldwide.

To date there are no cures for this disease and the long-term use of pharmaceutical anti-inflammatory drugs is not ideal. However, trials are showing that supplementing with collagen is having a beneficial effect in penetrating joint tissue with reassuringly positive results.

Research is continuing into the benefits of various types of collagens, specifically targeting joint pain. It has been recorded that hydrolysed bovine collagen peptides have a positive effect on the relief of joint pain.

Further details here on hydrolysed bovine collagen supplement.

Maintaining Joint Mobility with Collagen

Physical Health Archives (18)

If you're an athlete or you generally have a very active lifestyle, collagen is your secret weapon for maintaining joint mobility and flexibility. Collagen supports healthy joint function and helps prevent joint stiffness, ensuring you can move freely and perform at your best. By incorporating collagen supplementation into your routine, you can enhance your athletic performance and decrease the risk of joint injuries.

A 24-week randomised placebo-controlled, double-blind study was conducted at Penn State University, Pennsylvania, on athletes who had joint pain, mobility problems and inflammation. The study showed encouraging results.

Joint Pain and Inflammation

Joint pain can be a result of various factors, including inflammation. As well as conditions like arthritis, inflammation can affect joints due to sports injuries such as sprains, ligament strains, meniscus tears, tendonitis and cartilage damage. Inflammation may also develop due to poor posture.

Collagen has been shown to possess anti-inflammatory properties, reducing joint inflammation and slowing down the effects of ageing. By incorporating collagen into your everyday diet, either by eating sufficient collagen-boosting foods or by taking collagen supplements, you can help ease discomfort and enhance your overall joint health, flexibility and strength, as well as slowing down the effects of ageing.

Collagen from Food

Physical Health Archives (19)

Collagen is a main component in various structures of your body. It is needed for healthy joints, bones, skin, hair, nails, connective tissue, tendons, and ligaments. You can help your body make more collagen by eating a well-balanced diet, and in choosing collagen-rich foods, you are also providing yourself with good sources of extra protein.

The vitamins that will give you maximum chance of increasing your collagen levels are:

  • Vitamin C in foods such as blueberries, red bell peppers, kiwifruit, broccoli, strawberries, oranges.
  • Lycopene in tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit.
  • Omega-3 in salmon, sardine, mackerel, avocado, walnuts, chai seeds.
  • Vitamin A, found in sweet potatoes.
  • Lysine, an amino acid found in turkey, soybean, tofu and cashew nuts.

Here are a few useful tips for preparing meals incorporating these collagen boosting vitamins:


Make a stock or broth by slowly simmering beef, pork, lamb or chicken bones in water to extract the collagen and minerals. You can then use the broth to make soup or add it to a casserole. This is quite a lengthy process, and a slow cooker is useful. It is also possible to buy ready-made bone broth.


This is a source of collagen which may be purchased as a powder and added to smoothies, soups, sauces, and casseroles.

Egg whites

Egg whites contain glycine and proline which are amino acids that make up collagen. Do eat the egg yolks too as they are rich in vitamin D. Eggs don’t have to be limited to their ‘fried or boiled’ reputation. Make a frittata with any left-over vegetables for a nutritious lunch, or serve scrambled eggs on sourdough toast, topped with smoked salmon or anchovies, roasted cherry tomatoes or asparagus spears. Scrambled egg stirred through cooked rice easily creates the egg fried rice accompaniment to Chinese dishes but goes well with other types of cuisine.


Fresh citrus fruit has high levels of vitamin C which will help your body produce more collagen. Eating the whole fruit is good as you then get the benefit of the fibre of the fruit to help your digestive system instead of just drinking the juice which can lead to you very quickly taking in a high amount of fructose (fruit sugar).

Try adding citrus fruits such as orange and ruby grapefruit segments to a salad using mixed leaves, walnuts, sliced almonds or pecans then dressing with a drizzle of sweet balsamic vinegar and a squeeze of fresh lime juice.

Physical Health Archives (20)


Being rich in vitamin C, tomatoes will help boost your collagen production. They are excellent sliced raw with a drizzle of olive oil, wine vinegar, sea salt and a few basil leaves. Tomatoes are also brilliant when cooked as they don’t lose their potency by being cooked and processed, making them a versatile and healthy ingredient to sauces, soups, purees, and many pasta dishes.


Another vegetable packed with vitamin C. Broccoli is delicious stir fried with mushrooms and a few cashew nuts or roasted with a sprinkling of olive oil and sea salt. It is excellent as a replacement for lettuce in a salad. Add some crushed garlic and pine nuts to the broccoli before roasting so that the garlic caramelises slightly and the pine nuts toast. Mix with baby spinach or kale leaves and a few pomegranate seeds, then add a dressing of lemon juice, balsamic and a squeeze of pomegranate juice.


Full of vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids, avocados help boost collagen production. Slice them into your salad, mash them on toast and top with a poached egg, blend them into a smoothie or make an open sandwich with sliced avocado and prawns or strips of smoked salmon or crispy bacon.


A great source of protein, nuts are also rich in zinc which is important for collagen production. A few ready-shelled nuts make a nutritious and filling snack.


Also high in zinc, mushrooms are a good collagen- boosting food and can be added to many quick and easy to prepare dishes such as stir fries. They are good mixed with vegetables to give a ‘meaty’ texture in many vegetarian dishes and introduce a wonderfully deep flavour to soups and sauces.

A further tip to help you maintain good collagen levels - protect yourself from too much sun by wearing sunscreen and avoiding smoking or taking in second-hand smoke.

Collagen for Joints - Supplements

Adding collagen supplements to your daily routine is a convenient and effective way to promote joint health. Collagen supplements come in different forms, such as powders, capsules, and liquid formulas. They provide an efficient and easily absorbable source of collagen for your body, supporting joint repair and regeneration.

Read about our product: Collagen for Joints.

Top 10 Key Takeaways

  • Collagen is crucial for healthy joints and overall joint function.
  • Ageing leads to a decline in collagen production, affecting joint health.
  • Collagen supports the structure and regeneration of cartilage, enhancing joint flexibility.
  • It aids in reducing joint inflammation and relieving joint pain.
  • Ligaments, tendons, and connective tissues rely on collagen for strength and stability.
  • Collagen promotes bone health and joint support, preventing long term joint issues and helping in cases of osteoarthritis.
  • Collagen is essential for athletes and for anyone who is physically active as it is vital for maintaining joint mobility.
  • Collagen has anti-inflammatory properties, reducing pain and slowing down the effects of aging on joints, whilst promoting flexibility and strength.
  • Including collagen-rich foods in your diet helps your body produce more collagen.
  • Collagen supplements are a convenient and effective way to support joint health and repair.

Our Promise

When it comes to keeping you informed on health and nutrition, we’re here for you and aim to help where we can. If you would like to discuss any aspect of using natural supplements, or would find advice helpful, please feel free to contact us on 01297 553932.

What is Bovine Collagen?

The beauty industry has been aware of the advantages of collagen for many years, and it has been a popular item on the ingredient list of many cosmetic preparations for maintaining a youthful complexion. However, in recent years science has discovered that taking collagen as a dietary supplement has significant potential to support the framework of our bodies by replenishing and preserving joint health.

As more research emerges, collagen is extending its presence from the beauty and cosmetic counters, to providing a powerful and natural means of turning back the clock in terms of joint health and prolonged mobility. But what is bovine collagen, and how do we tap into its benefits?

The Discovery of Collagen

Research into understanding proteins in the human body began in 1950 when an Indian Scientist, G. N. Ramachandran, first discovered the structure of collagen. In 1953 scientists Sir James Watson and Francis Crick went on to publish their research into the structure of DNA, the building blocks of life made up of proteins. Their findings were built upon the work already completed by Ramachandran. Collagen was heralded as being the most abundant protein found in most animals, including humans. Much of Ramachandran’s research was conducted using cow hide as his preferred material.

Due to the findings of academic research, collagen first attracted the attention of the cosmetic industry but after a while became of serious interest to the corrective surgery sector. Trials into using collagen as a surgical filler began to take place. In 1981 bovine collagen was approved for cosmetic surgery injection.

Due to its moisturising, film-forming, and regenerating properties, collagen has become one of the main ingredients of cosmetic formulations. Because of its excellent ability to bind with water, it helps to maintain the correct water content in the skin, ensuring the skin is softened and adequately moisturised. Additionally, its film-forming properties reduce the loss of water through the epidermis due to evaporation.

Research has shown that collagen speeds wound healing and tissue regeneration, therefore collagen is widely used in the field of cosmetics but is equally useful for enhancing the vitality of hair as well as skin.

What is Bovine Collagen?

Physical Health Archives (21)

Collagen is a protein which occurs naturally in humans as well as in animals. It plays a vital role in the structure of skin, ligaments, tendons and muscles. Bovine collagen, as its name suggests, is obtained from the hide (skin), muscle tissue and bones of cattle.

The natural ageing process means that our bodies produce less collagen with the passing years and our stores begin to diminish. This results in noticeable signs of ageing, such as sagging and wrinkling skin, weakened cartilage and stiffening joints.

Bovine collagen is a protein found in connective tissue, bones, cartilage and the hides of cows, and is the most usual source of collagen in supplements and cosmetic products. Unless a product is labelled as marine collagen or vegan collagen, it is almost certainly bovine.

Cowhide and bones are often discarded as by-products of the meat industry so the fact that they are an excellent source of collagen means they can be put to very good use as pure collagen protein powder.

Bovine Collagen Benefits

Bovine collagen offers a wide range of benefits for health and wellness. As well as improving the strength and flexibility of your joints, bovine collagen can help reduce digestive discomfort, improve the quality of your hair and nails, strengthen tendons and boost muscular recovery after sport or general activity. Here are the main areas where bovine collagen can give significant help:

Strengthening Joints and Promoting Mobility

Physical Health Archives (22)

As we age, our joints naturally experience wear and tear, and at the same time, our body’s own collagen production undergoes a gradual and natural decline. The effect of diminishing collagen goes deeper still, causing loss of skeletal strength as bone mass and mineral density decreases. This may result in osteoporosis, causing vulnerability to fractures. It may also lead to the onset of osteoarthritis, a condition where joint cartilage breaks down, resulting in bone rubbing against bone and causing a great deal of pain.

Collagen plays a crucial role in the formation of cartilage, the soft, rubbery tissue which cushions joints. It is collagen that provides cartilage tissue with the elasticity and toughness needed to keep joints active. The depletion of cartilage tissue is often due to natural ageing, but it may also be the result of years of excessive strain.

This sounds a depressing prospect, but research has shown that bovine collagen offers a reprieve. Supplementing our own diminishing supplies can go a long way towards renewing bone mineral density and bolstering natural collagen reserves. It has also been found that supplementing with collagen can strengthen the structure of cartilage, helping to prolong free movement and a more active lifestyle.

We offer a collagen supplement specifically blended to give maximum support to joint health.

Bovine Collagen Joints Blend

Enhancing Skin Health

Physical Health Archives (23)

There is a great deal of scientific evidence showing that collagen supplements can help manage the ageing process, keeping skin looking younger for longer. The reason for the positive effect of collagen in the anti-aging effect of the skin is due to its ability to stimulate the production of your own natural collagen. This, in turn, strengthens your skin's structure and enhances its ability to retain moisture, improve skin elasticity, firmness, and moisture retention. By stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, it reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, allowing you to maintain a more youthful complexion for longer, ultimately resulting in plumper, smoother, and more radiant skin.

Collagen is rich in glycine and proline. Glycine penetrates through the layers of skin, deep into the dermis where it stimulates your body’s own natural collogen production. Proline helps improve skin’s elasticity. It also increases your body’s own collagen production and helps skin repair and regenerate.

Bovine collagen supplements have been found to also boost the production of other proteins that help support the structure of the skin, such as elastin and fibrillin.

Improving Digestion and Gut Health

Bovine collagen contributes to better digestion and gut health. It contains amino acids which strengthen the connective tissue within your digestive tract, improving overall digestion and nutrient absorption. This can lead to reduced symptoms of bloating, indigestion, and other digestive discomforts.

Furthermore, bovine collagen supports a healthy gut microbiome, which plays a vital role in promoting overall well-being. A healthy gut contributes to stronger immune function, more efficient nutrient processing, and even improved mental health.

Boosting Hair and Nail Health

Bovine collagen is something of a secret weapon when it comes to stronger and healthier hair and nails. Collagen is essential for healthy hair and nail growth, and bovine collagen takes it up a notch by providing the necessary building blocks to achieve stronger, thicker hair and nails, reducing breakage.

Such issues as thinning hair, hair loss, or brittle and breaking nails can all benefit from bovine collagen and with regular use will result in a significant improvement.

Supporting Athletic Performance and Muscle Recovery

Physical Health Archives (24)

couple stretching on mats

For athletes and fitness enthusiasts, bovine collagen can be a great friend. It speeds up muscle recovery and repair, ensuring your body can bounce back quickly after intense workouts or physical activities. By providing essential amino acids, bovine collagen boosts healthy muscle growth and protein synthesis, which enhances athletic performance and endurance.

Collagen peptides, which are derived from bovine collagen, are especially beneficial for muscle recovery. These powerful amino acids help your muscles recover faster, reduce exercise-induced joint pain, and improve overall athletic performance.

There is some evidence that supplements can boost muscle mass in cases of sarcopenia, an age-related muscle wasting condition. However, further research is needed to verify this.

Vegan Collagen Supplements

While bovine collagen offers numerous benefits, you may prefer a vegan option. Luckily, there are vegan collagen alternatives available that harness the power of plant-based sources, processed using a cutting-edge method known as microbial fermentation. This involves the use of specific microorganisms to produce amino acids which are identical to the amino acids in collagen, and they work in a similar way. These alternative supplements do not contain collagen, but contain nutrients that stimulate your own collagen production, ensuring you can still reap the benefits without compromising your dietary preferences.

You may also find it helpful to increase your vitamin C intake as this will support your body’s own collagen production.

Taking Bovine Collagen as a Supplement

It is possible to take bovine collagen in the form of powder, liquid, capsule, topical skincare product or injection:


Hydrolysed bovine collagen is very easy to incorporate into your daily diet in powder form as it blends well in hot or cold drinks, including smoothies, coffee or juice. It can also be added to muesli or oats and stirred into yogurt. This is the fastest and most efficient way for your body to absorb bovine collagen.

Discover more about bovine collagen as a powder supplement.

Liquid Collagen

Supplements can be available in liquid form, but this method may be difficult to monitor in terms of getting the dosage right.


These have the advantage of being already pre-dosed and simply require to be swallowed with water. However, one capsule cannot hold enough for your daily dose, so you may need to take several at a time, which may prove somewhat inconvenient.

Topical Application

You have the option to use collagen as a skincare product if you are wishing to use it for the appearance of your skin. There is not usually a high percentage of collagen included in skincare preparation and it can’t penetrate the skin in high doses. This means that applying collagen as a topical product will give a short-term boost, but it is much more effective when taken orally as a supplement.

Collagen Injections

There is currently no legislation in the UK to say that there needs to be a minimum level of qualification to carry out dermal filler injections, but there have been some horror stories of these procedures having gone wrong. The advice is to choose a qualified dermatologist or plastic surgeon to conduct your collagen injections.

Injections are usually made from bovine collagen which is the closest to human-produced collagen. This procedure will help to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, help reduce scar tissue from such things as acne.

Injections are also given to give skin a more plump and youthful texture and appearance. There are certain risks involved (such as swelling, bruising, discomfort, ruptured blood vessels, scarring etc) and these should always be made clear to you before the procedure takes place.

10 Key Takeaways:

  • Bovine collagen supports joint health, cartilage, and bone health.
  • It improves joint flexibility, reduces inflammation, and promotes mobility.
  • Bovine collagen improves skin elasticity, firmness, and moisture retention.
  • It reduces the appearance of wrinkles and promotes a youthful complexion.
  • Bovine collagen aids in digestion, strengthens connective tissue, and improves nutrient absorption.
  • It promotes a healthy gut microbiome and overall gut health.
  • Bovine collagen enhances hair thickness, reduces breakage, and strengthens nails.
  • It supports muscle recovery, muscle growth, and athletic performance.
  • Collagen peptides derived from bovine collagen optimize muscle protein synthesis.
  • Vegetarian collagen alternatives available which provide collagen- boosting nutrients.

Our Promise

When it comes to keeping you informed on health and nutrition, we’re here for you and aim to help where we can. If you would like to discuss any aspect of using natural supplements, or would find advice helpful, please feel free to contact us on 01297 553932.

Marine Collagen Benefits

Throughout history, people have sought out the mythical fountain of youth, and although we haven't discovered the secret to immortality just yet, science has made us aware of one of nature’s remarkable helpers. Marine collagen is a natural protein, derived from sustainable marine life, which has gained immense popularity in the world of skincare and anti-aging. In this article we explore the marine collagen benefits and how it can help you achieve a youthful appearance and enjoy optimal health.

Understanding Collagen

Collagen can be thought of as the glue that holds you together. Your body makes collagen by combining amino acids which are proteins largely derived from food. Collagen is present in skin, hair, joints, bones, tendons, nails, and the digestive system. It is collagen which is responsible for the structure, texture, strength, elasticity and resilience of the skin which covers your body and the skin which lines all of your internal tracts.

To manufacture its own collagen your body needs a mixture of amino acids. There are eleven amino acids which your body can make, and nine essential amino acids which can only be obtained from your diet. Foods which contain all of them are known as complete proteins. They are fish, poultry, beef, eggs, dairy, soy, quinoa and buckwheat. Foods which contain some, but not all the essential amino acids, are called incomplete proteins.

Collagen is mainly made from three non-essential amino acids called proline, glycine and hydroxyproline. Although our body makes its own collagen, by the time we reach the age of twenty, natural production begins to reduce, and from then on, signs of ageing gradually begin to show. By eighty years of age, we have about 30% of the collagen we had when we were in our twenties.

Physical Health Archives (25)

A diet which is rich in seafood will provide a certain amount of collagen-boosting nutrients, but choosing fish such as sardines and anchovies, where you can eat the skin and bones as well as the flesh, will provide higher amounts of collagen. When buying salmon, go for wild rather than farmed, and with white fish if you can eat the skin too then that will help. If you decide to choose the dietary route to boost your collagen levels, rather than using a supplement, the fish which is highest in collagen is sardine.

Marine Collagen Benefits

Recently research has focussed on marine organisms as promising sources of collagen because, unlike porcine and bovine sources, they have no issues of use for any religious reasons. The use of marine by-catch from the harvest of the sea makes good use of certain sea creatures which might otherwise be discarded, making the extraction of marine collagen a worthwhile environmental project.

High collagen content is found in a variety of marine species such as the skin, scales and bones of fish, sea urchins and by-catch organisms such as jellyfish, sponges and starfish.

Marine Collagen for Skin

Physical Health Archives (26)

Collagen plays a star role in the health of your skin, helping to keep it strong and providing elasticity which also has the effect of holding at bay or smoothing out those fine lines and wrinkles.

In more clinical terms, research has found from several studies on skin-wound healing that marine collagen isolated from sea creatures such as jellyfish and sponges has potential for increasing wound healing rates. As well as skin healing, marine collagen has been found to have anti-ageing properties by slowing down the rate at which skin deteriorates due to age. It was found to ‘reduce wrinkles, improve skin elasticity and enhance the overall structure and appearance of the skin.’

Collagen for Hair

A healthy head of hair depends greatly on collagen for its strength and general health. Hair is largely made up of the protein keratin which is produced from a combination of several amino acids, some of which are found in collagen.

Proline is the main component of keratin, so proline-rich collagen will boost the health and strength of your hair.

Collagen for Joints

Physical Health Archives (27)

As we age, joint pain and stiffness can become a daily struggle. Because marine collagen has anti-inflammatory properties it can help reduce joint pain, while at the same time supporting cartilage health and preventing age related ailments such as osteoarthritis. By promoting tissue repair and healing, marine collagen helps keep joints strong and mobile.

Research has concluded that there is compelling evidence that collagen supplementation inhibits bone collagen breakdown and eases the painful symptoms of degenerative joint conditions. These findings suggest that collagen supplementation is a safe and therapeutic means of managing symptoms of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.

Dental and Bone Health

Marine collagen strengthens teeth, promotes gum health, and aids in maintaining strong bones and improved bone density. Although teeth themselves are not made of bone, collagen is essential for the health of the periodontium which is the structure of gums and bone that support and surround your teeth.

Periodontal tissue is composed of collagen which makes up gingival tissue and periodontal ligaments which connect teeth into the jawbones. Although nothing is more important than a conscientious cleaning and flossing routine, keeping an age-defying set of teeth well into senior years is also dependent on strong periodontal ligaments and healthy gingival tissue.

Strong and Supple Tendons

Due to their high percentage of collagen, tendons can endure resistance from high-impact stress, which helps to reduce the risk of injury, particularly when taking part in sporting activities.

A recently published study in the journal Frontiers in Physiology from Liverpool John Moores University, led by Robert Erskine, reported that female soccer players found big improvements in tendon stiffness after taking collagen supplements three times a week.

Healthy Nails

Marine collagen strengthens brittle nails, preventing breakage and ensuring they remain strong and healthy. Two of the amino acids present in collagen, and essential for nail growth, are arginine and proline. Arginine provides nutrients and oxygen to tissue, such as that in the nail bed and roots. Proline is responsible for the production of keratin which is vital for nail health.

Digestive System

Marine collagen supports digestive health and improves gut function so as well as keeping you feeling and looking good on the outside, collagen also plays a major role in strengthening and thickening intestinal mucosa, which is the lining of the gut. If the lining of your intestines becomes thin, this condition may lead to thyroid and adrenal disorders.

Immune System and Post-Exercise Recovery

A strong immune system is vital for overall well-being, and marine collagen can give it a much-needed boost which helps you fight off illnesses. Additionally, it aids in post-workout recovery, accelerating muscle repair and reducing the inflammation that is often the result of rigorous exercise.

Marine Collagen Supplements

Much like other forms of collagen, marine collagen can help delay some of the signs of ageing such as wrinkles, joint problems, weakened hair and nails. Besides these anti-ageing advantages, marine collagen also gives an alternative to those who may have issues with using bovine or porcine- derived collagen for religious or other ethical or medical reasons.

Collagen is a safe supplement with very few side effects. Some people may experience mild digestive upset such as bloating and diarrhoea. It is a protein, and the usual recommended and effective intake is around 3-9 grams a day.

If you have allergies to fish or shellfish, you should not choose marine collagen.

Our Collagen Beauty Blend uses Peptan F2000 marine collagen peptides. Peptan F2000 is MSC certified and uses 100% wild caught, white ocean fish.

Ten Key takeaways

  • Marine collagen is a natural protein derived from fish, fish skins and scales.
  • It promotes a youthful appearance by reducing wrinkles and maintaining skin elasticity.
  • Marine collagen benefits include strengthening hair and promoting hair growth.
  • It supports joint health, reducing pain and preventing age-related ailments.
  • Marine collagen improves dental health and bone strength.
  • It promotes tendon and cartilage health.
  • Marine collagen improves nail growth and prevents breakage.
  • It supports the digestive system and helps avoid and eliminate digestive discomfort.
  • Marine collagen enhances the immune system and aids in post-exercise recovery.
  • Including marine collagen supplements in your daily diet can reduce the effects of ageing, both in terms of appearance and mobility.

Our Promise

When it comes to keeping you informed on health and nutrition, we’re here for you and aim to help where we can. If you would like to discuss any aspect of using natural supplements, or would find advice helpful, please feel free to contact us on 01297 553932.

Maca Benefits for Women

Growing wild, thousands of feet above sea level in the Andes mountains, is a vegetable which has been prized for centuries by the indigenous people of Peru. Sometimes referred to as Peruvian ginseng, maca is known not only for its nutritional value, but also for its power to help women with fertility problems, hormone balance, PMS, menopause, and low libido. In this blog we’ll take a scientific look at the many Maca benefits for women.

What is Maca?

Physical Health Archives (28)

With the botanical name of Lepidium meyenii, maca belongs to the Brassicaceae, or mustard, family. This is the same genus as turnip, cabbage, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, radish, horseradish and sea kale. Although in the main, they look nothing like each other, they all have common family traits. The genus is also known by its older botanical name of Cruciferae because all members of the family have four petalled, cross-shaped flowers.

The maca plant has tuber roots which smell like caramel and are traditionally used by the indigenous people of Peru for adding to desert recipes, jams and yogurts for extra sweetness and flavour. Dried maca root is ground into flour and used to make bread and biscuits.

The roots of the maca plant come in a variety of colours, red, black, and yellow, and they each have slightly varying properties. The most common colour is yellow, and this is widely used as a staple food in traditional Peruvian culture, but red and black roots are considered rare and saved for therapeutic uses. All three are rich in the health-giving properties that have given maca its reputation as a healing plant.

Maca is rich in magnesium, calcium, and amino acids (molecules that combine to form proteins). It also contains various minerals such as iron, manganese zinc, sodium and copper. In addition, maca contains certain unique compounds known as secondary metabolites which are micro-organisms vitally important for human health and widely used by medical science in the production of antibiotics, antitumor agents, cholesterol-lowering drugs, and immunosuppressants.

As well as its high value as a nutritious vegetable, maca root has long been heralded as a herbal remedy to enhance vitality and stamina, reduce stress, improve memory, boost libido and improve sexual performance.

Today maca is widely recognised as a superfood and herbal supplement and both laboratory and human studies have shown that its properties can promote holistic wellness for women of all ages.

How Does Maca Improve Health?

Maca is an adaptogen. This means it is one of the special herbs whose active compounds boost energy and enhance physical performance. When taken as a supplement, an adaptogen will support your body’s own systems in re-balancing hormones, easing stress, strengthening your immune system, supporting bone health, and enhancing mood.

Maca works for men too, in similar ways to its benefits for women, maca will reduce stress and boost energy and stamina. It can help balance a man’s hormones and improve sperm quality, but when it comes to a natural supplement to support a woman’s particular needs, maca has that special therapeutic touch.

Maca Benefits for Women

Every woman, from puberty and for the rest of her life, has very specific requirements when it comes to wellbeing. It’s not necessarily about being unwell but things can sometimes simply be out of kilter. Such imbalances can have a detrimental effect on feelings of contentment, fulfilment, and happiness. This is where maca can perform a valuable role.

Here are the main Maca benefits for women:

Maca for Hormones

Because of its adaptogenic properties, maca supports hormonal regulation and balance within your body. By stimulating the hypothalamus and pituitary glands, maca promotes menstrual regularity and reduces symptoms of PMS.

Regulating the Menstrual Cycle

If you have irregular periods, maca may help regulate your hormonal body clock. This is particularly helpful for estimating ovulation, as well as alleviating annoying and inconvenient surprises.

Easing menstrual discomfort

Maca is effective in reducing the discomfort of period pain and menstrual cramps, providing much needed relief during that time of the month.

Maca Root for Fertility

Research has suggested that maca may serve as a fertility enhancer and aid in reproductive health. It does this due to its power to balance hormones and increase blood flow to the reproductive organs. Due to its ability to regulate the menstrual cycle and optimise ovulation, it may increase the likelihood of conception.

Energy Boost and Mood Enhancement

Maca has been found to be an energy booster, giving improved stamina and endurance. It also provides sustainable energy. Additionally, maca enhances mood and alleviates symptoms of depression or anxiety.

Boosting Libido

Maca has gained a reputation as a natural libido enhancer for women. By increasing blood flow and stimulating the production of sex hormones, maca boosts sexual desire and enhances intimacy.

Maca contains compounds known as macamides and macaenes which may have a positive effect on hormone levels.

Due to its ability to lower cortisol, maca reduces stress and anxiety levels. It also has the capacity to boost energy and stamina. These benefits undoubtedly play a part in restoring and sustaining a healthy libido.

Maca has been scientifically linked to an increase in sexual desire and improved sexual function, making it a game changer for women wishing to maintain a fulfilling intimate relationship.

Physical Health Archives (29)

Bone Health

As women age, maintaining strong bones becomes crucial. Maca plays a pivotal role in improving bone density and reducing the risk of osteoporosis thanks to its high calcium and potassium content.

Immune System Support

Maca strengthens the immune system, ensuring you stay healthy and resilient against common diseases. The antioxidants and phytonutrients found in maca further contribute to a strong immune system and overall well-being.

Skin Health and Anti-Ageing

By enhancing collagen production and improving skin elasticity, maca has a positive effect on the complexion. It also has anti-aging properties, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Stress Relief and Mood Stabilisation

Maca belongs to the group of plants known as adaptogens which contain natural substances that help your body adapt to physical, mental, and emotional stress. This brings welcome relief and as you feel better, your mood becomes less volatile and more stable.

Antioxidant Protection

Research has shown that phenols, glucosinolates, alkamides and polysaccharides in maca provide antioxidant protection by increasing enzyme activity and scavenging free radicals. This process gives protection against cellular damage and is the reason why maca has a great reputation for its anti-ageing properties.

Maca for Menopause

Maca benefits for women also includes those going through perimenopause, and during menopause itself, maca is a natural remedy that offers relief from hormone-related symptoms. Its adaptogenic properties help alleviate hot flushes, mood swings, and night sweats, making this phase more manageable. Maca is also known to boost libido, allowing women to retain a healthy sex drive during a time when hormone fluctuations could otherwise prove inhibitive. A further advantage at this time of transition, when brain fog is often a problem for many women, is maca's help with improved cognitive function, enhancing mental clarity and memory.

Physical Health Archives (30)

A clinical study involving 34 women in the phase of early post-menopause, has shown that supplementation with maca worked by toning hormonal processes involving the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis. It also balanced hormone levels and relieved hot flushes and night sweating. The conclusion of the study was that maca provides an alternative non-hormonal plant option to reduce dependence on hormone therapy programs (HRT).

Research has found that maca reduces psychological symptoms including anxiety and depression. It has also shown that maca lowers incidences of sexual dysfunction in menopausal and post-menopausal women. In clinical trials maca has been found to be an effective natural alternative to hormone replacement therapy.

Taking Maca as a Supplement

Many women are preferring to take a more natural approach to easing the symptoms of menopause and Peruvian Maca root powder capsules have been carefully devised to fulfil this need. Each capsule contains 250mg of a 5:1 Maca root extract, the equivalent to 1,250 mg of maca powder. To learn more about supplement extracts and what they mean read our blog on the subject.

Our Maca capsules are made from three varieties of maca - red, yellow and black, so incorporating the special benefits of each. They are also a great source of minerals such as calcium, selenium, iron, and magnesium, as well as omega 6 and omega 9 fatty acids, linoleic acid, oleic acid, and 19 amino acids.

Side Effects and Cautions

Maca is generally a very safe herb and not associated with health risks in most people. It is unlikely to cause any side effects when taken in the recommended doses.

It does, however, effect hormones. If you have thyroid problems or other hormone-sensitive conditions such as uterine fibroids or endometriosis, breast, uterine or ovarian cancers, you may wish to steer clear of supplementing with maca. This is because maca extract may act in much the same way as oestrogen.

If you are pregnant or breast feeding you should avoid maca root as there is not yet sufficient evidence to prove its safety in these circ*mstances.

Taking maca late in the evening is best avoided as it will boost your energy levels when you need to be winding down ready for sleep.

It is advisable to check with a healthcare professional to ensure taking maca as a supplement is compatible with any existing conditions or medications.

Key Takeaways

  • Maca is a powerful natural remedy for women's health.
  • It supports hormonal balance, fertility, and menstrual regularity.
  • Maca alleviates menopause symptoms, including hot flushes and mood swings.
  • It boosts energy, enhances mood, relieves stress.
  • Maca helps to reduce menstrual pain.
  • Maca promotes libido and helps restore feelings of sexual desire, even following childbirth or menopause.
  • It strengthens bone health, reducing risk of osteoporosis and brittle bones as you age.
  • Maca improves skin health, vitality, and overall well-being.
  • It has antioxidants and phytonutrients that support the immune system and contribute to holistic wellness.
  • Maca provides age defying effects and enhances cognitive function.

Further Reading

You may be interested in reading some of our other blogs on women’s health and menopause:

Aphrodisiac for Women: Folklore or Fact?

Low Libido in Women. The Reasons Why!

Fatigue and Low Energy: Could Menopause be the Culprit?

Our Promise

When it comes to keeping you informed on health and nutrition, we’re here for you and aim to help where we can. If you would like to discuss any aspect of using natural supplements, or would find advice helpful, please feel free to contact us on 01297 553932.

Are you struggling to get a good night’s sleep? Do you always feel tired and long for natural, non-chemically induced, rejuvenating slumber? Using Ashwagandha for sleep may be just what you need.

What is Ashwagandha?

Sometimes called Indian Ginseng and sometimes known as Winter Cherry, ashwagandha is a plant which is native to India, northern Africa and the Middle East. It has been prized for 3000 years in Ayurvedic medicine as an adaptogenic herb. Adaptogens are natural substances which help the body cope with stressors. Ashwagandha has been shown to have nerve calming and relaxation inducing effects.

Physical Health Archives (31)

Does Ashwagandha Help You Sleep?

Ashwagandha is famed for its ability to reduce stress and anxiety levels. It does this through its ability to act upon the adrenal glands that trigger the release of adrenaline and cortisol when you are in a state of stress. Compounds called withanolides, and primarily withaferin-A, are the active constituents extracted from ashwagandha. They are involved in most of the biological functions that give ashwagandha its modulating effect on the stress hormones and enable it to lower the amount of cortisol in your bloodstream. This in turn helps you relax more fully and fall asleep more easily at bedtime.

Physical Health Archives (32)

Ashwagandha’s ability to regulate cortisol also means your sleep is deeper and less disturbed than it would be if you had high levels of cortisol coursing through your blood vessels.

A further advantage of incorporating ashwagandha into your sleep routine is that it has been shown to regulate sleep cycles, promoting a more consistent sleep pattern. Because ashwagandha increases levels of melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate your sleep/wake cycles. This can be especially helpful if you struggle with circadian rhythm sleep disorders.

Because high cortisol levels are linked to wakefulness and restlessness, ashwagandha’s ability to balance cortisol makes you mentally more relaxed and this has a calming effect on your body, inducing a deeper sleep.

A further factor in its usefulness as a sleep aid is that ashwagandha has been found to mimic the effect of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) levels. GABA is a neurotransmitter that regulates brain activity and soothes the nervous system. Its ability to increased GABA activity is a further reason ashwagandha reduces stress and improves sleep quality.

As well as having powerful properties for reducing cortisol levels, ashwagandha contains the active compound triethylene glycol, which helps to promote sleep.

Ashwagandha and Sleep Disorders

Physical Health Archives (33)

Ashwagandha can be especially helpful if you suffer from sleep disorders such as restless sleep. Studies have shown that it can be as effective as traditional sleep medication but without the side effects.

If you suffer with insomnia, ashwagandha has been found in studies to improve sleep quality, duration of sleep, onset latency (ie the time it takes to go from full wakefulness to sleep) and total sleep time.

It’s important to remember that ashwagandha is not a substitute for professional medical advice and if you continue to experience sleep disturbances, talk to your doctor about possible underlying medical conditions.

Combining Ashwagandha with Other Natural Supplements for Sleep

Physical Health Archives (34)

The most common combinations with ashwagandha are melatonin, magnesium, valerian root, L-theanine and chamomile.

Ashwagandha and Melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced by the body to regulate your sleep cycle. It can be taken alongside ashwagandha to work together in promoting better sleep. Best taken just before bedtime to avoid disrupting your natural sleep-wake cycle.

Ashwagandha and Magnesium

Because of its relaxation properties, magnesium helps by calming nerves, reducing stress and relieving muscle tension. When taken with ashwagandha the two have a synergistic effect to help with sleep. Magnesium Bisglycinate

Ashwagandha and Valerian Root

Valerian root has been shown to enhance GABA neurotransmitter levels, encouraging relaxation and sound sleep. When combined with ashwagandha it may help reduce anxiety and promote improved sleep quality. Valerian Root Extract

Ashwagandha and L-theanine

L-theanine can increase alpha brain waves connected with mental clarity. When taken together ashwagandha and L-theanine can promote a state of restfulness and improve sleep quality. Nootropic Complex containing Ashwagandha and L-Theanine

Ashwagandha and Chamomile

Chamomile tea is a well-known herbal remedy for sleeplessness. While ashwagandha helps reduce stress, chamomile has a calming effect on overactive thoughts. Taken together they can help prepare you for a restful sleep. Unwind Tisane – to relax and calm. Containing camomile and other calming herbs.

Ashwagandha with Lavender and Frankincense Oil

Support ashwagandha by applying sleep herbs in the form of a pulse point oil to help gently soothe you to sleep. Sleep Pulse Point Oil

Make Ashwagandha Part of Your Bedtime Routine

Physical Health Archives (35)

If you are someone who finds it a struggle to fall asleep and sometimes lie awake for a couple of hours or more waiting for sleep to come, you may find it helpful to learn a few techniques to emerge from the latest scientific research on sleep.

The first thing to establish is what insomnia clinic jargon terms ‘sleep stability’. This simply means setting your bedtime to the same time every night and setting your waking up time at the same time every morning. This routine applies even at weekends or during holidays and it settles your body clock into a cycle that your brain understands, and your body responds to.

How much sleep you need is a very individual thing. The allotted eight hours per night is just a very rough guide as everyone is different in their needs. If you find it hard to achieve this eight-hour mark, don’t be too concerned, you probably don’t need that much and its far worse to worry about it than just be comfortable with the hours your brain and body seem to want. Obsessing about not sleeping causes you not to sleep!

Many people use over-the-counter sleep medication, but most off these drugs can lead to dependency. This is where ashwagandha can give natural, non-addictive support. In addition, try to adapt to a few basic good sleep habits such as:

  • Not drinking caffeine in the evening
  • Not exercising too late at night
  • Not drinking alcohol just before bedtime
  • Avoid snacking late at night

If you are still finding it hard to ‘drop off’, then rather than just lying there, it’s best to get up. Sleep scientists have established that it’s a bad thing to stay in bed when you are sleepless as it makes your brain associate bed with feelings of anxiety and the dread of hours of wakefulness. If you lie awake for fifteen minutes or more it’s recommended that you get up and go into another room not normally associated with sleeping. This change of scene for a short while will break the cycle. Maybe read something pleasant and non-troubling or listen to some music. You could perhaps do a short meditation or some gentle chair yoga.

It is also strongly recommended not to put on bright lights during the night as they will give your brain the message that sleep-time is over. Even if you just get out of bed to go to the bathroom, if you put on bright lights it will make it harder for you to get back to sleep. This is an important part of resetting your body clock.

Physical Health Archives (36)

The importance of light in terms of sleep stability has been found to be hugely important. Three American scientists, named Hall, Rosbash, and Young, won the 2017 Nobel Prize for their work on this subject. They discovered that natural light is vital to keeping our body clock in tune with its 24-hour rhythm. Exposure to the blue light of dawn and dusk are signals needed by your brain for its sleep/wake rhythms. Their findings suggest that minimising exposure to artificial lights such as TV and PC screens etc, and increasing time spent in the natural light of dawn and dusk will help sync your internal clock and allow your brain to set a consistent sleep pattern.

They compared our circadian rhythms to a time before the invention of clocks and artificial light, when it was likely that people, like animals and plants, slept to a more biological time frame.

Researchers in the field of circadian biology reported that the findings of the three scientists ‘had a major influence on their work in human health and medicine. Alzheimer’s, depression, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), heart disease, obesity, diabetes and other metabolic issues are among the many conditions that appear to be linked to circadian rhythms being out of whack.’

Ashwagandha has been found to be a natural help to regulating the sleep/wake cycle, promoting a more consistent sleep pattern. It has also been shown to increase levels of melatonin, a hormone that helps when you are struggling with circadian rhythm sleep disorders.

How to Use Ashwagandha for Sleep

Physical Health Archives (37)

If you wish to incorporate ashwagandha into your sleep routine, there are some things to keep in mind. Firstly, choose a supplement from an ethical and trusted supplier as the process by which the extraction of active compounds from the ashwagandha root is carried out is critical to its efficacy.

Here are a few suggested pointers to help you incorporate ashwagandha into your routine:

  • When to take Ashwagandha - It’s fine to take ashwagandha at any time of day but when using Ashwagandha for sleep, taking it in the evening can help promote a more restful sleep. Try taking ashwagandha as part of your bedtime routine. After a short while this will help signal to your body that it’s time to wind down and relax.
  • Relaxation - Combining ashwagandha with relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises or meditation can increase its effectiveness in promoting sleep.
  • A calming environment - Create a calming sleep environment. A tidy, uncluttered room with neutral or light colours will encourage restfulness.
  • Quality mattress - Investing in a good quality mattress with the perfect degree of support for your body makes a huge difference to your night’s sleep. Try different pillows until you find one that feels just right.
  • Temperature - Your bedroom needs to be warm enough in winter, but not hot. It needs to be cool in the summer. Getting the temperature right for the season is well worth paying attention to.
  • Caffeine and Alcohol - Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bedtime and if you can eat early enough so that your digestive system isn’t working overtime to process your supper, that will help too. Indigestion is not great for peaceful sleep.
  • Stimulation - Try to avoid watching, listening or reading anything too stressful or stimulating that will linger in your mind as your brain prepares for sleep.

Our ashwagandha root capsules are made using KSM-66 which is the highest concentration, full-spectrum root extract available. The roots of the ashwagandha plants used for our supplement are pre-treated in a process leading to retention of both hydrophilic and lipophilic components of the raw root. This results in a full-spectrum extract of extremely high potency.

Read more about our Ashwagandha Root Extract Capsules

Cautions When Taking Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is a very safe herbal supplement with very few side effects reported. Its effectiveness has certainly stood the test of time. However, as with most herbal supplements there are certain instances where it may not mix well with pharmaceutical medications.

  • Ashwagandha could cause short-term effects such as drowsiness, headache and stomach upset.
  • It is not advisable to take ashwagandha during pregnancy as it could possibly cause miscarriage. It is also recommended not to use ashwagandha if you are breastfeeding as there is not sufficient evidence yet to prove it is safe.
  • For anyone with stomach ulcer or liver disease, ashwagandha is not for you and could result in long-term liver damage.
  • Anyone with autoimmune diseases should avoid ashwagandha as it has immunomodulatory properties.

Ashwagandha Interactions with Medications

There are certain instances when taking ashwagandha may prove very helpful, but medical management is advised:

Ashwagandha and Thyroid

Studies have shown that ashwagandha could help restore the correct balance of thyroid hormone levels if you have hypothyroidism. However, if your problem is hyperthyroidism, it could make your symptoms worse.

If you have thyroid issues, it is best to check with your GP before taking ashwagandha.

High Blood Pressure

If you are taking medication for lowering blood pressure then ashwagandha, which also lowers blood pressure, could make your BP fall too low. Be sure to keep a daily check on your levels and if your pressure is reducing, your GP may wish to suspend or lower your blood pressure meds.

Type-2 Diabetes

A review of 24 studies, including five clinical studies with participants suffering with diabetes, found that ashwagandha significantly lowers blood sugar. If you are already taking medication for type-2 diabetes, you may find that taking ashwagandha will lower your blood glucose still further. In view of this, it’s a good idea to talk to your diabetes team about the possibility of reducing your medication to establish the correct levels.

Ten Key Takeaways

  • Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb used for centuries in Ayurveda medicine.
  • Ashwagandha can help reduce stress and anxiety levels, increase relaxation, and balance cortisol levels.
  • Ashwagandha can promote deeper, restful sleep and regulate sleep/wake cycles.
  • Taking ashwagandha before bedtime can increase its effectiveness in promoting sleep.
  • Combining ashwagandha with relaxation techniques may enhance its effects.
  • Creating a calming sleep environment can make ashwagandha more effective.
  • Ashwagandha can be as effective as pharmaceutical sleep medications for sleep disorders.
  • Always consult a doctor before taking ashwagandha if you are taking thyroid medication or if you are being treated for diabetes or high blood pressure.
  • Ashwagandha is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for sleep disorders.
  • Combining good sleep habits with ashwagandha can lead to better quality sleep and overall mental wellbeing.

If you are struggling with sleep issues or if you have high stress in your life, incorporating ashwagandha into your sleep routine is a natural, non-addictive, and effective way to promote relaxation and rejuvenation.

Read our blog on The Importance of Sleep

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When it comes to keeping you informed on health and nutrition, we’re here for you and aim to help where we can. If you would like to discuss any aspect of using natural supplements, or would find advice helpful, please feel free to contact us on 01297 553932.

Physical Health Archives (2024)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.